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why do scotsmen
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KEITH H | Report | 4 Dec 2006 19:41 |
very good raven so its a skirt |
Raven | Report | 4 Dec 2006 19:39 |
'The Breacan an Fhéilidh or Féileadh Mòr was originally a length of thick woollen cloth made up from two loom widths sewn together to give a total width of 1.5 m, up to 5 m in length. The great kilt, also known as the belted plaid, was an untailored draped garment made of the cloth gathered up into pleats by hand and secured by a wide belt. The upper half could be worn as a cloak draped over the left shoulder, hung down over the belt and gathered up at the front, or brought up over the shoulders or head for protection against weather. It was worn over a léine (a full sleeved garment gathered along the arm length and stopping below the waist) and could also serve as a camping blanket.' from Wikipedia... |
KEITH H | Report | 4 Dec 2006 19:35 |
wear skirts / kilts lol |