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Name Stealer On Genes

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Paul Report 28 Nov 2006 14:08

I don't think it's a case of 'Owning' someone on a tree. You cannot own someone. However, you can OWN the names on your tree. You give people permission to VIEW your tree, not to copy every living person from your tree to theirs. You cannot pass the permission onto someone else. If I was to give someo £20 to go to the bar, and buy us a round of drinks, I wouldn't expect them to then go buy someone else a drink with my money. It's the same situation.

♥†۩ Carol   Paine ۩†♥

♥†۩ Carol Paine ۩†♥ Report 29 Nov 2006 20:10

Am nudging for new member.


Dorothy Report 30 Nov 2006 05:02

In my humble opinion Genes Reunited are in breach of their own Terms & Conditions by enabling others to access our trees if we fail to untick the relevant box. In the new Conditions quoted here see reference to EXPRESS PERMISSION in (b) below. By changing the layout to automatically include permission, GR have taken it upon themselves to grant permission unless members indicate otherwise. The particular problem in this chain would never have arisen if GR had not changed the format. In my 'window' for writing messages the tick box does not appear without scrolling down the message page, which is why it can be unintentionally overlooked in the excitement of having located another possible connection. (B) Full Members (i) Core Service Use and Benefits for Full Members Full Members may: (a) send email messages to both Standard and Full Members; (b) view the family tree of other Standard and Full Members where express permission has been given by that other Standard or Full Member.

Claire in Lincs

Claire in Lincs Report 30 Nov 2006 06:32

Someone who is linked to me had my parents on her tree but had assumed that they were both born around about the same time and in the same area,,In fact there was 13 years and over a hundred miles between them,,,it took a couple of e-mails to get het to change it,,,but it made me mad,


Caroline Report 30 Nov 2006 08:52

Morning Dorothey and Claire....... I think what GR have done with the permission box is totally wrong, like you say Dorothy, you get all excited when you find a person you dont think of scrolling the page down that little bit more to UNTICK the box, but then i never have unticked it....until now....i always make sure that i do when contacting someone for the first time. Claire, im in the same boat as you, this Samantha has changed the spelling of my sons name (because i obviously dont know how to spell it), changed a birth year for my dads brothers 2nd wife...because her birth year was a couple of years difference from his daughters this Samantha put it upon herself that i got the date wrong and put 20 years difference between them, another one of my dads sisters has 2 children with 2 different dads....not on this Samantha's tree...the 2 kids have the same dad now !!!!! I cant see what other things she has altered because i dont have access to her tree, i go by what a contact on here is telling me (she got access to her tree) and then check it when i put the people's names in the search bar. OH.....and to top everything off.....GR sent me an email yesterday saying that they have mislaid my email with the list of names etc on and could i resend it..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Claire in Lincs

Claire in Lincs Report 30 Nov 2006 08:55

Caroline,, It makes me so mad wen others harvest your tree,, I hope you get it sorted out, She's a bit of a cheeky mare isnt she,,


Caroline Report 30 Nov 2006 08:59

Hi Claire, well i have to email Genes with the list AGAIN, so hopefully after i have done this the names will be deleted by next week. Cheeky Mare.... does'nt even cover what i think of her, especially as she has'nt even got the manners to contact me.


Roger Report 30 Nov 2006 09:18

Are we missing the point here? If people are related they have as much right to add names including all our relatives on their tree. BUT they don't have the right to put living relatives on their tree WITHOUT permission of that person concerned, that includes you. So I wish Genes would have a clause in their rules saying do you have written permission to include living people in you tree, if not please remove them from your tree. Yes I have a person who has my living rellies on her tree and she will not remove them and she says I gave her permission by allowing her to see my tree and said that to the powers that be her word against mine comes to mind.


Caroline Report 30 Nov 2006 09:54

Hi Roger, she has got me mad because i first contacted her several weeks ago now (beginning of October), she came up in my Hot Matches with 1 rellie (Mustoe), i contacted her about the person and did'nt untick the permission box for her to see my tree (i never have done...until now), forgot all about her because she never got back to me, a contact of mine on here got in touch with me asking if i knew who this female was because she had came into her Hot Matches with a list of names including me, my sons, hubby etc etc....i said no to my contact because i forgot all about contacting this female. So my contact sent her a message asking her how was she connected to which this Samantha replied 'im not sure, its too complicated to explain' !!!!!!! So i got in touch with her asking who she was...she replied saying 'sorry i did'nt get in touch i've just started Uni, i think we have a connection'.......she THINKS we have a connection !!!!! it did'nt stop her from taking 85 names of living idea of how many dead THINK we have a connection...BUT she has'nt taken the names from the direct line from me to whoever this Mustoe was.....she has gone and taken names from my mums side and my dads side....the Mustoe is on my mums side of the tree, but she has taken my dad, his parents and his siblings and their kids etc...WHY ????? they aint nothing to do with the Mustoe rellie... I did get back in touch with her and asked her to remove the names and also said that i'd been in touch with the site asking them to remove the names (to which they have informed me they have mislaid my email and im to resend it...GREAT), she never got in touch and my contact noticed that last week she added 4 more names to her tree, so in order for her to add more names to her tree she must have seen my message asking her to delete the names.....and ignored it because the names are still there. Hope everything makes sense, im still mad about having to type out the flipping names again and im not thinking straight...pmsl


Caroline Report 30 Nov 2006 11:15

Just sent my 2nd email off to Genes, fingers crossed they dont lose this email, getting a bit boring typing the list of names, dates and places out. So fingers crossed the names should be deleted by next week....


Caroline Report 1 Dec 2006 09:15

YIPPEEEE, at last the names have been taken off her to see if she gets in touch with me !!!!


Rupert Report 1 Dec 2006 10:12

I'm glad that the names you require to be deleted from the offenders tree have been. A point here is that so many posts have been made replying and agreeing or not to your notifying GR that surely she will have had time to copy the information down and can then reinstal it. I would not under any circumstances broadcast the fact that you have informed GR. By not doing so you would not alert her to what you have done. Rupert


Caroline Report 1 Dec 2006 12:23

Hi Rupert, in fact....i have just read the email properly and they have'nt deleted all the names...just me and my family....they have emailed her asking if she had permission to take the names and if she did'nt to delete if she did'nt copy the names down before....she probably will now :( copy of the email : We have removed your name and that of any of your children identified in your email from the relevant family tree, and have written to the member who owns this tree notifying him/her of this fact. In addition, we have asked that member to confirm that they have the necessary consent for the inclusion in that family tree of the other persons to whom you refer in their tree, and if this consent has not been provided then to remove the details of the relevant person or people from that family tree. How can either one of us prove i did or did'nt give her permission to take the names........... CAZ

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 1 Dec 2006 12:51

Caz No, she has to prove that she has THEIR permission, not yours...that will be interesting. She can only copy more details from your tree if you have left it open to her, which you haven't of course. In my early days on here, I opened my tree to anyone. Someone copied the lot and put it on Ancestry. How do I know they copied it and didnt research it for themself? Because - in my notes about a particular person I had written: 'I have a copy of a letter sent to me from the Archivist at Lancashire County Records Office, which states bla blah blah' These words were repeated on the Ancestry tree, exactly as I had written them! I was beside myself with fury and my tree has remained closed to ANYONE ever since. Just wonder what he would do if anyone asked to see the letter? OC


Caroline Report 1 Dec 2006 13:02

Hi OC, well she obviously could'nt prove that she had got permission, just checked my list and randomly selected people, put them into the search bar and they are not showing next to her name..... What you should have done is ask that person about the letter, it certainly makes your blood boil does'nt it My tree is still open to a load of people, and i have always said to help themselves to any info they need......just now when i contact somebody for the first time i make sure that the permission box is unticked, until they get back to me saying wether there is a link between us or not. CAZ

Sylvia Ross

Sylvia Ross Report 1 Dec 2006 13:04

This is exactly what happened to me a couple of days ago. Genes sent me only two Hot Matches - one from a Jacqueline and another from a Jacqui (same person). I did put a thread about it on here that day. Two pages of names exactly the same as my tree, including my own, my ex-husband, my children, their partners/husbands, their children. I emailed her politely and said what connection was she looking for, as all my research has taken me a long time to do and some of it is, as yet, unverified. She came back with the reply that she was looking for her father who's surname was Baker; (my John Baker was born 1810). I am now going to email Genes because her name is still coming up with links to my tree. Sylvx


Caroline Report 1 Dec 2006 13:09

I wish you all the best Sylvia, i'd email Genes today and get it sorted.... CAZ


Caroline Report 1 Dec 2006 13:13

Yes please do Sylvia, it'll be interesting to see what they do or say about it. CAZ

Sylvia Ross

Sylvia Ross Report 1 Dec 2006 13:14

Thanks Caroline. I've just emailed them now. I'll post on here what the reply is. Sylvx


Caroline Report 1 Dec 2006 13:36

I fully agree with you about the box, you dont always remember to untick really does need to change back to how it used to be....we ticked it if we wanted people to view our tree...