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Name Stealer On Genes

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Caroline Report 27 Nov 2006 11:52

Hi everyone, on the 17/10/06 i sent a message to a female asking about a rellie (she showed up in my Hot Matches) and yes i forgot to untick the 'Allow member to view tree' (BIG mistake), forgot all about her as she never replied etc....until on another site i belong to a contact i have from here informed me that she had a female show up in her Hot Matches with a load of my names...ME AND MY FAMILY included, this was on the 3/11/06. I sent this female a message on the same day asking her about the names and on the same day she replied....sorry i have'nt been in touch blah blah blah and yes i think we have a match....THINK WE HAVE A MATCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's taken 85 names of living rellies from my tree that i can see so far and that is not including the dead ones !!!!!!! I sent Genes a letter on the 4/11/06 explaining that she has these names etc and i also sent a message to this female asking her to delete the names. On the 7/11/06 i received a message from Genes asking for a full list of any living names......on the 8/11/06 i sent the list of 85.................................................i've heard nothing more from this female or from Genes....and yes the names are still in her tree. Anybody else had this problem and how long did it take for Genes to sort it out.......OH and Genes were really quick in taking this years membership from me last week as well, pity they aint so quick on sorting this out.....CAZ