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Thanks to the undermentioned, especially
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Jess Bow Bag | Report | 9 Aug 2006 18:51 |
I went to the Coventry meet today, and I wont pretend it was easy. Yes I knew some, but not all, and very nearly Bottled out at the last moment ( thanks Gwynne!) BUT What they have made me understand is this As well as 'THEY' are not worth it, I am worth more than them. If someone physically bashes me, it hurts and may scar, a STUPID picture on a STUPID website, is just that ...STUPID. No, I may not play as big a part as I did ( spent far too much time on here anyway) I have decided NOT to be a stranger. Thanks to you all, especially the Coventry crew - Aren't the flower beds lovely there, by the way? Jess xxx PS Thanks to EVERY ONE of you that sent PM's - i cant hope to reply to them all, but the sentiment in each and everyone one of them was so reassuring. |
Jess Bow Bag | Report | 9 Aug 2006 18:46 |
Gwynne, Jess,Dawnie Lynn, Gwyn, Sheila & Sheila, although almost all of you have played a part, I've decided that they are NOT going to win. I'll continue below |