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Detox pads - please report your experiences here.
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Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 30 Jun 2006 12:40 |
Just a quick reply for now, I have searched the Chemists for months and been unable to source any pads so don't waste time trying at the mo, unless you really have the spare time. I am wondering whether to get a large amount and then I can send some off to whoever needs them if they don't use ebay. Will add more tonight. Liz |
Nolls from Harrogate | Report | 30 Jun 2006 12:35 |
Got a free pack yesterday from Dail Mail think the offer was in end of last week not tried them yet Norah ps just had a look at them on 2 in the packet ah well! |
Researching: |
Patricia_Yorkshire | Report | 30 Jun 2006 12:15 |
hello valice ... thanx for your reply ... would you send me the address please ... thanx ... Patricia xxx |
Valice in | Report | 30 Jun 2006 11:40 |
I haven't seen them in a chemist Patricia, but haven't looked either, but guess they would cost much more than the £11.49 we pay for 14 pads anyway. If anyone can't use e-bay and wants them, let me know and can give you the companies direct address to send for them. I was a naughty girl last night, having been out late last night, I didn't put any on. |
Patricia_Yorkshire | Report | 30 Jun 2006 10:40 |
Morning all .... i only got a five nite course with the make i bought have used them for four nites first three nites not a great deal as in gunk lol but last nite wore them from heel to middle of foot and boy what a lot this morning .... interesting cos i am suffering and have been since last august with heel pain (having a ultra sound on them in August) so will place in same spot tonite and see what happens ..... fingers crossed they will relieve the pain .... question please anyone know if one can purchase these say from boots etc .... hope so cos want to continue having had good result last nite Patricia xxxx |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 30 Jun 2006 07:19 |
First night with the detox pads! They came off really mucky and disgusting this morning (thanks for bag and wet wipe tip Liz!), so they're obviously doing something. I must admit that I didn't notice my sleep being any better, or feel any different really, but seeing that I've had a 2-day migraine and feeling pretty grim at the moment, it wouldn't be fair for me to make an assumption based on just one night's usage. So ....6 more nights to go, fingers crossed lol! Val ..... one of mine did that thing like yours, with the white bit in the middle, so I inspected it a bit more closely. I actually think it's working more and not less; although the surface had a white patch, it seemed much harder underneath so I think it's absorbed extra toxins. Just my opinion, will keep checking and reporting back! Mandy :) |
NannaMoo | Report | 30 Jun 2006 02:52 |
Hi Liz, I've tried body wraps, but not detox pads. I did take a look at them on e-bay when getting the wraps but wasn't sure about them. I'm tempted to try them now though, as people seem to be getting good results. :) |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 30 Jun 2006 01:12 |
Interesting the way yours work(or not) in the middle part of your foot Val. Can I just say that I contacted the detox add an i company with a query and they soon got back to me, redirecting the company's reply. I thought that was quite impressive and the fast delivery is good too. How are others getting on with theirs? Diana? Anyone else? Will be interesting to hear from you Mandy. I think when I went on the site, it said something about feeling more tired than usual to begin with. If they work and we sleep better eventually they will be worth it, Mandy, won't they? I am still suffering my vivid dreams and unrefreshing sleep at the moment, think I need to use the pads for more than a week. Liz |
Valice in | Report | 29 Jun 2006 18:23 |
got the same result on ball of foot as did on heel, last night it was back to the middle, so very carefully, held pad into arch of foot whilst sticking round, and still came up with a white middle. so guess i'll skip the middle bit in future. |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 29 Jun 2006 16:45 |
Hi Liz Ordered a week's supply of pads direct from Detoxi on Tuesday evening (as you suggested, thanks), I thought the price was very good and they arrived today. Can't wait to try them out tonight, and will make sure I have plastic bag and wet wipes to hand! Will let you know how I get on in a few days' time. Mandy :) |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 28 Jun 2006 01:36 |
Hi Valice, My pads ended up a kind of khaki coloured sticky stuff all over the pad and some of it even oozed out of the side of the adhesive. I wore mine for 10 hours as it suggests 8 to 10 and I am always asleep for a long period, or at least in bed that long. Sounds as tho you are pretty clear of toxins - might be worth mailing detoxi to ask what this means. Will be ordering some more soon and trying them elsewhere like my thighs and upper arms for instance. Will let you know when I do and what reaction I get. By the way, can't send the garden pics till o.h. around - I can't find them. Liz |
Valice in | Report | 27 Jun 2006 10:41 |
Tried my second dose of pads last night, this time on my heel to cover the legs zone, as have some cellulitis on my thighs. This morning the pads were a light brown all over, and had a sticky feel like adhesive plaster. Would I be right in saying that anyone with a lot of detoxification to do, would have more black pads with a slime on them? Incidentally, I can't comment on the sleeping aspect, as I sleep well anyway. Purple and I have the Premium Gold patches from e-bay. |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 27 Jun 2006 03:21 |
Sorry Val, wasn't trying to teach my grandmother to suck eggs!! More trying to labour the points of showing others how to use them if they have never tried before. Hope you have better results this time. Hi Mandy, Well I think Val has shown the answer to your question, cos her's didn't 'turn' so methinks they must do something. When I had the acupuncture a few weeks ago, I was given some herbal tablets to take to help detox my liver, and the smell, sort of tobaccoey was the same as the pads smell. Will certainly be trying some more. Will keep you all posted on results when I do. Liz |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 26 Jun 2006 20:28 |
I'm very tempted by the thought of having a better night's sleep! My sleep is one of the worst things about this illness so I'd be happy to buy these pads just for that one thing. Do they really work or would those ingredients turn the pads brown by themselves, without being stuck to your feet? Mandy :) |
Valice in | Report | 26 Jun 2006 20:15 |
Hi Liz Yes I did shake the powder to even it up, and I did wear socks! |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 26 Jun 2006 15:26 |
Val, hi, sounds like you are pure as the driven snow!!! lol Have another go and make sure the pad is in contact with your sole, also shake them to even out the powder before you put them on, and wear a sock to warm up your foot even more. good luck, LIz |
Valice in | Report | 26 Jun 2006 14:45 |
Had my first pads on last night, worn on centre sole part of foot, was quite surprised this morning, to find only light brown round edges of pad, with hard white lump in middle, so either i'm not very toxic, or got high insole which pad didn't reach my foot properly. Will try again tonight on different part of foot. |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 25 Jun 2006 23:55 |
Valice kindly ordered mine when she sent for hers,(thanks Val) through ebay, but I can now order direct from the company. Use the d word I wrote and add an 'i' to the end of it and then add *co*uk (change * to .) I asked them some questions and they have mailed me back very quickly. I will certainly be getting further supplies from them to detox some more. Am feeling 'different' at the moment but have other factors to take into account too, so will let you know further when I can pinpoint improvements or otherwise more accurately. Good luck, Liz |
Patricia_Yorkshire | Report | 25 Jun 2006 22:51 |
Hi purple i got some off ebay this week .... not started them yet ... intend to tomorrow nite ... will let u know ... wot make did u get can i ask xxxxx |
PinkDiana | Report | 25 Jun 2006 21:34 |
Me used some detox pads this week and I have slept better than I have in years but other than that i haven't felt any different!! Do agree with the wet wipes thing tho...... but haven't worn socks with mine and they have stayed on every night!! xx |