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The Gaynor Bear Relay has ended. 25/2/07

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Unknown Report 13 Aug 2006 22:24 didny know nuffin till Kim phoned me tonight, as I was out all day.....however sorted...I collect Gaynor and her bits tomorrow from 1,30pm...on the dot, unless i get a bit lost...or take a detour.....then I shall take Gaynor to some places of interest starting with the Falkirk Wheel for photo shoots then escort her to Fort William ...phew...i hope I do this right ;-).....Jenny dinny worry...she be fine with me XX


Woody's Report 13 Aug 2006 21:31

Hope it won't be too boring up here for her! Alas, most of our 'events' take place in the summer months, so - for my part anyway - I'll just have to take her to some of the local places of interest!


Mommylonglegs Report 13 Aug 2006 21:16

Gaynor Bear is now in Scotland. Kim from Sandhurst will be handing her over to Lemon tomorrow afternoon. Special thanks to Kim for helping me out at short notice. Your a pal. xx I would like to thank all in group 15. You all did a fantastic job of taking GB and Beau to many places of interest. Once again we have some great photographs. Extra special thoughts must go to June in Preston who was a great Co-ordinator, I was so sad that she was unable to see Gaynor Bear. June will never been forgotton for her part in the GB Relay. Gaynor and John thank you for taking care of GB and Beau and for bringing them all the way up to Penrith. Hope Sam managed to get some sleep. I have a few photographs to put on the relay site will get them on asap. There are two that just cannot be put on. Kim would kill me. For some reason two photo's taken by my Hubby of me and Kim with GB, turned out as if we were in 'The Hall of Mirrors' We have laughed that much I was in tears. Have fun Group 16. Jenny xx


Woody's Report 13 Aug 2006 09:38

Hi Jenny, yes Christine is Woody!!! Please don't worry about GBear - we regularly travel to both East and West up here! Next Saturday we're heading North (to Brora for sheepdog trials - you know, the 'one man and his dog stuff'; on Sunday we're off to Fort William for grandson's birthday, Thursday it's off to Ft Wm again, Saturday either to Jilly's in Dunfermline (so South East) or Rogart in the North (more sheepdogs!) and then Glenfinnan on Tuesday 29th. Must also get to Skye (West again) to see my mum and the Family History meetings start again in Aberdeen (East) in September, and I do like them! Once her tour of Scotland is over someone will be able to take Gbear back to you; I want a trip to our friends' in Yorkshire but can never arrange the time, maybe we'll manage soon. I need to contact the local press so any tips would be gratefully received - I like to know as much as poss before speaking to them. Christine x


Mommylonglegs Report 12 Aug 2006 23:40

Thank you Jen, no, your not alone. Jenny xx


Mommylonglegs Report 12 Aug 2006 23:38

Sorry, I just have to add this. I keep picturing Young Daniel sitting on the kitchen floor at Boro' Bab's house with her dog in his lap. I am sure CB and many others would be in stiches if they read this. Talk about a lap dog!!!! Will delete this particular post tomrrow. PMPL. Daniel if you read this, keep your hands off GB or I will personally bring Beau Bear to 'Sort you out' lol. Jenny. xx


JenRedPurple Report 12 Aug 2006 23:31

Jenny, it was a marvellous idea and carried out by so many happy GR members - big hugs to you & her pinkness. Always popping in to see what's going on but don't usually post - prolly not alone there. xx :-))))))))))))))))))) Jen


Mommylonglegs Report 12 Aug 2006 23:26

Glad to hear that Polly. I am posting to let you all know, Gaynor Bear has been a very good girl whilst on her travels. I have undressed her and checked her ALL over, not a mark on her. I have just spent the last three hours washing and drying her, and the last hour of those has been spent kneeding her back into shape, then combing her from top to bottom. She is now looking nearly the same as when I first bought her. Not a stitch on and very 'PINK' again. I have to admit, I really was shocked when I saw her today. She looked so 'Grubby and Bedraggled' I could have cried. But so chuffed that she has cleaned up so well under the circumstances, when you think just how many people have handled her and the miles she has travelled. Sorry to waffle. I am just so pleased to see her again. Thank you everyone for making my 'Silly' idea come true. Scotland peeps, you had better look after her. Lol. xx Jenny xx

Sandra B

Sandra B Report 12 Aug 2006 21:05

I assure you she will have a seperate room from Daniel !!


Mommylonglegs Report 12 Aug 2006 21:03

I have now collected Gaynor Bear and her Beau from Gaynor, John and Sam. They travelled up from Preston to meet me in Penrith. It was lovely to see you again Gaynor, and nice to meet John and Sam. xxx I shall be handing over to Kim in Sandhurst around 3pm tomorrow in Carlisle. Who will then hand over to Lemon on Monday or Tuesday. I just cannot believe the amount of luggage GB has collected, and I still have more to fetch from various people, plus what others have sent me by post. The very first thing I did was read her autograph book. I can assure you all I was in tears. I couldnt wait to go through all her things, it took me over an hour to do this. I am now surounded with clothes, badges, keyrings etc. etc. Where on earth am I going to put it all?? These belongings will all be on show at the meet up I am hoping to arrange after the relay in the UK has ended. I must go and put both GB and Beau to bed now. 'Separate' rooms, I can assue you. Tomorrow I shall do my best to sponge GB down and make her look a bit more presentable for all the Scottish members. She seems to have got smaller and rather faded in colour since I last saw her nearly 16 months ago. Only to be expected of course. Thank you everyone I am so overwhelmed. Jenny xxx

Ann L from Darlo

Ann L from Darlo Report 12 Aug 2006 09:59

Have a safe trip Jenny xx


Mommylonglegs Report 12 Aug 2006 08:13

Cheers Polly. x


Dancing Report 12 Aug 2006 07:19

Enjoy the weekend Jenny and your reunion with GB. Sheila


Mommylonglegs Report 12 Aug 2006 06:26

Good morning everyone. Sorry if I sounded a bit 'off it' yesturday afternoon and early evening. Everything has been sorted now. As planned I shall collect GB and Beau Bear from Gaynor (Gee Baby) today in Penrith. We shall have to come back home as we have no one to look after the dog. Was really looking forward to making a weekend of it. Then on Sunday we shall be going across to Carlisle to meet up with Kim from Sandhurst, who is going to Scotland and then meeting up with Lemon at the begining of the week. Kim will hand over to Lemon.... so Gaynor Bear will be in Scotland for the Fort William meet. Claire, thank you for your kind offer, but it is best if I get this done in just one weekend. Sheila, it would have been lovely to see you, but I had spoken to Kim before I got your email. Me and Ann Lazenby are hoping to come up to Edinburgh when all the festivals are over and we can find room in an Inn. Lol. It would be nice if we could meet you then. Jenny x


Dancing Report 12 Aug 2006 00:21

Jenny Have PMed you and left a message on your e-mail. Probably overkill but hopefully you will see one of them before you leave to collect GB. Sheila

Kim from Sandhurst

Kim from Sandhurst Report 11 Aug 2006 22:35

Ann Looks like it's me!!! lol Hopefully catch up with you next week Kim x


Dancing Report 11 Aug 2006 22:26

Jenny Sorry not to have been in touch, as you know I am working all day and cannot get on the boards to post. Its a bit hectic with the festival on and I am only just in to night. I am sorry to see that Rosalyn is unwell, summer colds always seem to be worse and really take it out of you. OK, it looks as if you had better bring GB to me here in Edinburgh. Is Sunday afternoon all right for you? I shall be at church in the morning and as I am on duty I shall have to go. Should be home by 1.30pm. I can PM you my address and directions if this is OK. Still not got all the responses in so will firm up a route with everyone over the weekend, and slot in any extras if we can. It will all happen, Jenny, don't worry. Sheila


Mommylonglegs Report 11 Aug 2006 20:26

Well Ann, at least your interested. I rest my case. J x

Ann L from Darlo

Ann L from Darlo Report 11 Aug 2006 17:16

Jenny Who are you handing over to this weekend---just me being nosey???


Mommylonglegs Report 11 Aug 2006 10:26

Members for Group 16 in Scotland so far. PLEASE correct me if I am wrong. Dancing Sheila. (Edinburgh area) Your Co-ordinator. Rosalyn. ( Glasgow Area) Lemon Nelly. Not exactly sure where she is, as she is always flitting about. Could she be near Falkirk? Kate. (Stirling) Marion. (Perth) Jenny and Wendy? ( Dundee) Lucia. (Montrose) Ann. (Stonehaven) Sue. ( Aberdeen) Christine. ( Inverness) Is this Woody? Christine's Sister. ( Stornaway) Rag Dolly Anna. ( Mallaig) Over the weekend I shall be updating the 'Press Release' and printing a dozen or so copies and they will be with GB and her belongings, when she arrives in Scotland. Please note, Beau Bear will not be with Gaynor Bear. I shall also be keeping a lot of GB's belongings, so she does not have too much baggage. Which reminds me. Hubby has the first two weeks in September booked as holidays. We have no big holiday plans, but we are hoping to go down into the Wales area, then to the Midlands and then across to Norfolk. so I shall be arranging to pick up all of GBs belongings from those that still have them. I believe Jess or Julie? still had some and Andy Ooop North has the 'Pink Pedal Car etc. Lol.