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The Gaynor Bear Relay has ended. 25/2/07

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Nanna Gaynor  (June nr Preston's Daughter)

Nanna Gaynor (June nr Preston's Daughter) Report 26 Jul 2006 21:58

Hi All Well, Auntie Marion has just handed 'Gaynor Bear' over to myself, Uncle John, Samantha and Gaynor's beloved 'Beau Bear' at St Catherine's Hospice in Lostock Hall, near Bamber Bridge, Preston. A very nice man called John Nickson (Head of Appeals) let Gaynor and Beau ride in his TVR sports car! Some photo's were taken which we will add to the official 'G' Bear Website and also a write up was in the Lancashire Evening Post tonight. Some digi pics will be emailed to them, the Citizen and the Chorley Guardian also. We were so pleased to collect 'Gaynor Bear' tonight, Mum had been looking forward so much to seeing her, it's such a shame that she missed her by just 3½ weeks. I'm sure she must have somewhere close by watching and smiling. 'Gaynor and Beau' are as we speak sitting on June's settee in her living room having some 'quiet time' together. Well I'll keep you posted.... xxx I love you Mum xxx Gaynor (June nr Preston's daughter) xxxx


Mommylonglegs Report 26 Jul 2006 08:58

Good morning all. Not around yesturday, as me and Hubby had the day out, as it was the only day of his weeks holiday we are able to do so. Due to baby being induced as I speak. Just before leaving yesturday the Lancashire Evening Post rang me. I am sure you will all be seeing something in the newspaper. Will be around all day today. An excited Jenny. xx


Marion Report 25 Jul 2006 19:58



Marion Report 25 Jul 2006 11:59

Good morning Gaynor and all have emailed LEP and Citizen the press release. Citizen states they cannot promise anyhing especially photos cause the time of the event is outside working hours????? thought news was 24 hours but whatever... Have just come off the phone to Laura and she says there will be a write up in LEP but they also cannot promise having anybody ther cause of staff shortaces holidays ect... Looking forward to seeing as many of the supporters as can get there. I am meeting Gaynor about 7.15 at St Cath's Will have A LOOK AT ALL HER CLOTHES AND SEE WHAT SHE GOT TO WEAR FOR THE OCCASION . OOPS Have to go to work now catch you later Marion and GB.X.


Mommylonglegs Report 25 Jul 2006 07:28

Good morning everyone. As you can see the next handover will be at 7.30pm at Saint Catherine's Hospice on Wednsday 26th July. Where Marion will hand over to Gaynor, June's Daughter. Gaynor it was lovely to speak to you last night. I will ring you this evening as promised. Marion, GB should have a Bikini in her bag somewhere, it is 'pink' Clair or Jack put it in. Diane, I have got your GR pm, but not any emails via my main email address. Jenny. xx

Nanna Gaynor  (June nr Preston's Daughter)

Nanna Gaynor (June nr Preston's Daughter) Report 24 Jul 2006 19:06


Nanna Gaynor  (June nr Preston's Daughter)

Nanna Gaynor (June nr Preston's Daughter) Report 24 Jul 2006 13:35

Hi all The appeals co-ordinator for St Catherine's has phoned me this morning, we have arranged a time of 7:30pm on Wednesday 26th July 06 for hand over of Gaynor Bear from Marion to myself. He asked about the local papers, Lancashire Evening Post and The Citizen so I said I would try to contact them - I hope it's not too short notice, (will be back in work in about 20 mins - just nipped home at lunchtime to update so will have to call them either tonight if they are open (I finish work at 6pm) or tomorrow morning about 8:30am. I just want to make sure they know Mum's connection with Gaynor Bear aswell though. Gaynor (June nr Preston's daughter)xxx


Marion Report 24 Jul 2006 11:48

Good morning to you all, Gaynor thats good news (hopefully), Been to the school clinic this morning with Craig while he had his dental app' . all good news his braces are due off in about 5 mths. Just searching my bags to see if i've got bikini or swimsuit so i can catch some rays if i have'nt Marions going to get me one in the sales and some sunspecs..Pink of course. Love to all my friends far and near Gaynor Bear.x.x.x. Catch you later P.S. Diane no only 4 people up to now have asked for address to send cheque, Going on the relay site to see if any luck there. M...x.

Nanna Gaynor  (June nr Preston's Daughter)

Nanna Gaynor (June nr Preston's Daughter) Report 24 Jul 2006 08:51

Hi Just to keep you up to date, I have spoken to St Catherine's Hospice this morning, telling them all about 'G' Bear and my Mum. I asked them if it would be ok to do the hand over from Marion to myself one evening this week before Thursday at the hospice. She said she didn't think it would be a problem and is phoning me back to confirm. I will be at work all day but as soon as I know something definate I will let you know. Jenny, I will ring you and please don't worry about the hand over from me to you, we will sort something out. Love Gaynor :) xxx


Diane-Lee Report 24 Jul 2006 08:03

Hi Marion & GB Sorry wasn`t on yesterday so missed the thread. Anymore luck with the Bedtime buddies? Hope GB managing to keep cool-Harry sends XXX and says to have lots of ice lollies to keep cool:)) Jenny did either of the 2 emails ever arrive? Must be floating around in cyberspace:(( Love Diane :))


Mommylonglegs Report 23 Jul 2006 09:47

Good morning everyone and Gaynor Bear. Marion that salad sounded wonderful. Thank you for keeping us all up to date on what GB has been up to. GB I am so pleased that you have made all these new friends. I am sure they will always remember you. I was just about to nudge the thread for Nyneve so she can read all about GB's antics. She says she may be able to attend the 'Wedding' I shall be telephoning the 'Old Black Smith's Shop first thing in the morning again. Hopefully I shall then be able to give you all a definate date. I am thinking about the second Saturday in September. Speak again later. Jenny xx


Marion Report 23 Jul 2006 09:35

Good morning Mommy and everyone, Well after i posted on here last night Marion got me sponged down and ready for bed , I sat and watched Twister with a cushion for the scary bits while Marion did some jobs, she put some washing on and found out later it hadn't washed. Oh dear broken washer so we will be going to buy a new one today . Marion says. 1st the chest freezer ,2nd the washer, What next if it comes in three's ? It was a sticky night but we've had some rain so cool a the moment . Lots of love and hugs to all my friends far and near. Gaynor bear.x. Harry this is for you .X. What with you Cameron and Jake I have made some special friends in Lancashire all good looking boys ....what's a girl got to do GAYNORBEAR.X.


Marion Report 22 Jul 2006 19:10

Hello everyone, Just arrived back from Manchester and had my tea, Salad, New Potatoes and Thick Honey Roast Ham, delicious. I have had such a wonderful time my friend Cameron arrived from Reading for teatime , and he's looked after me very well. He played on his bike while i was very lady like and drove the car. This morning after breakfast we had a walk to the local paper shop with Camerons Grandad and Nanna and then we called round for Jake another handsome boy of this family. After lunch we went to the park and took Max the big Collie cross with us it was fun but hot we had iced tea to cool down then came home. In no time at all it was time to take Cameron to Manchester to his parents . We all piled in the car and went to the Velordrome at Sports City a huge building, there was lots of people on bikes going round and round this big track just like you see on the telly. From there we said our goodbyes to Cameron and his family so they could go back to Reading. We are all tired but have had a lovely day and have got some wonderful pictures . From Gaynor Bear to all her Friends far and near.x.x.x. Jenny, I think your right to want to be there for such a young mum, but she may sail thru everything and come out smiling .. either way the relay can wait or be put on hold for a short while. Take care of your self . Best wishes Marion.x.


Diane-Lee Report 22 Jul 2006 18:44

Just a nudge Diane x


Dancing Report 22 Jul 2006 16:52

Jenny, Sorry none of us Scots have ben back on, I missed this one this morning. I think too, we have been trying to get our heads round Jilly's situation, and none of us are in gear for this. Please don't worry. As others have said, the Relay will happen.Your family must come first and I agree with you, you will have to be around for Toni and son (sorry don't think I know his name!). Regarding the hotel, are you sure they won't refund, especially given the circumstances? I would have thought that at this time of year they would have had no problem letting rooms. By the way, I think a Gretna 'wedding' meet is a great idea, and I have posted on that thread. Good luck for Wednesday/Thursday to you and your son and his partner. Take care. Sheila


Mommylonglegs Report 22 Jul 2006 15:07

I have just had to make a decision. Son's Partner is going to be induced on Wednesday 26th. Four weeks earlier than her due date. So I expect my Granddaughter to be born late Wednesday or on Thursday. I am presuming she could be home by the weekend. I had planned to go to pick GB up from Gaynor, that weekend. I have just found out that Toni, Sons Partner's parents are away on a weeks holiday starting Saturday 29th. Toni is only 18 years old, and I think I should be around when she comes out of hospital, especially as her Mum will not be around. Ok we will lose £100 that we have paid for the hotel. Luckily that is not a problem. So I shall now not be able to pick GB and Beau up from Gaynor until the following weekend. Gaynor I hope that is OK? Bl**dy great, at long last my turn comes to pass GB on and I cannot deliver. From the day I passed GB on to Jean in Washington 16 months ago, she was the second person in the relay, I have so looked forward to seeing GB again. Sorry GB, i will see you soon. Jenny. xx


Diane-Lee Report 22 Jul 2006 12:15

Hi Jenny, Look leave it as it is for now-no one can predict at the moment what is going to happen with the baby . Any change and you can let me know on friday night , I can then amend plans as needed. It`s a wonder you haven`t made yourself ill ,it doesn`t matter to anyone how long it takes to complete GB Adventures and I`m sure people who are waiting will understand this and still enjoy having GB whenever they get her:)) Harry and mini GB send a big hug back to you-that was so kind of you and we really appreciate it:)) Love Diane xx


Mommylonglegs Report 22 Jul 2006 11:51

Nudging one last time, for the Scotland group to give me their views. I have booked and paid for two nights in Blackpool for Friday 29th and Saturday 30th. To collect Gaynor Bear and Beau Bear from Gaynor. Money is not refundable if I have to cancel. Just five hours after booking, I find out My Son's baby is going to be induced four weeks early on Wednesday 26th. What can I do??? Shall I take Dianne and Lee's offer They say they can get to Gaynor and pick both up, and just met them at Gretna Geen, as they pass through on the way to their holiday???? Sorry to be such a pest. Jenny xx

Sunny Rosy

Sunny Rosy Report 21 Jul 2006 14:49

Jenny. I shall look forward to Gaynor and Beau's wedding at Gretna, what a lovely idea and the publicity would be great. Sunny R


Marion Report 21 Jul 2006 14:30

Hi folks Sorry it's late today but had a really hectic schedule. i'm really sorry to hear of all the peoples ill health and problems that's happening lately I'm in the same boat with my hubby's problems . I f thres anything i can do to help in any way just Jenny i'm in agreement with everyone whatever you decide is O.K. Maybe we all need time-out to recharge our batteries..... Gaynor bear reporting ... Just waiting in anticipation for this blonde haired ,blue eyed boy to arrive from Reading I've got my lovely lilac party dress on with my name badge and im looking good if i say so myself. A huge hug and lots of kisses to all my devoted friends near and far .x.x.x.x.x.Gaynor bear. God bless all our friends . My thoughts are with you. Marion and family.x.