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Oh dear I'm in such a turmoil!
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McAnne's Gahan-Crazy | Report | 15 May 2006 18:35 |
Whimper ............................. snuffle snuffle |
Sandra B | Report | 15 May 2006 18:34 |
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! poor doggy !!! |
Cherry | Report | 15 May 2006 18:34 |
No Ladies, it's worse than that! Had a phone call from Andy, not a text, saying that they'd stopped at a petrol station to fill up on their way to Heathrow en route to Miami. Anne went into the shop to buy last Friday's copy of the Star and a packet of Wrigley's and bumped into the most notorious roue in the South of England, none other than Charlie Farnes-Barnes himself. Apparently, bold as brass, she waltzed out on his arm and sidled into his yellow Lambourghni, then they sped off up the motorway. Andy's a bit miffed as he'd already given Anne GGrandma's diamonds. I wouldn't mind myself 'cos most of it was a bit ostentatious but I always favoured the tiara. I just don't know where I've gone wrong with this boy, sob, sob!!! |
McAnne's Gahan-Crazy | Report | 15 May 2006 18:32 |
*tail hanging down* *looking out of front window* Woof ... whine whine ........ snuffle snuffle Whimper whine whine ............. *pawing* Woof .... snarl ....whine whine ........... whimperrrrrrrrrrr Translation: when's my daddy coming home ........... |
Debi Coone | Report | 15 May 2006 18:11 |
Am I reading this right? The Mr & Mrs to be have run off? They are denying us a wedding? after all that hard work yesterday? PMSL Mags I'll have the black leather suit.........don't know if there is gonna be room for me let alone TWO though ............ |
Mags | Report | 15 May 2006 17:55 |
Huh! I've cancelled it all now, Cherry, and decided to stay fat and with the old man. He doesn't mind the wrinkles. He can't see them anyway without his glasses. The leather cat suit thingy works well as a funky gazebo with the addition of four stout bamboo poles up the arms and legs. There's plenty of room for a table and a couple of loungers inside, so it's not as though it's money wasted. Shame about the Ferrari *sighs* but I expect I'd have needed a shoe horn to get in it and physiotherapy if I managed to get out. The bit in between might have been interesting though *bigger sigh* *wonders if it's possible in a Ferarri* Never mind. I'll just have to console myself with the fact that, instead of England, now I can lie back and think of Andy instead. LOL Mags xx |
Barbara | Report | 15 May 2006 17:47 |
Don't worry Gretna will still be closed......they'll all still be coming back from the cup final.................. |
Deanna | Report | 15 May 2006 17:39 |
When the h*ll did all this happen?? BC do you really think they have eloped?? I'm so upset, I was looking forward to that wedding... I don't get out much! And Mags you had me in stitches.... but I'd beat you on the lipo stakes!! Deanna X ;-0) |
McAnne's Gahan-Crazy | Report | 15 May 2006 17:34 |
*exits through front door* Flamin' eck ................. *looks skyward and curses giant seagull* |
McAnne's Gahan-Crazy | Report | 15 May 2006 17:33 |
*reading from note pad* Package for Mrs Tradewell !!!!! 'Ere you are Missus - one ivory meringue dress with diamond encrusted tiara and veil ............... Lady asked for a size 12 - but between you and me duck, she was being a bit hopefull, but there's always liposuction aint there ? Ha ha ha *guffaws* Oh yeah and matching Nike trainers in this bag ere luv -most specific about them she was - hope she ain't finking of doin a runner - eh eh *winks and nudges elbow* The phone numbers on the box for when she wants it letting out a size or too ................... tarra doll |
Cherry | Report | 15 May 2006 16:17 |
Mags that is oh so funny pmsl! How do you think I feel? I've still got his barmy dog who's just stolen a stale croissant I threw in the bin, steamed up the garden and buried it! I should steer well away if I were you, think yourself lucky that you've had a narrow escape and enjoy your new found beautyxx plenty more fish in the sea or Ferrari's in the car park |
DIZZI | Report | 15 May 2006 16:09 |
CHRISTINE Thats great i forgot about the pressie,,rather parcial to a trinket or two maybe three or four |
Researching: |
Mags | Report | 15 May 2006 16:06 |
I am really really upset! *pouts big style* I'd got liposuction (8 stones worth), chemical peel (get rid of wrinkles) AND a face lift booked PLUS a divorce pending and now he's piggin' well run off with that Anne woman! I am gutted! - and believe me, I have a lot of gut to ed !!! Mags (no x's cos I'm fed up!) P.S. Anyone want to buy a black leather all in one with lots of zips? Suit two sharing. |
Sandra B | Report | 15 May 2006 16:01 |
Bring me an autographed bottle and I will forget it...I didn't even get their autographs that day or a photo.....tongue hanging out... |
Sandra B | Report | 15 May 2006 15:57 |
Truce over !!! |
Sandra B | Report | 15 May 2006 15:53 |
I heard that too, poor lad....OK ,truce we can share him...But no one else gets a look in....! |
Cherry | Report | 15 May 2006 15:51 |
Not this time Christine, the seagull had been eating a kebab with lashings of onions Polly Anna, I'm watching you, only reason you lept at the Barbados idea was so you could sneak off to Cliffe's pad, wasn't it? Go on admit it!!!! |
DIZZI | Report | 15 May 2006 15:49 |
dont know about good luck ,having bird poo on you happened to me an that day i found out i was pregnant. oh dreams of getting a lotus car went right out of the window and its a b**** to get out of your hair |
Researching: |
Sandra B | Report | 15 May 2006 15:44 |
I have drooled over him a couple of times...He likes me, thinks I am funny....Honest , have met him and the shadows a couple of times...One to one...I stood there like a lemon and couldn't say a word....totally dumbstruck and they laughed.....MINE.... |
Cherry | Report | 15 May 2006 15:39 |
I've just met with an unfortunate accident so maybe everything will change for the better! Bringing the washing in and a seagull has just cr**ped on my barnet fair. One of the hazards of living by the seaside. Best course of action is to make for the shower!!!!!!!!!! You all think I'm lying but I ain't. I'll take the phone with me just in case the lovebirds call. Be back laterx |