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Oh dear I'm in such a turmoil!
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ButtercupFields | Report | 15 May 2006 14:55 |
OMG you don't think they have eloped?!!!!! *wails....they just can't...have bought my wedding outfit already! There was a sale on at Primark.... *sobs..... |
Cherry | Report | 15 May 2006 14:47 |
When my dearest Andy phoned last night to check on his Pepper I decided that the shock of his impending marriage without warning to dear Anne might be too much for him, so I ‘fessed up to all the arrangements we had made behind his back. I’m not quite sure what he said but I think I could make out some rather unpleasant building site expressions indicating that he was not best pleased with his old Mum. He then asked me to send her picture to his mobile. I only heard “Phwooar” and then the signal went. I’ve tried calling both him and dear Anne but their phones appear to be underwater. DH has been round to Anne’s house but there’s no one at home and the neighbour told him that they saw Anne leaving at 5.a.m. with a tall bloke and two cat baskets. Apparently they got into a Ferrari and sped off. Well, tall would match Andy’s description and he has got a Ferrari. Shall I pop out and get some more dog food for Pepper or would your advice be to wait? I was sooo hoping that the dear dog would be reunited with his Dad this evening so that I could fill in all the holes he’s dug in the garden. Pepper that is, not his Dad. Cherryx |
Cherry | Report | 15 May 2006 14:46 |
please see below |