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I have complained about adverts please sign this p

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Felicity Report 9 May 2006 22:40

Paul, I don't object to the advertising as such, but I do object to flashing and so on that makes me ill to the point that I can't use the site I've subscribed to and a site that acts like a parasite on my whole system causing it to grind to a halt with alarming regularity. Those two things will eventually lead me to not use the site at all. I can't believe I'm the only one and if enough people are affected this way they'll soon have to resolve things or have no subscribers.

Deb ( Steel City)

Deb ( Steel City) Report 9 May 2006 22:28

count me in, totally agree, especiall the Message Alert on that keeps telling me I have 1 message waiting. get that thing off my board. Paid good money for pop up block and anti virus & spyware, don't need a site I pay subscription for allowing pop ups etc. Deb


puffinsrule Report 9 May 2006 22:25

I'm with you too Marian - orble little things Dorothy


Sidami Report 9 May 2006 22:24

You have my vote, I think they get enough to run the site without all the advertising on here. Sue


Barbara Report 9 May 2006 22:23

Please add my name to the list, they drive me crazy and would certainly not influence me to use any of the products, in fact quite the contrary.....................Barbara............


Jools Report 9 May 2006 22:11

Add me too please. If I wanted to watch adverts I'd look at the telly.


Rachel Report 9 May 2006 20:55

I totally agree with you and therefore I'm adding my name. What makes me laugh is the 'Whats on ITV' box - I too busy on here to watch TV! The other week there was an advert on the right hand side showing three girls that you could supposedly meet, one dressed up as Lara Croft Tomb Raider! - I can imagine that some people on this site would be really offended by that, I wasn't too impressed myself. Thank goodness it's no longer there. We shouldn't have to put up with these adverts especially when we pay a subsciption.


Unknown Report 9 May 2006 20:52

I must be odd cos I never notice them I must have tunnel vision XX

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&#

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&# Report 9 May 2006 20:51

Crazy Browser also had ad blocker, and a pop up blocker, and it's FREE, so I don't see the ads either. As for spyware and tracking cookies, you don't have to accept them either, there are plenty of free programs around to block those. You DO still have a choice.


Joy Report 9 May 2006 20:51

:-) ............ signed Joy Dean btw - let me know when you want another DM crossword emailed to you...... :-)

Paul (Tigger)

Paul (Tigger) Report 9 May 2006 20:50

think you will find that the adds on this site or any other site for that matter are there to aid the financing of the site But if you want your subs to increase a lot more then continue LOL try get them all removed Paul


Karen Report 9 May 2006 20:47

Hello Same here x karen


MaryfromItaly Report 9 May 2006 20:47

You don't have to put up with the ads. Just use a different browser, like Firefox (with the adblocker extension) or Opera, instead of Internet Explorer.


DIZZI Report 9 May 2006 20:46

add mine please the moving ones are the worse

Frances in Norwich

Frances in Norwich Report 9 May 2006 20:45

Please add my name to the list, they drive me crazy and I had thought about writing to complain too. I try to ignore them but it is very difficult. Frances


InspectorGreenPen Report 9 May 2006 20:21

Apparently those who are not paid up members get even more adverts. I just close my eyes to them. I suppose it is put up or pay more subscription at the end of the day. At the moment all I have is bingo on the left and whats on itv on the right. Oh and Butlins on the very top but this is usually out of sight


Felicity Report 9 May 2006 20:21

I agree with all you say, Maid Marian. The flashing gives me migraines and after spending several hours working with my computer last week my husband was able to ascertain for certain that it is this site that (a) leeches memory from my computer making it necessary for me to reboot every couple of days and (b) introduces more spyware and pop-ups (and now pop-unders!!!) to my computer than all other sites/programs I use put together. It's not an encouragement to use the site by any means and if things don't improve I can see myself using it less and less until not at all. I used to have several good reasons for logging on here but soon I won't have any! :-(

McAnne's Gahan-Crazy

McAnne's Gahan-Crazy Report 9 May 2006 20:20

Add me ............. but must admit I do use the TV guide :O)


Germaine Report 9 May 2006 20:19

Yep me too. Germaine x


Lucky Report 9 May 2006 20:18

Me too.