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I have complained about adverts please sign this p

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***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 9 May 2006 20:17

yep they drive me mad too flashing and flippin add my name to list

Maid Marian of

Maid Marian of Report 9 May 2006 20:12

GR have answered by telling me to send them a screen shot of the if they do not know what ads are on this site??!! I have tried enetering the web site responsible for these ads acelerator-media dot com and my puta will not allow me to access it so must be bad it is a tracker site.........the plot thickens!!!! space I have sent this email to GR this evening: I feel I must write to make it known that I am not at all happy with the adverts that keep appearing on the GR pages, especially the ones that have the 'FART' button, Bingo and whats on ITV . I think it unfair that after having payed my subscription during the last 3 years that I have to put up with this intrusion. I would like you to give the option to GR users to opt for or against accepting these adverts and tracking (spyware) devices. I look forward to receiving your prompt reply. Please will you all back me and sign below as I would like us to be able to opt out of having these bugs on the site afterall we pay for our membership but the ads are now cluttering it up.