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Spurs food poisoning saga -Your views wanted

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Unknown Report 8 May 2006 21:23

Rosie MWAH bless you xx


Unknown Report 8 May 2006 21:22

i think if they do another football factory u would be a good leader lmao


Unknown Report 8 May 2006 21:20

Aw Rosie the lovely Chas n Dave lol. Your dad was truly a fine specimen.Wish I'd met him. Excellent taste in music too. God bless him xx


Unknown Report 8 May 2006 21:18

Fair comment AL. If pushed I don't really think it was deliberate I think I just have a persecution complex - one time we have opportunity to come out of shadows, outside forces come into play. .I agree though if it was deliberate it would be the devils own job to prove and if it was it could have been absolutely anyone. But like I say if I'm honest I think it was just sods law. Bloody shame though cos it leaves a nasty taste in my mouth xx

Glenys the Menace!

Glenys the Menace! Report 8 May 2006 21:17

Although I'm not a football fan, I do think it unfair that the match wasn't postponed. Ah! What am I saying? Me - with West Ham ancestors!! Seriously though, hope the players are feeling much better today. Does sound a bit suspish, doesn't it.


Unknown Report 8 May 2006 21:15

yes muffy i have it somewhere its goes tottenham tottenham no-one can stop then wer'e gonna gonna do it like we did last year

Animal Lover

Animal Lover Report 8 May 2006 21:13

Hiya Muffy Would depend on who/what was responsible for the poisoning. Could have been a West Ham supporter, someone who doesn't like Spurs or just a peed off member of the staff at the hotel - doesn't have to be gooner related. Whilst they may identify what caused the food poisoning, I think they'll be hard pushed to actually find the individual. If it was found to be an Arsenal fan (as mentioned earlier they can't be a true fan if they need to resort to this sort of action) the club could hardly be held responsible for the action of one nutter. It could just be a very unfortunate 'accident'. On the same note, I believe the hotel was in Canary Wharf. A few months ago one of my colleagues took a client to lunch in a restaurant there (not the hotel) and they both got salmonella poisoning! Sounds like a good area to avoid. AL

Jean Durant

Jean Durant Report 8 May 2006 21:12

Jane... I would respectfully suggest 'rested' for the bigger game for you next Saturday. Jean x.


Unknown Report 8 May 2006 21:11

Sorry Rosie babe I forgot about you there for a moment. Too busy on my soap box. LOL. What record was it ? Did you keep it ?xx


Unknown Report 8 May 2006 21:04

We have injuries too though and like I said that is part of the game of football. Food poisoning isn't xx


Jane Report 8 May 2006 21:03

Please dont forget...we also had an inferior side with a few of our 'top' players out injured!!


Unknown Report 8 May 2006 21:01

Hiya AL Not saying it is the case, but IF and big IF , it was deliberate poisoning, would you still have the same opinion. Injury is part of the game food poisoning isn't xx

Animal Lover

Animal Lover Report 8 May 2006 20:59

From what I heard on Sky Sport yesterday the game had to be played. Although a gooner, I do feel sorry for Spurs, but understand that any other club in the same situation would have had to play. Many teams, including Arsenal, have had a lot of injuries and illness this year and effectively it amounts to the same thing. I hope Arsenal go on to win the European cup, not only because I support them, but it will justify their place in Europe next year instead of Spurs. AL


Unknown Report 8 May 2006 20:50

LOL Diana, I have said before I am like Martin Jol I have broad shoulders and a strong jaw (was taken the wrong way at that time but it's true!!!!!) I posted this thread to get different opinions I have no prob at all with people expressing them !!!! Don't worry about it xx I think they played the team they intended to but they were obviously weakened bunged up with imodium and anti sickness jabs no doubt xx


PinkDiana Report 8 May 2006 20:47

Muffy - sorry may not have worded that right..... I think its such a shame that this has happened to them, if i am honest i'd like to know if they were affected how they managed to stay 90 minutes on the pitch without having to run off every 5 mins!! Did they field an inferior squad or did the players struggle on? I truly wanted them to get 4th place if only to stop the Gooners from doing it! :o)


Unknown Report 8 May 2006 20:43

Oh I don't doubt that Diana. Not at all. I have said before it MAY have been a contributing factor. You are quite right :there is no guarantee that even at full strength we would have won. Just seems a shame that they were made to play under such circumstances and as it stands now we will never know.But can you honestly say you would have been up for a game of professional football 10 hours after your symptoms started. I have had food poisoning too and it knocked me for six for days after. However I may just be a wimp lol xx


Unknown Report 8 May 2006 20:30

well its the best team im a blues gal. talking of my dad when he died i was clearing his place put and i found the tot record lolo


PinkDiana Report 8 May 2006 20:29

Food poisoning is EVIL - i know as i was once in hospital with ecoli (sp??) but I doubt there is anything they can do apart from sue for possible losses but they will probably find it hard to prove they would have won if all players hadn't been affected!! xx


Unknown Report 8 May 2006 20:26

MWAH to your Dad then, he sounds like a fine man !!!!!!!!!!! Who is your team then ?


Unknown Report 8 May 2006 20:24

pmsl muffy i always know where to go for a larf my dad was a tot fan all his life when they play i always cheer em on unless they play my team but im not really a footie person dont know whos who lol rosex