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Spurs food poisoning saga -Your views wanted
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Jean Durant | Report | 8 May 2006 13:19 |
Muffy, All sorts of conspiracy theories going about. Must admit it does seem a bit suspect when you think how carefully football clubs look after their player's food before games. Ecky thump you don't think it could have been done on purpose do you? If so who could possibly have had a motive ????? LOL Jean x. |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2006 13:18 |
LOL I think in hindsight it was possibly a mistake to hire Mrs Wenger catering company to provide the food.!!! No only joking. Foul play hasn't been ruled out. They are questioning the staff to find out if it is likely. I'm not a sore loser. We lost. That;s fine. But it has financial implications for the club as we are no longer eligible for the champions league, which would have netted us about 10 million pounds. Not to say we wouldn't have lost without the bug, but it MAY have been a factor. If it is food poisoning and deliberate, what course of action should be taken? Match to be replayed? If it is non deliberate food poisoning, then what? |
Julia | Report | 8 May 2006 13:17 |
I dot understand why the police are involced unless they suspect deliberate poisening, it is a matter for H&S to look into and then try and decide, seems to me (as a non spurs fan) that this really is a petty and spiteful thing to do 'IF' it was deliberate |
Trifley | Report | 8 May 2006 13:15 |
Sounds like food poisoning to me Were there any Arsenal players hanging around? Trifley |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2006 13:14 |
I have just read in the paper that the police have been called in to the Hotel in Docklands where Tottenham players stayed prior to their match at West Ham yesterday. Environmental officers have also taken samples of food to test for contamination. I don't know much about food poisoning so my question is how likely is it, given that 10 players went down with it, is it to be food poisioning?. And also, putting all prejudices aside. If it is food poisoning what do you think Spurs could or should do about it? |