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I need to say thank you to some people ...
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Malc /GG and Jackie | Report | 18 Apr 2006 22:56 |
Maz you will always be a friend to me and you know why. Hope you feel like I can be a friend to you when you need me. Malc xx |
Jean Durant | Report | 18 Apr 2006 22:55 |
Maz, What goes around comes around. It's because you are such a caring and loving person that people love and care for you. Jean x. |
Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 | Report | 18 Apr 2006 22:49 |
Some of you will know that this time last year I had 3 horrible things happen. Mum had a heart attack - thankfully she has just celebrated another birthday. My husband announced that he thought we should separate. Then the day he was due to move out a pipe broke in the bathroom and flooded all the downstairs. Now although I have had brilliant support from my ‘real-life’ friends and family, there are a few people on here who have helped me enormously over the past year. In fact everyone on this site has helped just by being here 24/7 and providing an escape route when things got too much. Ok here we go …. David Owen – you are the best twin anyone could have! Thank you so much babe xxxx it would almost be worth going through it all again just to be mates with you ( I can hear you retching now lol lol) Lynda Pace – for phoning me constantly to check on me and for making me laugh when I felt like crying. Karen East London – for taking the kids to and from school and providing tea and sympathy and fags when required – I miss seeing you every day. Aunty Jean – for worrying about me and e-mailing me and coming out with me and loving my brats! Rick and Jan – for generally being lovely and for giving me hope for the future. If I could find someone and be even half as happy as you two, then I would be sooo lucky. Shelli – for always being there on MSN. She Wray – for the little picture on MSN that I use to represent my ex lol and for the guardian angel and all the discs. Diana and Evie – for listening to me for hours that day when it was all still so raw. Steph – for encouraging me in my ‘parenting’ and making me feel I am doing a decent job of it. Miss seeing you on here hun xx Dee in Bexleyheath – for worrying about me and making me laugh with all the jokes And thank to everyone who (however unwittingly) has given me a word of encouragement or made me smile. I couldn’t have got through the last year without you all J)))) THANK YOU !!!! Maz. XX |
Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 | Report | 18 Apr 2006 22:48 |
Now this is a little out of character for me, but I am going to get a bit sloppy - so grab a sick bag and see below! Maz. XX ps brace yerselves - it's a long one lol |