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Profile | Posted by | Options | Post Date |
Daniel | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:54 |
I can't convince you on this, but my reason and my view is held by a number of people on here and that is why they have the word member written in capitals. I can say no more. |
Paul | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:53 |
Well Marie, if thats the case, maybe others cant go without other things to provide themselves with membership. |
Paul | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:52 |
It's not the same as stealing though is it Daniel? I wouldn't turn a blind eye no, but I just can't see how it effects people. Surely it does no harm to help them? |
Unknown | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:50 |
Actually Paul it is a lot of money to me, I went without other things to pay for my membership. :0) |
Daniel | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:50 |
It doesn't, but it's abusing the system nonetheless. If you were in a shop and you saw someone steal an item, would you turn a blind eye? It wouldn't effect you as such, but you know it's wrong, and why are you paying for things when this theif has taken advantage? It really is very similar to what sometimes happens on that board, which is called Success for a reason. There is a Trying to Find board and Records board for lookups. |
Paul | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:49 |
Marie, £9 might not be a lot to you, but to others it may be a lot! |
Zoe | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:49 |
where do you stand on people who don't pay taxes having access to our health care system? |
Unknown | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:47 |
Paul £9 is not much to pay if you are that serious about finding somebody. Every thing comes with a price. Pay it or don't have it, that's my attitude. I have said this loads of times before: I would not turn up at a members club and expect to be admitted if I hadn't paid my dues, it is not only very bad manners, it is also unfair on those that have paid. I agree with Elaine, the success board is being taken over by people trying to find and it annoys me too. |
Paul | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:46 |
I really can't see how it effects others though as individuals. I paid for genes reunited to get full access to the varity of things provided, does it matter though? And I'm not being funny, but who's job is it to enforce the rules? It's GR's not anyone else's. |
ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:43 |
Mine is directly underneath, and has been reposted a few times now usually when we have had people taking the michael...such as today |
Paul | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:41 |
Actually Elaine, didn't see you post, just Ken's. |
Daniel | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:40 |
I'm not rolling in it myself, could you pay my subs for me? Usually, If I can't afford something, I don't get it. |
Paul | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:39 |
Nope, don't think it's unfair. As I say, it doesn't really bother me. But thats not what I'm on about really. Maybe people can't afford GR. What I do think is unfair is people reporting them and getting it removed. As I say, how does it directly effect others? |
Unknown | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:38 |
Well said Daniel :0) |
ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:37 |
Are you referring to my post Paul ? or Kens or both ? for the matter, posting certain words in caps is used to make a point. Posting a whole paragraph or posting in caps is likened to shouting Today there was FIVE posts by TWO people asking for help. Both admitted on their posts as being non paying members one of the people posted FOUR times. Both KNEW they were not supposed to be posting on the board asking for help as a non member To me this is taking the Michael. We have to should they. Elaine x ps for the record, its Tourettes syndrome, and its not a condition to be mocked |
Daniel | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:31 |
Well I'm paying for something every year, as are you. They're getting help for free whilst we paid up members keep the site going. A bit unfair don't you think? |
Paul | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:30 |
You aren't paying for them, are you? I really can't see how it affects others. Surely it's nice to help people though? |
Daniel | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:27 |
Well it states that the success board shouldn't be used to advertise for look ups and stuff. After all, we are the ones paying for these guests to get help. Why should they abuse the system and get away with it. I'm not paying for them ;-( |
Paul | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:25 |
Oh, does it really matter? |
HeatherinLeicestershire | Report | 6 Apr 2006 16:24 |
Maybe Paul :)) |