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Jim's not very well.
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♫ Penny € | Report | 8 Mar 2006 14:49 |
Hi Jim Hope you are feeling a bit better today. Glad my advise helped. As you know I've been off sick & had daunting horrible paperwork jobs to do - felt better once I'd done them. Now though Hubby says I've thrown away the wrong pieces of paper :-( Penny |
Linen | Report | 8 Mar 2006 10:56 |
Hi Jim, you do sound brighter than when you first put up the thread. Shows what talking to your friends can do. Further to CBs post, how about doing some volunteering? Here in Taunton we have a volunteer bureau, where you can find out about all sorts of different things you can do. Maybe you have the same in your area. Vivienne |
Unknown | Report | 8 Mar 2006 10:32 |
Jim, Sorry, when I posted earlier, I hadn't appreciated that you'd given up work. Now I understand. When I gave up work ten years ago, after many years of having a relentlessly hectic schedule, I felt just the same. I seemed to lose my sense of direction, probably because there were so many things I'd always wanted to find the time to do, yet never had. I found I couldn't settle to anything without the structure of the routine, and I became very disorganised. I had all the time in the world to do things, so 'Why do it now?' cropped up time and again. Inevitably, things got left and I found I couldn't be bothered to do much at all. I spent my time just doing things I enjoyed, and the tasks I should have been doing didn't seem to matter any more. I became lethargic and startred feeling guilty because I was being such a slob, but somehow I couldn't shake myself out of it. Eventually, I signed up for a course at art college, and the focus returned, as I HAD to fit everything into a timetable once again. I wasn't able to complete the course, because we moved house and there were other important issues that needed to be dealt with, but once those were out of the way, I found the same lethargy and lack of direction returning - until I started researching family history. During the past 18 months, it's been a case of 'Hang the housework', and I spent most of my time doing FH research and 'socialising' on here - because I enjoy it. I'm just beginning to feel guilty again, seeing the awful state of my garden and having to rush round the house like a maniac, tidying and cleaning, before my visitors arrived last week, so as my FH contacts appear to have dried up again, I'm trying to turn my attention to other things and get organised again. For me, obviously some 'structure' is important in my daily life. Maybe it's the same for you? CB >|< |
Joy | Report | 8 Mar 2006 09:58 |
When is Collette due back, Jim? |
ButtercupFields | Report | 8 Mar 2006 09:57 |
Glad you are feeling more positive, Jim:-) We all have those grey times....XX BC |
Unknown | Report | 8 Mar 2006 09:55 |
Hi all, I am up, washed and dressed and about to go out. I think it is just that I am so used to working that I find it hard to have no direction and no pressures or deadlines to meet. Penny's advice helped a bit yesterday when she told me to get off here and start sorting out my paperwork which, I will admit, has been a bit of a daunting prospect. Once again, thanks for all your good wishes. Jim xxx |
Deanna | Report | 8 Mar 2006 09:49 |
How are you today Jim? Hope you feel better. Deanna X |
Mandy in Wiltshire | Report | 8 Mar 2006 08:52 |
Hope you're feeling a bit brighter Jim. Mandy xx |
Truly | Report | 8 Mar 2006 08:52 |
Hi jim Sorry to read how you are feeling.....TRY and think positively and please keep us posted ..... I will be thinking of you and am sending you lots of hugs (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) julie x |
June | Report | 8 Mar 2006 08:48 |
Jim, I hope you are feeling a bit better today. I hate this time of year, its very depressing, I usually go off my food too, cant make up my mind what I want. Take care. June xx |
Unknown | Report | 8 Mar 2006 08:40 |
Jim, If you're quick, there's a plane leaving Heathrow on Saturday for Morocco. I'm sure you'd be welcome on the Trek! Seriously, it's probably just the time of year, but you'd be wise to see your GP about it. Could be that a course of iron tablets or multi-vitamins would do the trick, or maybe it's a thyroid problem. That can sometime lead to the symptoms you're describing. In a couple more weeks, when Spring is properly sprung and the weathe's warmer, you'll probably get the spark back. Meanwhile, the surgery's the best place for you. Take care CB >|< X |
Roxanne | Report | 8 Mar 2006 08:14 |
Jim,Hope you start feeling better soon. Roxanne xx |
Chris Ho :) | Report | 8 Mar 2006 07:35 |
Hope you feel better soon Jim, take good care :) |
Germaine | Report | 7 Mar 2006 22:25 |
Hope you are feeling better Jim Germaine x |
Jeans Reunited | Report | 7 Mar 2006 22:19 |
Are you feeling better today Jim? Claire |
***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** | Report | 7 Mar 2006 20:57 |
jim i added to another thread, your symptoms are common with an imminant arrival, nesting instinct, you got no 10 due soon you said |
Yvette | Report | 7 Mar 2006 20:40 |
Jim, hope you are feeling brighter today. If you feel too miserable in the coming days just think of us trekkers crossing our legs til we can get back to a proper Yvette |
Pilgrim Father | Report | 7 Mar 2006 14:24 |
I sincerely hope that it is just the winter blues Jim. What's that song say - 'get yourself up - shake yourself up and start all over again!' Keep taking the tablets and all the best. |
Debi Coone | Report | 7 Mar 2006 14:11 |
Grampa ........ I think it's time you brought back your wooden spoon thread........... get well soon. My gran used to say ' well it could be worse you could be dying'.......... bet it doesn't make you feel better ( never did I ) but makes you wonder or does it? lol Much happiness Debi |
PinkDiana | Report | 7 Mar 2006 14:04 |
Oh poppet!! Get some vitamins down ya throat and get out in that lovely Pompei air!! Sending ya a HUGE pink HUG!! xx |