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my first grandchild

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June Report 5 Dec 2005 06:58

Hi Tina, How exciting! Keep us informed wont you? June xx


madammorg Report 5 Dec 2005 06:50

just had a text message at 5.56am to say my son is taking his girlfriend to hospital as she is in labour, so i might be a nana by the end of the day! just had to share this good news. tina x just got in from work, the update is that she was sent home after a couple of hours, she is in slow labour as far as we can tell, so i am still sitting by the phone checking i havent missed hearing it ringing! poor lamb looked so tired when i saw her at lunch time. will update again when i hear anything. tina x UPDATE 6.12.05 still nothing as yet 6.50am baby must be too comfy!. UPDATE 19.17 STILL NO NEWS! contactions still occuring every 3/5 mins stronger than yesterday. she was seeing the doctor at 15.00 but they have not let me know anything as yet. UPDATE 7.12.05 still no news at 11.40 am UDATE 8.12.05 <sigh> still nothing 7.01 am 11th december 2005 UPDATE. SARAH MORGAN MY GRAND DAUGHTER HAS ARRIVED! at 2.15 this morning weighing over 7lb. she is doing fine mother exhausted (ofcourse) will be vistiting them this afternoon. YIPPEEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!