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Your Opinions on Political Correctness?? Changed t
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~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:16 |
Lisa....I am the black sheep of my That means the rare one!! Jacquie xxxx |
Unknown | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:19 |
The silliest thing I've experienced was at my son's primary school in the 1980s. They had a new headmistress who was very PC, so sports day was a complete farce, as everyone got 'medals' (bits of cardboard on string hung round their necks) for taking part, and nobody actually 'won' anything. The following year, nobody even tried. It wasn't worth bothering. To this day, I still don't know why it's un-PC to call someone from Pakistan 'Paki'. If Hindus come from Hindustan and Kazakhs come from Kazakhstan, why is Pakistan different. Although I've known many Pakistani people quite well,I've never had to nerve to ask anyone for fear of offending them. CB >|< |
~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:23 |
CB...So where is the competition?? Children must have competition or they will get nowhere in the real world! I think the word Paki has become derogatory because of the way it is used the same as the N word with black people! Here they use the N word to each is their term !!! Jacquie xxxx |
Glenys the Menace! | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:39 |
I had to laugh once, at work (no, I've laughed more than once there, lol). I work with a Ugandan chap and his wife. There's another guy there who used to be known for his racism remarks, though he did it mainly as a wind-up to people he knew well. One day he was ticked-off by a senior officer for using a certain word at my Ugandan friend, albeit jokingly. She was still telling him off when Narinder walked past Terry and said 'Hi, Honkey'. They all laughed; Narinder and Terry always have this jokey banter. This PC crap gets totally out of hand, and the PC Brigade are living on another planet to my mind. |
Glenys the Menace! | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:42 |
Oh - forgot to add: we have 4 BLACK cats, and one tortoiseshell one. Perhaps I should describe the other 4 as non-tortoiseshell .............? |
BrianW | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:57 |
I have two 'invisible in the dark' labradors. Lol! IMHO PC is nothing more than Newspeak from 1984. |
Researching: |
WhackyJackieInOz | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:57 |
PC here calls whites Caucasian. It has only been in the last few years. Why not say white? It's absolutely ridiculous. When we first came to Australia we were called Poms meaning Prisoner of Mother England. I never took offence at it. Most Aussies meant it as a term of endearment. Regards Jackie |
connieonnie | Report | 26 Aug 2005 16:05 |
Oleander. I worked for a company in Oldham where 1/2 the work force were Asian. One day one of the ' white' workers reffered to one of the Asian workers as 'Paki ' , the Asian worker complained and i must agree that it was said in such a fashion as to cause offence. Anyway , a few weeks later i found a mobile phone on the table - its screen saver read - 100 % PAKI and F****** proud of it. Who did it belong to ? - Yes - the Asian who had originally complained. Think what you like !!!! |
Twinkle | Report | 26 Aug 2005 16:07 |
Political correctness was something that started out for the right reasons, but has spiralled out of control. Nobody even asks if a certain group are offended by something; they just ban it. Often the people who are meant to be offended are just as baffled as the rest of us. Take 'chairperson' - as a female, I have never felt demeaned by the word 'chairman' and I don't think it's sexist. I've never met anyone who does. Someone earlier mentioned ethnic groups. Why are black Americans called African-Americans, but white Americans not European-Americans? Aren't they all just Americans? |
Unknown | Report | 26 Aug 2005 16:16 |
I agree with you, Twinkle. People are called 'Chairs' now to get round having to say 'man' or 'woman'. If it were me, I'd rather be called a Chairman than a piece of furniture! LOL I'm sure different races have their own slang or derogatory terms for white people, it's just that we don't know their languages, so we don't pick it up. Personally, I object to the term, 'White, middle-aged & middle class' being used as a put-down. Given our now 'classless society', the majority of people in the UK could be termed precisely that, and if the PC brigade don't like it, hard luck! CB >|< |
Len | Report | 26 Aug 2005 16:19 |
Its an amazing world, we're not allowed to call people who attempt to blow us up nasty names, specially when they succeed, thats racsim, if we call THEM names its racsim but its all right for them to do or say anything they like because WE have freedom of speech, LIKE HELL we do, after all we shouldnt complain, its only OUR country. Len ( I'M in a BLACK mood) |
WhackyJackieInOz | Report | 26 Aug 2005 16:26 |
Regarding the term Chairman. I am a President of a Club and I am the Chairman I Chair all the meetings.(I am a Female) I just had a thought. In our Constitution it states Chairman for certain things. Does that mean that all Constitutions have to be changed?. I had never thought of it before. If anyone knows the answer could they let me know. Will bring the subject up at next meeting. Regards Jackie |
~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 16:27 |
Well my husband calls me Red Neck! lol.... He is mixed race.....his grandfather was Black his grandmother white...his mother turned out white his father is white....he looks white with a nice tan! lol but I am the Red Neck..... Jacquie xxxx |
Trish | Report | 26 Aug 2005 16:28 |
Black blackbird; black box; blackboard; blackguard; blackhead; black ice; blackleg; blackcurrant; black cap; black hole; black letter; black magic; blackmail; Black Maria; blackout. White whitebait; white collar; white dwarf; white elephant; white feather; white heat; White House; white magic; whitethroat; whitewash; white spirit; white sauce; white ant. Now, have I said anything wrong? |
Unknown | Report | 26 Aug 2005 16:30 |
Jackie, I think I'd prefer to open a furniture shop - at least tables and chairs can't complain! LOL CB >|< |
~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 16:31 |
So what do you call a White Elephant Stool rude comments please...... sorry of course I mean Stall!!! Jacquie xxxxx |
~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 16:34 |
Yes Debby there will always be people that use their words in a derogatory way....I have heard the term White B*****d... Mind you they are nearly all illigitimate here whatever colour they are. lol.... |
~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 16:38 |
Here children born outside of wedlock are called outside children! And this white, honky, red neck has to go and do some work!! Jacquie xxxx |
~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 20:04 |
nudged because I want to!! |
Unknown | Report | 26 Aug 2005 22:42 |
Interesting topic Oleander. I would consider myself as intolerant of Political Correctness bordering on the innane, as I am of hatred bordering on the psychotic. In my own (non-PC opressed, dictated or controlled) personal opinion, one suggests stupidity and the other ignorance. Patty :-) |