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Your Opinions on Political Correctness?? Changed t
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Glenys the Menace! | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:42 |
Oh - forgot to add: we have 4 BLACK cats, and one tortoiseshell one. Perhaps I should describe the other 4 as non-tortoiseshell .............? |
Glenys the Menace! | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:39 |
I had to laugh once, at work (no, I've laughed more than once there, lol). I work with a Ugandan chap and his wife. There's another guy there who used to be known for his racism remarks, though he did it mainly as a wind-up to people he knew well. One day he was ticked-off by a senior officer for using a certain word at my Ugandan friend, albeit jokingly. She was still telling him off when Narinder walked past Terry and said 'Hi, Honkey'. They all laughed; Narinder and Terry always have this jokey banter. This PC crap gets totally out of hand, and the PC Brigade are living on another planet to my mind. |
~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:23 |
CB...So where is the competition?? Children must have competition or they will get nowhere in the real world! I think the word Paki has become derogatory because of the way it is used the same as the N word with black people! Here they use the N word to each is their term !!! Jacquie xxxx |
Unknown | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:19 |
The silliest thing I've experienced was at my son's primary school in the 1980s. They had a new headmistress who was very PC, so sports day was a complete farce, as everyone got 'medals' (bits of cardboard on string hung round their necks) for taking part, and nobody actually 'won' anything. The following year, nobody even tried. It wasn't worth bothering. To this day, I still don't know why it's un-PC to call someone from Pakistan 'Paki'. If Hindus come from Hindustan and Kazakhs come from Kazakhstan, why is Pakistan different. Although I've known many Pakistani people quite well,I've never had to nerve to ask anyone for fear of offending them. CB >|< |
~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:16 |
Lisa....I am the black sheep of my That means the rare one!! Jacquie xxxx |
~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:15 |
pmsl...meercat! I have various animals can anyone tell me what colour I should say they are??? 3 White goats....they are pure white 5 Brown dogs....they are brown with bits of white (some) 1 Black dog......well he is going a little grey in places! 1 black and white cat.....he is definitely black and white! Jacquie xxxx |
Lisa | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:13 |
changing the nursery baa baa black sheep into baa baa white sheep as this would offend's a fact you can get black sheep.xxxxx): |
~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:11 |
Grampa Jim....loved the joke but I actually am against the term coloured... Black and white are not actually colours...but everyone knows what they mean. We are all one colour or another so to speak! Afro Caribbean or Afro American or African people aren't coloured. I am married to a West Indian but do any of you know if he is black or white??? Jacquie xxxx |
Unknown | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:09 |
the whole thing is utter rubbish,it's our country,yet we're being told what we can,and cannot say...where's the democracy in that. bryan. |
~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:07 |
The office I used to work in had one black guy...but there were 2 others with the same name....the day I started he introduced himself to me by saying..... Hi I'm Brian I'm the black one!!! and this is how he always introduced himself! Jacquie xxxxx |
Roxanne | Report | 26 Aug 2005 15:01 |
P.C has caused more problems than anything!!People are frightened of saying anything anynore for fear of offending and being accused of being Racist, Sexist, homophobic etc!!! to many people telling us all what we should do, and as Orleander said most people Black and white find it a big JOKE!!! |
Unknown | Report | 26 Aug 2005 14:58 |
An African was talking to an Aryan, and he said, ' You are normally pink yet you go blue with cold, red with anger, green with seasickness, brown in the sunshine and yellow with jaundice, yet you have the cheek to call ME coloured.' |
~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 14:55 |
I'm dreaming of a Politically Correct Christmas...tra la... Just doesn't work does it??? Meercat....the wonders of the powers that be!!! Jacquie xxxx |
Small but Perfectly Formed Wendy | Report | 26 Aug 2005 14:52 |
When we had a pub in Liecester they came around and told us they wanted White Christmas taken off the juke box.........My hubby told him that the day he sees Black snow then he will take it off, How stupid is that. Wendy.xx |
~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 14:49 |
I have chatted to Black friends about this and they tend to agree - they think it is really funny......and stupid!!!! Jacquie xxxx |
Roxanne | Report | 26 Aug 2005 14:47 |
ALL P.C!! IS A LOAD OF TOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN MY VERY HUMBLE OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Natalia | Report | 26 Aug 2005 14:43 |
Hey Jaquie you're right! I will have to complain to the school lol!! |
~ Oleander | Report | 26 Aug 2005 14:41 |
Natalie surely that is a slur on Martians!!!! Out here you can call a black man a black man - in fact you should hear what they call each other!!!! Bring back Robertson's Golly....that's what I say! Jacquie xxxx |
Natalia | Report | 26 Aug 2005 14:38 |
My schoolteacher friend has to sing Baa Baa Green Sheep with her children! Natalia x |
www.Siouxhealer | Report | 26 Aug 2005 14:38 |
In school do you use a Chalk board or a White board ?? Bloody silly - If a black board is black in colour then it should be a black board. I don't take offense at a white board not being called a dry wipe board !! I'm very Anti all this PC crap !!! XX Sioux |