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I need a hug! PLEASE!!!!! ( UPDATE!!!! YIPEE!!!!

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Maz from Cornwall

Maz from Cornwall Report 10 Aug 2005 11:22

Huge (((((((HUG))))))) on it's way to you babe Maz x

Shirley Ann

Shirley Ann Report 10 Aug 2005 11:22

I agree with Wendy, surely they have to compensate you in some way. What an awful situation you have been put in. great big hug for you. Shirley Ann.

Val :~)   from West Wirral

Val :~) from West Wirral Report 10 Aug 2005 11:09

Hi all Im so fed up!!I could cry!! I was supposed to be moving house on the 19 of this month!! as far as we where concerned everything was going ahead as planned until we went to our solicitor yesterday afternoon, to sign on the dotted line!! and POW!!!!! the people buying our house have changed the exchange date!! We have booked our removal vans (paid the deposit which we shall now lose!!) Sorted all amenaties out, told council tax, had new phone number and broadband changed to be in effect from 19th filled in forms to have post redirected! oh I could go on !!!!everything you need to do when you move!!! The problem we now have though, is, the people we are buying from wont change to the date our purchasers want!! So we are stuck in the middle!!! We have a family wedding on bank holiday saturday and of course we have our children coming up on the bank holiday weekend with families, and no-where to sleep!! (they all planned to arrive on the Friday till Monday!!) weve packed everything! Apart from our bed, all beds have been dismantled, carpets taken up! we feel as if we live in a squat at the moment!! not a place to bring the grandchildren to!!! So as you can see I'm a demented wife, mother and Nana!! I so need to be cheered up!! and a massive group hug please!! Thanks for listening Val:~)