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ITS NOT ME I have never fell out with anyone

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Unknown Report 4 Aug 2005 20:51

Linda, Doesn't the thread sum everything up though ? Quite nice on the whole, a small minority try to spoil it, but are best ignored ? Paul (who isn't always good at the ignoring bit)


MarionfromScotland Report 4 Aug 2005 18:13

Linda I dont know all the inns and out's of what has been going on, but I would not give up this if you are enjoying it. There are all kind's on here, most are really great, give us a laugh and help out when needed. Never mind the rest, we cant all be perfect lol Marion ;))

Small but Perfectly Formed Wendy

Small but Perfectly Formed Wendy Report 4 Aug 2005 18:00

Linda, dont do it, i nearly did a while ago. Just like we all will tell you its only the minority. Dont let them win, you stay on and talk to us. Wendy.xx


**Linda Report 4 Aug 2005 17:57

Gosh what a suprise everyone has been so nice on my thread except 1. Thank you all for your input and your support I really do like GR very much. Its about 8 weeks for my membership renewel by gum will be time to think about Christmas shopping then lol Thanks to you all Lindax

}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){

}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){ Report 4 Aug 2005 17:51

Well spotted Anne! Linda Please don't leave just because of a few narrow minded people. I'll still tork too yu no mater how bard ur speelling and punktuashion are! lol Jeanette x


Guinevere Report 4 Aug 2005 17:50

We'll miss you on the mornin' thread, Linda. Gwynne x


Deanna Report 4 Aug 2005 17:46

Well I don't know what you mean Linda. I consider myself a newby, I have only been on the boards a few months. I NEVER, pick people up about their grammar, spelling, or punctuation. I have enough troubles looking after my own mistakes. So don't lose heart, stay and have fun. Just stay away from any threads which upset you. Deanna x


Slinky Report 4 Aug 2005 17:46

Well, well well, RIO IN THE CITY or is it Grace today? Childish names?... No brains?... Depressed? Maybe I can be counted in all these categories... but... YOU epitomise bad manners and ill feeling in an otherwise lovely thread, and reiterises my own thread... well done... give the girl (or boy) a big clap!! Now go away and play with your rattle!! Anne :)))....Honey Rum!!!!!!!


Unknown Report 4 Aug 2005 17:38

Hi Linda I didn't think you'd been about for a bit. I've never noticed whether your spelling is good or not but I have noticed that you're always fair-minded and straightforward. We all feel ignored at times but some of us take it to heart more than others - just shout louder & don't leave :))

Shirley Ann

Shirley Ann Report 4 Aug 2005 17:32

Most people come on this board to have fun. Yes there are some that do know each other personally, or have got to know each other through organised meets, but there are also a lot of us that have never met anyone from the board in person. So we are a right old mixed bunch. Just enjoy it for what it is and don't let anyone put you off coming on here. i can't spell that well, so what, i use the dictionary half the time only so they all think im a clever little person. And i think Grace opened her mouth without thinking first, and is probably feeling awful now. YOU stay. Shirley Ann.


Unknown Report 4 Aug 2005 17:03

Em C don't go down the road of thinking its someone else? Graces comments were appalling, but having been the victim of ' that sounds like so and so' (which included Kevin) I wouldn't like to see it happen to anyone else. Linda, as one of the newbies in your title --- if I can hang in there so can you !! :))) I like you anyway x


Unknown Report 4 Aug 2005 17:02

Paul - thank you :-)

~Little Ray of Sunshine~

~Little Ray of Sunshine~ Report 4 Aug 2005 17:01

AAAAHHHHHHAAAAA I'M FINALLY BACK!!!!! How dare my employers turn the server off and leave me in the middle of nowhere without a computer!?!?!?!?!?! Right...... where was I?........ Miss Linda.....drag your backside back here girl..... can't you see how much you'll be missed? You do realise that you can't actually leave don't ya? I tried it a few weeks ago and was told I wasn't allowed so neither are you LOL Grace....... wot I want to say to you would get this thread deleted.....and that's not fair on Linda. Please remove your post ....we've had enough upset around here lately, we don't need any more. Oh yeah....... I may have a childish board name.... but everyone that likes to join in here know's my real name. Lighten up and have a laff. c x


Lisa Report 4 Aug 2005 16:55

linda we know your thread wasn't intended to hurt's just that grace didn't engaged her brain before opening her wasn't anything that you saidxxxx(:


**Linda Report 4 Aug 2005 16:49

Please forgive me if my thread has hurt anyones feelings I think what Grace put is appalling and I hope she removes it from the thread, I was not on about anyones illness and if you can go through life being healthy you are one of the lucky ones I have a few probs myself. Its the little things that people gripe about like spellings and comma's ,I love a good debate but one that does not get nasty and if people dont agree then thats there privlage, wouldnt do for us all to have the same opinion otherwise there would not be need for debate Lindaxx


Unknown Report 4 Aug 2005 16:49

Wendy... I have to say that was more or less my initial opinion, it's changed considerably with time though :) Paul

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 4 Aug 2005 16:46

Linda we will nag you till you relent E x:o))


Unknown Report 4 Aug 2005 16:44

Hi Linda, Why worry about where you put punctuation or about spelling? It's only old windbags like me that use loads of commas because I drone on so much! We all make spelling mistakes - nobody's perfick! Why worry about it? As long as what you write comes out as you intend it to, that's all that matters. It's not a competition on here, and nobody's going to mark what you've written and make you write it out again. There isn't a 'closed shop' on here - everyone's allowed to put what they want on a thread, and we've all felt we've been ignored at times. I know I have, but that's not surprising most of the time! ;>))) Please don't go - there's too much of that going on at the moment. CB >|< X


Unknown Report 4 Aug 2005 16:43

When I was invited to take the long walk back in December (I think it was) and was allowed back in February. I had a very comfy naughty corner, lol. Because I was an obnoxious, opinionated, argumentative little toad.


Unknown Report 4 Aug 2005 16:39

Wendy - why were you in the naughty corner ?