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ITS NOT ME I have never fell out with anyone
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Unknown | Report | 4 Aug 2005 15:23 |
Hi Ohh Linda dont give up hun. Ignore the wastes of space who have upset you. They have the problem not you. Try the tips board for stuff, they are a lovely bunch of peeps on there. As are some of the posters on the other threads (so as I dont upset anyone) Vikki xx |
**Linda | Report | 4 Aug 2005 15:19 |
Just been reading Honey Run Thread I have not answered on the boards for about 2 weeks now,and dont think I shall be renewing my membership. Ive tried so hard to fit in but dont feel that I have been accepted by more that 4-5 people. Sick of little things like who cant spell right or who doesnt know where to put commers I fit in to both of those catorgories as you can see. People who think they are perfect having a go at newcomers because they think they are someone else well I have 2 membership no: but have not had reply off GR about this. Well thank you to all those that have been kind and welcoming to me. Will still read the threads I think you can realise what is going on more that way and see who are the spoilers for others Thank you all Linda |