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LITTLE RAY'S JOKE THREAD......Feel free to add you

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~Little Ray of Sunshine~

~Little Ray of Sunshine~ Report 15 Jun 2005 10:44

A Fairy told a married couple: 'For being such an exemplary married couple for 35 years, I will give you each a wish' 'I want to travel around the world with my dearest husband' said the wife. The fairy moved her magic wand and abracadabra, two tickets appeared in her hands. Now it was the husband's turn. He thought for a moment and said: 'Well this moment is very romantic, but an opportunity like this only occurs once in a lifetime. So .... I'm sorry my love, but my wish is to have a wife 30 years younger than me'. The wife was deeply disappointed but, a wish was a wish. The Fairy made a circle with her magic wand and ....... abracadabra ... Suddenly the husband was 90 years old. Men might be b@$tards, but Fairies are .................... Female! ;-) c x

~Little Ray of Sunshine~

~Little Ray of Sunshine~ Report 15 Jun 2005 10:44

instead of clogging the board up with loads of separate threads, it's gonna be easier to keep adding to the same thread. So here's the first one......