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The Pinny Gang

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DorothyG Report 5 Jun 2005 18:25

Hallo Maybell Did ma Jimmy get tae see you last night? He sed he wid, but if he didnae see you, then I don't know where he was, cos he didnae cum hame here until 8 oclock terday. If he wis with you hen, that's awricht, cos I know yer a gid sort - see am getting the hang of yer way of speekin' noo - sorry - now!! I must away to the merket for some maer tatties and then dae ma step when I get hame - looks an awfa mess and a dinna want people thinking I'm a slut.

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 4 Jun 2005 20:07

Ere gals ! Word 'as it that there are clickys groups somewhere. Well wot wiv me arferitis and dodgy hip, i'm well I demand to join.....well as long as its free....and if there's tea....and cakes..... Mildred x


Annie Report 3 Jun 2005 22:54

I wish I knew where he was, Mabel. He says he's doing an exotic line this evening. 'E went off singing 'Just a Thong at Twilight'. I do worry he over exerts himself. Jewel

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 3 Jun 2005 22:31

Your alright you are Jewelry, thats how I washes my drawers an all, in the rain. Blimey Glady, that 'ol man of yours is a nasty so and so ain't he, it's caused by all that brown ale 'e drinks ya know, I blame the barmaid, I have seen 'im give 'er one an all, come ta fink of it she's in the puddin club ohhh errr!!!!! Jenny love I can see you are trying girl, we'll 'ave ya talkin proper in no time Now then where is that Charley boy? Mabel x


Annie Report 3 Jun 2005 21:57

I'm so glad Charley was of service. And wass all this about washed underwear? I put mine on the line cos it was rainin'. Ain't that how you washes 'em?


DorothyG Report 3 Jun 2005 21:45

Hello Maybel, hen That's gid that you kin unnerstawnd me, Am werking reellll herd on they leaflets A got frae the libry. Ma Jimmy's away at the pub the noo, bet A'll (sorry,) I'll - send him arr - ow-nd to yer place later if yer like. He's very guid wi' his hands, but he doesnae have much book-learning, is that awright? Jest want be a guid neighbour - don't want ya to be disappointed hen.

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 3 Jun 2005 20:30

Hellooooo all ya gals, Jewel, your Charley helped me owt good and proper he did, needed some 'elp with researching, done a nice jobe he did, I am VERY pleased witht the result :)) Wots all those bloomin colored drawers wiv matchin brasierres all about, if you live in this Street, yer get all yer drawers from the charity shop, on the corner of the the High Street, sometimes you even get som that 'ave been washed, can't ask fairer than that now. Jenny I need your Jimmy, fer similar 'elp that Charley gave me, variety an all that. Can understand ya a bit more now darlin, well every 8 or 9 words one of them makes a bit a sense, keep at it luv. Mabel x x


DorothyG Report 3 Jun 2005 16:46

(Huff, puff, phew!!) (Puts loads of booklets and leaflets on kitchen table) Richt, a wee cuppa tee, eh? (switching kettle on) Noo then, that girlie doon at the libry says to me, she says, Am to reed aw these and mix aroond the area and A'll soon pick up hoo theyse awll talking. Heff to dae sumthing it seems, na'er a body unnerstawnds me!! Oor Jimmy says he has nae problem doon the pub. Aye, but then hes heerd his ma talkin'. So A'll joost 'ave to try herder. I wonder what Mabel wants tae see him fer? Perhaps shes got a wee job he can dae fer her. .... aye, that'll be it fer sure. (Sits with her cuppa studying the pamphlets). Noo, that Jools seems to mix in awricht. So here goes .......


Annie Report 3 Jun 2005 11:03

Ow my head. That Scotch stuff is brutal. Where's me book? Right then. Down the apples and pears. Get that washing on the line. Dear Charley had to stay out all night researching. The poor man must be shattered. Later on Doesn't that look luvly. All my pretty new undies colour coded and fluttring in the breeze. Bout time I took a look at the local shops. Fresh pinny for that and I'll tuck me purse in me stockings. Jewel

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 3 Jun 2005 10:18

Mornin' Mabe. I fergot ta take me teef out last night.... ..... I woke up this mornin' ta find 'em grinnin' on me pillow. Well, talk about the gates of 'ell, I nearly 'ad a connery.... Well, that caused me to 'ave ta change me drawers diddn't it ? So owt came me omo, and on went me marigolds. Got me drawers to a whiter shade of grey, 'an now the're 'anging on the line arfter goin' through me mangle. Trouble is, ive gotta wear me July drawers narh me JUne ones are on the line. Wiv the backlog I'll be bare an' chilly at xmas. Mildred x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 3 Jun 2005 07:52

Mornin' gals, bit taters in the mould 'ere innit, fink I can hear a storm in the distance, 'ope the bus to the market ain't late, or me perm might go frizzier, only bloomin forgot me pastic 'ood I 'ave, can't be bovered to go back fer it, me legs 'ave swelled again, and that 'orses linament aint 'elpin much, gonna go and see that new doctor later, dahn the health center, annuver foriner, comes from Swindon,now where on earth is that? Can't understand 'im I can't, the nurse 'has to transitor fer me, but 'e 'as got the most lovey eyes 'e 'as, so I don't really care what 'e seys to me to be 'onest, wonder if 'e does 'ouse calls? Have a good day luvvies, see ya all later. Mabel x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Jun 2005 23:52

Clara luv, I know all these people talking funny stuff, odd ain't it, can't understand a blinkin word I car'nt, you have a nice time in Brighton, me sons bin there today, d'ya know what, he went there to do shoppin, never went on the beach or on the rides he didn't, just shoppin' my gawd what is the world comin' to going shoppin all them miles away, I realy don't know. Jenny Wren, sorry luv, you'll have to start talkin proper you will, you won't last long rownd 'ere talikn like that luv, people will talk, I did understand that ya said the 'ol man is a bit like Sean Connery, now then darlin' send 'im rownd 'ere, just so's I can see fer meself you understand !!!! I did get the bit about a drink an all, now I understand that in any lingo, pass the bottl 'ere luvvie. Mabe


DorothyG Report 2 Jun 2005 22:22

Ma Jimmy? Welllll Maybel (there, is that no better?) Wi' a few lessons p'raps I kin speek like youse hen! So, ma Jimmy, he's ma darlin' bit he's a big daftee softee, looks a bit like that Sean Connery - not as ould tho, hen, more like what he was in they Bond filllms .... but he willney settle to a proper job ya ken - says there's more money tae be made from the pub - if ya ken what A mean (winks!! and grins) But he's a grand chap, an' when he's made a bob, treats me like a reel lady. So whatdya say to a wee dram?


Christine2 Report 2 Jun 2005 22:13

Elp - Mabe, Mildred - where are yur. I seem to ave strayed into a forin country and I aint even left fer me 'olidays yet. I just come in to say tara. Now don't you be misbeavin Mabe while I'm gorn and don't ferget to tell me all the gossip when I get back. The rate you lot are natterin it'll tek some catchin up:)) Luv as alas - Clara x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 2 Jun 2005 22:13

Hello Jenny, I have just got the bloke rownd the pub to traslate wot ya said, you will like it rownd here you will we are all friendly, well I am the best one to be 'onest, by the way, wot's yer ol man like luv? Jewel, bloomin funny name that is though, I'll teach ya cockney, nah then up the apples and pears wiv ya and bring down that bottle o' gin and the lesson will begin, wheres your Charley tonight then? Dolly darlin' yer gotta bloomin funny way of speakin gal, fort we tort ya ta speak proper, nah cum on luv, turn it in talkin forrin. Mabel


Unknown Report 2 Jun 2005 22:10

aye - sounds tae be a gid plan that hen yon Mabel wifey is the salt o the earth - wid gie ye the steam aff her cuppa if ye neede it


DorothyG Report 2 Jun 2005 22:07

Weel Dolly, that's a gid idea!! I hope yon Mabel will cum along tae it too. She seems to be the leader rooond here. Aye, A've heerd aw that Jean Brodie - was she not a teecher? She was no at ma school tho, but ma mither was awfie proud of me nonetheless. Are we going tae Jools hoose then, or whit?


Unknown Report 2 Jun 2005 22:01

My my Jinty - ye soond awfa like yon Miss Jean Brodie there the noo. Ye ken her that talked aboot the ' Creme de la creme' but that the rest wiz just the clots Oh are we haein a wee swahray wi yon Jools wifey? That wid be awfy nice Dolly


DorothyG Report 2 Jun 2005 21:58

Hallo Joool!! Yoo ee!! Perhaps A could have a wee read of your book, hen? Wud ya like ta have a wee dram? Ma Jimmy's no home yet, so we coold have a wee parrrty - whatdya think? Woood the neighbours like to join us ?


Annie Report 2 Jun 2005 21:53

Well, now then, got something hot on the kitchen table for when my man comes home. He works such long hours, sigh. I got this book ' Teach yerself Cockney' but I keep gettin' confused. Maybe I'll have to ask that nice Mabel down the road for a bit of help. Charley says he thinks she might be very accomodatin' - I never heard she took in lodgers. Jewel