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Government to blame for teenage mums...

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Felicity Report 24 May 2005 05:11

You know, we can go round in circles forever trying to work out who is to blame when things go wrong in this mixed up world of ours, but there's never the simple answer that we'd all like to find - especially the one that doesn't include us. :-) Whether we like it or not we live in a society and not in isolation. We - ie the adults - have collectively created the world that children live in. As such we all have to bear some responsiblity for the 'way of the world'. Unpalatable truth maybe but I think the truth nonetheless. Every generation complains about the youth of the day and civilizations come and go. Looking at history it seems as though we're on our way out. :-(


Bec Report 24 May 2005 02:06

My mother said to me that if I ever got pregnant at a young age she would support me and help in any way she could. I always knew I had her support but I would have never risked it for the simple fact that it wouldn't be fair to a baby or me. I think they key word is EDUCATION! Both of my parents were very honest about sex and it worked. My mum teaches girls who fall pregant young (She works in Braintree which a few years ago had the highest rate of teenage pregancies in Europe!) and they have NO idea about unprotected sex. EDUCATE the parents EDUCATE the children and EDUCATE the teachers becx

Stelly ♥♥

Stelly ♥♥ Report 24 May 2005 00:55

I just think that kids------having very difficult for all concerned.......... Grow up first girls!!!! It's fun........ Try it...... You don't need to be responsible..... Just have fun without the consequences!!!! There is a lot of information out there!!! Read it....and be safe.... Please listen..... Stel.... Lol.xx


ChrisofWessex Report 24 May 2005 00:47

Maybe the reason for persons (of either gender) having sex with an underage person not being prosecuted is similar now to an incident 30 years ago - a friends dau. became pregnant at 14 (she had an abortion) her father wanted the man (aged 20) brought to Court. A Police Sergeant pointed out to him that that was his right and would probably get a conviction but his daughter would be named and shamed. Father did not proceed but parents kept a close eye on her and stuck her on the pill. Ann


Bobtanian Report 24 May 2005 00:32

Dave, B ok, but really what I was trying to say, was that under age sex IS criminal, they should BOTH be prosecuted. you cant say AH! they are only kids,!! If it was an adult of either sex involved THEY would have been prosecuted......... Bob


David Report 24 May 2005 00:27

My thoughts on the subject won't be popular, so Ill try to refrain. In the 1800s I found a number on single mums, in the age when there weren't any handouts. My gr grandfather died when my grandfather was a few months old. His widow worked to support her two sons and remarried when they about 12 and 14. I am against paying anyone who doesn't work any benefit. Except for the severely disabled. 'If a man will not work, let him not eat.' Dave


ChrisofWessex Report 24 May 2005 00:04

On an earlier thread today on this subject started by Neeta I said amongst other things that when my son began looking at girls (about 16) I threatened that if ever he got a girl pregnant I would break every bone in his body because if he was doing that then he should be using a condom. The threat must have worked!!!!! Ann

Bren from Oldham

Bren from Oldham Report 23 May 2005 23:57

A few weeks ago I had this convesation with my 14yr old grandaughter .I asked her why had she dyed her beuatiful blonde hair to a very mousy brown colour and had started wearing her specs permanently This was her reply' do you remember Becky who was my best friend at junior school well she's pregnant and her boy friend is 18. I think it's absolutely stupid to get pregnant at 14 but lot's of the girls in my year think it's cool and want to get pregnant so they won't have to work and will get a flat ,they are not bothered about what happens to the babies father' But why have you dyed you hair I asked 'Oh it's because it makes me look like a geeky swot and boys will leave me alone , because I want to study hard get good exam results and go to university Some day I would like to be a mother but not when I'm a teenager She has already found out about the course she wants to do and is working towards it Bren


BrianW Report 23 May 2005 23:56

I think the issue of handing out housing to single mums is a big issue. My son is 28 and he and his fiance have struggled to get themselves a house. My niece was a single mum at 21 and was given a house. Who's the mug?


DAVE B Report 23 May 2005 23:48

Bob I think what David is saying is if the Girl and the father are both 12 they are both children if it is CONSENSUAL sex however naive they both are Why should the 12 year old father be treated any different than the 12 year old Mother. Dave


Bobtanian Report 23 May 2005 23:22

Dave Owen, because there is an age limit!! and that is 16 years of age. under age sex is a criminal offence, If some one of OUR age was one of the fathers we would be crucified.......... lives ruined forever.........why should the young parents get away with it?

Len of the Chilterns

Len of the Chilterns Report 23 May 2005 23:12

When I had an office in Westminster, a sixteen year-old employee who was pregnant, openly admitted it was deliberate, her chance to get council accommodation and get away from mum. She had no ongoing relationship with the father. Len


Val Report 23 May 2005 22:56

My nephew who is 16yr has got his 16yr old girl friend pregnant and my neice and the girls mum has been told not to expect any help they will have to provide for the baby, my neice is on benefits don't know what the girls parents do but why if he is not getting anything is this family.


DAVE B Report 23 May 2005 22:48

Len Pmsl Dave

Len of the Chilterns

Len of the Chilterns Report 23 May 2005 22:48

I reckon Robin Cooke is the father. len


DAVE B Report 23 May 2005 22:44

Agree with that as well David very difficult one this thanks for posting it and loads of good replies on this thread. Dave


Unknown Report 23 May 2005 22:42

The girls' father could have taught them as well:) Why for example if a 12 yr old boy and a 12 yr old girl sleep have consensual sex should the boy be prosecuted?


DAVE B Report 23 May 2005 22:30

Well said Jim! Dave


Unknown Report 23 May 2005 22:28

In any case of the pregnancy of an underage girl the father MUST recieve a swingeing punishment. As to the 'Care and support' aspect. It is not so many years ago that girls were put into Asylums if they got pregnant while single and were an even bigger drain on available resources than giving them a cash handout. I place the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of their Mother who has been criminally negligent in her care of her children.


Unknown Report 23 May 2005 21:49

Twinkle I agree with Bendy and Dave - the children shouldn't suffer for the sins of the parents. And don't we all mistakes at 16? I'm just glad I'm male:)