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Linda G

Linda G Report 17 May 2005 23:26

Len, That's a sad story, I hope you went on to find happiness, Linda x


Maggie Report 17 May 2005 23:24

My Dad, he died Feb 2003, my Mum, my sister and I spent 5 weeks at his bedside in intensive care, willing him to come back to us, we were told that he would not come out of the coma, but we would not give up on him, he did come out of the coma and told mum and my sister and I that he loved us, unfortunately his kidneys could not take anymore, not even the kidney machine would work anymore and he died about 5 days later, we still wonder if there was anything else we could have done for him. We miss you so much Dad X X Maggie


SilverLady Report 17 May 2005 23:21

I always think of my lovely Mum who died of cancer aged 50. She was widowed at 30 and had 2 small children and was pregnant. For my Dad who died when I was 3 and for the little sister who never came home from the hospital. Mum, Dad, and Diane............ Love and miss you all. Love and Peace Marianne. xxxx

Len of the Chilterns

Len of the Chilterns Report 17 May 2005 23:20

When I was a young man I met a lovely girl called Pat. We fell in love and got engaged. Her parents asked me to meet the family doctor who gently explained that Pat had schizophrenia and that I would not be able to cope and marriage would be a disaster. We decided to go ahead but before the wedding Pat committed suicide. len


Val Report 17 May 2005 23:07

Roxanne I wish I could tell my dad everything I always wonder did he see whats been happening to me lately well I will never know


Jacqueline Report 17 May 2005 22:49

My Dad, who died March 19, 2004. I think of him every single day, and miss him more and more every day.


Linen Report 17 May 2005 22:48

Roxanne, ofcourse you can tell your Dad. Even though you can't hear him just know that he can hear you & knows what is happening in your life. Vivienne


Chicken Report 17 May 2005 22:46

my mum who died june 4th 1971 aged 30 she suffered with ms what a wounderful lady. not a day has gone by that i don't miss her

~*~ Mo

~*~ Mo Report 17 May 2005 22:45

My Grandad who died when I was 11. A really really tall man. Well he was to me then. That's how I always remember him My Brother who died aged 22. We were inseperable and were always together. He had a motorbike and we used to go everywhere together. My Mum. Bless Her. Who I miss now as much as I missed when she died in 1990. Who I think I will always Miss. My Dad, whom I looked after until he died. A lot of people who I knew and are no longer Here. All Gone But Not Forgotton Maureen


Unknown Report 17 May 2005 22:33

I had a miscarriage in 1990 and grieved for a long time, even after I had my first child in 1992. But I don't often think about it now, too painful. My dad has been dead for 15 years, and my mother-in-law for 11. I think about both of them every day. nell


DAVE B Report 17 May 2005 22:31

Pat how sad for your nephew and his partner and their 3 young children Dx


DAVE B Report 17 May 2005 22:29

Debby so sorry about your Mum God bless her! Dx


DAVE B Report 17 May 2005 22:28

Hi Vivienne thanks for your best wishes and I know how you miss your husband you told me last week so sad! God bless your Dad Davex


Debby Report 17 May 2005 22:28

My Mum - each and every day. She died aged 64 - had lung cancer and had half a lung taken away but then started to get pains in the lower body. Think she was too scared to go to the doctors - was bent double over the table at Christmas. Made her go to the doctors and it had spread to her liver. She lived just 2 more months and I had to watch while she withered away to 4 and a half stone. I will never get over what she went through and how neglectful the doctors were but don't get me going on that. Sorry to write this depressing thread but I just assumed I would have my mum around to a good old age. I miss her so much Debby


Linen Report 17 May 2005 22:26

Hi Dave, Special thoughts going to you & also your friend. I not only think about but talk to & send my love to my lovely Dad & my Husband every day of my life. They were very similar & made every woman they talked to believe she was the most special in the world, and they are mine. They are always with me. Vivienne


DAVE B Report 17 May 2005 22:26

Roxanne Ayshea Mums are special arent they but to a girl Dads are very special too.! I know I am to my 2 girls they tell me they love me everyday and I tell them I love them too! Dx


Ayshea Report 17 May 2005 22:23

i think about my father everyday, he died 27th march this year, it was sudden and he was only 61, i was a daddys girl i guess. its left a big empty void.


Andy Report 17 May 2005 22:20

I think about my grandparents (never knew my dad's parents) from time to time, partly because we still live next door to where they used to live and if I look out of my bedroom window, I can look down into the back garden and picture my grandmother still sat in the garden on a sunny day. I miss them naturally and would like them to have seen how much I've found out with our ancestry, but thankful that I knew them for at least 18 years.


Unknown Report 17 May 2005 22:14

Justin - died from the wrong prescription aged 19


Val Report 17 May 2005 22:14

He was David though only to me and my mum well that's what my brothers and sisters think as I was his favorite