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DAVE B Report 17 May 2005 22:11

Your Dad sounded lovely Val and Rosalyn my daughter lost a child through miscarriage and I know she thinks about the little girl she lost a lot! Dx


DAVE B Report 17 May 2005 22:08

Oh Nick so sorry for you yes your story is very simalar to mine! Dave


Joy Report 17 May 2005 22:07

My Mum and my Dad, my Grans and Grandads, my brother-in-law, father-in-law, uncle, and best friends Sandra, Fiona, and Derek, and Gaynor. Joy


Val Report 17 May 2005 22:07

I think about my dad who died in 1999 when my baby was 6mnths old he phoned me to tell me he had put all my bills on to his credit card so as I had not lang had a baby he didn't want me in debt so I told him my youngest was throwing up all the time and the doctor wouldn't come out my dad phoned him and the doctor was out in 30mins anyway he took ill went in to hospital but no one told me till day before he died so his grandkids never seen him and then my mum was told his credit card bill died with him I always wondered did he know I also think about the baby I lost to but I was just pregnant he would be 13yr but I wouldn't have had John who is 13yr in October


CATHKIN Report 17 May 2005 22:07

Does anybody ever think of a baby that they lost even although it was a miscarriage? I lost one at 9 weeks but often wonder what he/ she would have been like. Rosalyn

Nick McMud

Nick McMud Report 17 May 2005 22:05

I have a similar story to you Dave, my gran, who bought me and my brother up when our parents split up in 1970,so that my mum could go to work, she was a really caring person who had bought up 10 kids of her own. My only brother, Chris, who was killed in a motorcycle accident when we were out together in august 1984 aged 20, that was my first funeral and i could never imagine a worse one. He was 2 years older than me and we used to fight alot as kids but as we got older and left school, we were mates. I miss him every day and dream about him alot. Its weird cus in my dreams he's still 20 but still my big brother. My dad, he died suddenly in 1979, aged 41. He was a real laugh and a great musician. And my step father, who took us on in 1973 and to whom i owe everything, he had a stroke and died on new years day 1999 aged 64 and i never got to tell him what he meant to me....i'm filling up just writing this. Nick.

Linda G

Linda G Report 17 May 2005 22:05

My darling Dad and Mum who died 10 January 2003 and 12 May 2003 respectively. Still miss them every day. Linda


DAVE B Report 17 May 2005 21:38

I feel a bit sad today for a friend of mine his Dad died a few months ago from motor neuron disease. I went to my Mum's today which is about 15 miles away and he was in next lane to me at traffic lights.So I said to him what you doing down here Dave, he said Ive come to pick my nephews up to take them to my Mums funeral today,and he was really upset in the car at the side of mine,I felt so heartily sorry for him because he is a smashing man. Dave


seniormoments Report 17 May 2005 21:35

Dave Hopefully this site will still be going in 10 years so will let you know. XX for your Mum Anita


Margaretfinch Report 17 May 2005 21:35

my mum every day who died 2002 age 94 also my dad although i can hardly remember him who died in 1948 when I was nearly 7, but my mum never remarried and had a hard life bringing up three of us alone she done us proud Margaret x


R.B. Report 17 May 2005 21:33

Hi Dave, I miss my Grandfather-he was my best friend, i could talk to him about anything and everything. Love you Grandad. R.I.P. Lizz x


DAVE B Report 17 May 2005 21:30

Anita I hope your Mum makes 100 too! my Mum is 80 and had breast removed five years ago but she is still going strong and is as tough as old boots! Dx

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 17 May 2005 21:29

thanks dave, im sure she knows we think of her


DAVE B Report 17 May 2005 21:27

Oh Anna so sad for your friend to be murdered what a tragic loss of young life at 14 years of age. Dx


seniormoments Report 17 May 2005 21:26

Everyday, I miss my Dad so much, he died in 1983 he was told he had cancer on 1st March 83 and he died on 12th May 1983, not a day goes by when I don't think about him. He had so looked forward to his retirement and had so many plans. I still have my Mum who lives with us she was 90 on Christmas Day and although not as agile as she once was she is keeping well. I hope she makes 100. Anita


DAVE B Report 17 May 2005 21:25

Julie for your Mumx Dee dementia is such an awful disease and so takes away peoples vibrancy and like you say they are not with us for a long time before Dx


Unknown Report 17 May 2005 21:25

my mam and dad jones, who were my grandparents,and brought me up. my cousin miriam,who died during childbirth,aged eighteen. bryan.


Anna Report 17 May 2005 21:25

My grandparentswho all died at relatively young ages, but the person i think of most often is one of my best friends from school Gaynor Batty who was murdered in December 1988 at the age of 14,a couple of days before my grandad died,just before Christmas. Hers was the first and only funeral ive ever been to. Anna :-)


ButtercupFields Report 17 May 2005 21:24

My Mum, my Dad and my beloved brother. Think of them every day...BC

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 17 May 2005 21:20

mum everyday