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Wronged Wives
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Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 22:46 |
I think I'd cope with a one off - worse things than sexual infidelity but it's when emotions get involved I'd get evil:) It's yr partner not the other man/woman to blame because it's the partner in the relationship with you - it's just easier to hate the other person cos the emotions are less complicated. Now you know you'd never be able to cut off a horse's head Bendy |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 22:48 |
I would NEVER hurt a horse Dave !! lol. |
Shelli4 | Report | 8 May 2005 22:49 |
Roxanne am sorry but i disagree, it isn't always the case of once an adulterer always an adulterer. And daring to speak from the other side there is sometimes a reason for straying |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 22:51 |
And that was just the beginning Rox!!! LOL Then i got his credit card and sent her a black rose every day!! Karen |
Sue Lambrini Smith | Report | 8 May 2005 22:53 |
oooh karen- i so wish i had known someone like you back then, lol.i could have done with the advice ! |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 22:54 |
Surely it would be better and more honest to end the current relationship and start afresh with someone new than to cheat? |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 22:56 |
Sorry Wendy just realised you weren't asking for a blokes opinon lol Hiya Shelli - you're quite right. I've sort of been on both sides. It's easy to delude yourself when you think you're in love with someone who's already in a relationship that what you and the attached person feel is the real thing and they are 'trapped'. And sometimes it is the real thing and they are. Adulterers can reform because they're half the time they're just people making mistakes as opposed to serial adulterers. I know of a few happy long term relationships that began with an extra marital affair. |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 22:57 |
LOL She had quite a vivid imagination and had said that she done six months for stabbing an ex some years ago!! Soooooo.... off i go to Social services and got her child minders license (or whatever it was) taken away!!! So now she is out of work with a hubby who knows all about her antics, cos i told him but he didnt believe it!! This is soo theraputic!! Karen |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 22:57 |
Hey David - mens' opinions are welcome too!! Everyone has an opinion that counts. |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:00 |
Karen - love it !!! xx |
Shelli4 | Report | 8 May 2005 23:02 |
Bendy in a perfect world yes you are right it would be better to end one relationship before satring another. But my world isn't perfect LOL Briefly... I was in a unhappy volient marrage, and i had no courage to leave. I aslo had a very small baby. Then my ex boyfriend heard of my plight and asked if I would like a drink to talk ( very cliché I know!!!! ) However that was all we did for the first couple of meeting and in fact all we did untill I had left my husband. I never told my husband what i was doing as i was certain what his reaction would be. And i was right when i announced I was leaving, my family had to call the police and it took two vans loads to deal with him, while his daughter ( 4mths) shivered up stairs in fright!! Meeting up with ex gave me the courage to go back home to my Nan and leave my husband. And I've now been with the ex for over 12yrs, and we have three boys, he has also brought up my daughter as her father doesn't care. Althought in the techinal term I never cheated, as i never slept with him. My divorce papers disagree. |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:03 |
I've got another story if you arent all bored with mine!! Karen |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:03 |
I wonder if people knew the trail of devastation that an affair causes whether they would stop and think and walk away or still carry on as long as they got their kicks ?? |
Shelli4 | Report | 8 May 2005 23:05 |
wendy am pleased???? to say the only person hurt by my affair was my husband, and by then i was past caring what his feelings were hiya david xxx |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:06 |
Yes Wendy!! Mine lied to me for 2 years!!( 1997-1999) I thought i was the one going mad! when I left i decided to show them how mad i was!!! LOL Karen |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:08 |
Yours wasn't an affair though. Shelli. xx We're not judging you, just pleased you managed to get out of a violent relationship. xx |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:08 |
I think most people probably do know what devastation can be caused but don't think that they'll caught/ it will carry on/ that they're really doing it. |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:08 |
Karen - keep 'em coming - lol !! |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:11 |
Well, I'm toddling off to bed - alone!! Thanks everyone for the discussion. xx |
Shelli4 | Report | 8 May 2005 23:12 |
yep am off to bed as well thanks Wendy this has been a good un xxxx |