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Wronged Wives
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Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:14 |
LOL, another funny story!! Local radio was doing a slot about tattoos, so i wrote to them using her name and my number! Story goes, she had a chinese symbol on upper thigh ( this was true)! It was supposed to say her name! Told them that chinese friend had nearly died laughing when he said what it really said ( not true) ' deep fried Prawns!!' DJ phoned me to verify the true story and i said ' Yep thats all true!!' LOL Karen |
Ben | Report | 8 May 2005 23:17 |
it can happen both ways and can be devestating for the innocent party, whether you take him or her back depends how much you love them, there is usually a reason for this behavior and you have to look for that reason and sort it if you want them back, it can take a while to get over this but you do get on with your life |
David | Report | 8 May 2005 23:21 |
I had an uncle who's wife took a boyfriend who moved in with them. Uncle used to take them breakfast in bed. My parents wer absolutely astounded by this. D |
maggiewinchester | Report | 8 May 2005 23:21 |
Karen, I didn't need to send letters - we lived in a small Hampshire village and everyone knew about him & her before I did!! It had been going on during the School holidays. I wondered why most people ignored her at the school gate! They moved to Dorset. I've since been back to the village, my children were sent invites to nursery re-unions etc - hers weren't. I did see her once about 3 years later at a Village Fete. Afterwards, at the pub, people came up to me and were amazed (and a little disappointed) that I hadn't given her 'what for'. Obviously not a lot had gone on in the village that year and they wanted some extra entertainment lol maggie |
Researching: |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:22 |
Thats true Ben!! After all the spiteful thing i have done, thier relationship broke up shortly after i left him and it wasnt the fun she thought anymore,and it taken till now for him to realise that we are more than best friends and we did sort out why it happened, but i am still wary of going back to him!! Karen PS he is still the love of my life, but dont tell him LOL |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:25 |
Maggie! at least mine wasnt local!! I couldnt have coped with that!! She lived 15 miles away from us, and we never met!! Good for you keeping your dignity!! Karen |
David | Report | 8 May 2005 23:33 |
I had neighbours where the wife was a serial adultress. Children used to talk about 'Mummy's boyfriends'. She eventually had a son and moved in with the father. The other children stayed with their father, the eldest, about 14 took on the housekeeping, looking after ther younger children etc. Eventually the new boyfriend started to beat her, and she asked if she could come back. Husband was willing, but both older daughters said that if she did, they would leave home. Dave |
maggiewinchester | Report | 8 May 2005 23:37 |
Karen, Believe it or not, in the intervening years I went round 'their' house a few times - even met her parents (they told me they preferred my children to hers lol) Ex has since left her and after a couple of years and more than a couple of flings has settled with a woman in Essex. Yes I've met her - at a party!! She's terrified of me and I only said hello lol Mind you, bil's brother (who was my 'drinking partner' when we were underage) asked them very loudly to stop snogging in front of a 'lady', and nodded in my direction!! LOL maggie Oh how I love my 'extended' family |
Researching: |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:38 |
Dave The shame of it comes when the kids get involved! If my dau had known the full story i would have walked away and resigned myself to the single life, as it happens i just said that we had fell out and we were going to live elsewhere so we didnt argue all the time! She was okay with this as dad visited her every day! and still does! Karen |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:41 |
That's a really good attitude to have had Karen - especially when you were feeling pretty vengeful lol - and the best thing for your daughter:) |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:46 |
LOL Dave, i was pretty awful and expected the other woman to knock on my door anyday!!! Luckily she never had the whatsits to confront me! she had transport and i didnt!! Tho her hubby came to see me! all very civilised tho! LOL Karen |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:48 |
pmsl I'm not surprised she didn't come round!! |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:52 |
LOL Forgot to tell you about the time I went with a mate (we pretended to be a lesbian couple) to view her house that was up for sale!! Well, hell hath not fury...etc..... needless to say we didnt like her house and pointed out all its bad/ dirty points!!! Karen PS she had no idea what i looked like!! |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:54 |
Karen - u r BAD lol |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:55 |
Oh Stu!!! Theres nothing like wishful thinking tho!!! |Karen |
Unknown | Report | 8 May 2005 23:56 |
LOL Alls fair in love and war!!! And it was fun!!! Karen |
maggiewinchester | Report | 8 May 2005 23:57 |
Kare, isn't it awful when you haven't got transport. Herself used to meet him in a layby. We were due to go out with our friends one Sunday, hubby wasn't there (he'd gone to get the papers). My friends hubby (Scottish and built like the proverbial brick wotsit) went to find him. Found THEM, gave him an earful (he didn't like to be kept waiting). Ex came back with his tail between his legs and we had a lovely day in Southsea. Well most of us did lol maggie |
Researching: |
Unknown | Report | 9 May 2005 00:01 |
OH Maggie... They arent very good at it are they!! Mine told me loads about this woman he was fitting a kitchen for and all the details stored up in my mind!!! hubbys name, address, occupations, addresses,,,, everything!!! karen |
Unknown | Report | 9 May 2005 00:25 |
SORRY!!!! I do apologise to anyone that my stories have upset!! I do know that some people are thoroughly devestated when something like this happens!! revenge was my way of coping but it isnt always the right way to do things! Karen |
Unknown | Report | 9 May 2005 00:34 |
LOL You wanna translate that Stu????? Karen |