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Wronged Wives

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Jack (Sahara)

Jack (Sahara) Report 9 May 2005 11:15

I recently fell out with my so called best pal as she tried to get her claws into Dean (she works for the same company as him). I wouldn't have believed it but she has got her claws into other womens men before, I always turned a blind eye because I didn't know any of the women and she was my friend. I think going after your mates other half is about the worst thing that someone could do. I am a strong believer in 'what goes around comes around' and know she will get what she deserves in the end. She has already lost a really good friend and is now known of as a slapper at work. I have never had an affair and never will. It's always better to finish one relationship before embarking on another. Jack x


Toothfairy Report 9 May 2005 11:25

My other half and i agreed that if we ever decided that we wanted to be with someone else we'd tell eachother first. I WOULD BE SO HURT IF HE EVER HAD AN AFFAIR AND I WOULD LEAVE STRAIGHT AWAY.... AND GET REVENGE LATER! I would be very annoyed at the tart he'd taken up with (she would be a tart, pmsl) but more angry at him, he has a commitment to me and would be breaking a trust. I'd get them both anyway! x