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congratulations Tony
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DAVE B | Report | 6 May 2005 17:42 |
David you wouldnt be you defected to the LIB DEMS lol! only joking! Dave |
Unknown | Report | 6 May 2005 17:31 |
I'm glad your happy Louise but I ain't :( |
DEBORAH | Report | 6 May 2005 17:23 |
me too , im happy , i knew we didnt have anything to worry about :) |
DAVE B | Report | 6 May 2005 17:02 |
Sour Grapes Peter what a shame! all that and Liverpool may not be in champions league next season either bad day Peter. |
DAVE B | Report | 6 May 2005 16:59 |
Yes well done Tony no matter what anybody says he didnt deserve to get in the Electorate spoke and Democracy won the day.and those of you who think the ones who voted Labour were idiots. Just have a look who is in Government. Yesssssssss! Dave ps have a look in the history books in 5 years! |
Unknown | Report | 6 May 2005 16:50 |
I think Gordon is OK. Quite like him. |
Lily | Report | 6 May 2005 16:46 |
I was resigned to Lab getting back, albeit with a slimmer mandate - I hope they will be more answerable to parliament. Louise - Neil Kinnock, in my opinion, was set to win for Lab and 'threw' it at the last min** when he got a much better offer of a job in Europe, also his wife and some of his family got themselves very lucrative jobs out in Brussels, they've never looked back! ** remember him bouncing onto the stage and acting like a 'raving' socialist? He went on to be implicated in financial scandals in the EU parliament, talk about greed! Politicians rely on the public having very short memories..... So, who would we like instead of Gordon? Lily |
ChrisofWessex | Report | 6 May 2005 13:20 |
As usual apathy has won. Personally I believe that voting should be mandatory. What I noticed last night that where the turnout was 60% or higher - labour lost the seat. So for the next four years I have to watch his smarmy gob and clutching his comfort blanket (Cherie). Ann |
Tina | Report | 6 May 2005 12:32 |
I am a conservative but i am not to upset that we didnt win this time as i cant stand Howard, i think he is a backstabing devious snake, if Tony Blair doesnt stay the course i hope that we get John Prescott i think old two Jags will show you that while his right hand is feathering his own nest his left hand will be doing the same, but toady brown will have both hands behind his back and you will never know what he is up to. Tina |
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Unknown | Report | 6 May 2005 12:26 |
l'm happy, definately better than the alternative jude sarf wales :o) |
susie manterfield(high wycombe) | Report | 6 May 2005 12:18 |
brian i totally agree i was beginning to think that i was the only one that hated the susie |
BrianW | Report | 6 May 2005 12:17 |
The thought of Gordon brown as PM worries me. As Chancellor he has been devious and has produced a deluge of petty measures adding to complexity without attempting any sort of reform or simplification. I just wonder if he will be capable of focussing on the big picture. |
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Unknown | Report | 6 May 2005 11:57 |
I think Gordon Brown will make a good prime minister also. John Smith was lovely. It was sad very sad when he passed away. Neil kinnock was brilliant. I wish he had knocked Thatcher out. He gave her a damn good fight every time. Bit of a shame about Michael Foot though. True socialist but needed a better image. |
lou from leicestershire | Report | 6 May 2005 11:04 |
id rather hav tony than the alternative |
~ Oleander | Report | 6 May 2005 11:01 |
I agree Joy the worst thing for British Politics....when he died!! |
Jean Durant | Report | 6 May 2005 10:57 |
Me too, Louise. Jean x. |
~ Oleander | Report | 6 May 2005 10:46 |
I have emigrated... before I left (before he died John Smith had my vote!) and for all my voting life I voted Labour....but I have to say I could not have voted for him again! He's no more red than the blue Plumbego I have growing in my garden!!!!! Mind you the one we have here is nothing to write home about! |
Lucky | Report | 6 May 2005 10:38 |
The only thing is not such a big majority so hopefully more balance in government. Have to say if I could I would emigrate tomorrow. Just paying out more and more and getting less for it. |
susie manterfield(high wycombe) | Report | 6 May 2005 10:36 |
andy i agree just think,blair will resign now and we will have to put up gordon brown!! or god forbid john prescott!! aaaarrrgghhhhh i think im gonna emigrate. lets just hope that they sort the mess out in the next 4yrs which they greated over the last 8yrs. susie |
Andy | Report | 6 May 2005 10:28 |
ugh, just thought, another 4-5 years of Cherie's great big, horse toothed maw filling the tabloids. Depressing thought! |