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so who's voting today?
Profile | Posted by | Options | Post Date |
Glenys the Menace! | Report | 5 May 2005 14:55 |
Going there this afternoon. |
Valice in | Report | 5 May 2005 14:53 |
going out in 20 mins, and taking our 2 mums to cast their vote, and popping our postal votes into the box. Val |
Deanna | Report | 5 May 2005 14:40 |
My husband was first there this morning 7.00. No candidates there at that time. He has my proxy, so 2 votes at 7.00 am. Son went down to vote at about 12.30. different polling station. DIL ? dont know, she is at work just now. Lovely day here today, so no excuse for not voting. Deanna |
Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 | Report | 5 May 2005 14:39 |
Vikki, unfortunately there are a lot of people either with short memories or full pockets, or they are too young to remember!! Maz. XX |
Unknown | Report | 5 May 2005 14:37 |
Hi All Will be voting tonite when hubby gets home from work. Going for a walk together first (said he might even treat me to a likkle bar o chocolate when we pass the shop - pmsl), then will vote on way home - and im definately voting LABOUR! How on earth one can think Labour and the tories are about the same is beyond me. Still im not here to start a political debate....:o) And PinkSaharaJacks - you must vote! It does count! Please? Vikki xx |
Dorothy | Report | 5 May 2005 14:29 |
Went this morning, I was the only person in the Polling Station! |
Jack (Sahara) | Report | 5 May 2005 14:20 |
I'll go after work if I've got time. I've got sooo much to do! Jack x |
☼ Orangeblossom ☼ - Tracy | Report | 5 May 2005 14:16 |
I'll go after work, if I can work out who'll be any good. |
Star | Report | 5 May 2005 14:14 |
Done mine but know a lot of mums around my area cant be bothered. Cherry |
Unknown | Report | 5 May 2005 13:59 |
I will be, soon as my hangover is a bit better! x |
*~♥~*Anita | Report | 5 May 2005 13:54 |
Me , im going off to vote soon before i go to work.... Cant let Emily Pankhurst's efforts go to waste ...:) |
Andy | Report | 5 May 2005 13:53 |
will do after work. |
DAVE B | Report | 5 May 2005 13:50 |
Ive been already at 8am my vote is in already.! Dave |
Suzy | Report | 5 May 2005 13:44 |
Did it by post... |
Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 | Report | 5 May 2005 13:27 |
Done it. I get very cross when people say they are not bothering - we are so lucky in this country to be able to vote at all. And don't get me started on Suffragettes!! I live in a very 'safe seat' - offered to go and vote in a few marginals as well but wasn't allowed - can't work out why??!! Maz. XX |
squeekydeeky | Report | 5 May 2005 13:15 |
Me! Done it. Helen |
ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom | Report | 5 May 2005 12:54 |
Ive voted already. E x |
Poolmaster | Report | 5 May 2005 12:51 |
does it?? that surprises me but i suppose if it only has one MP that makes sense. x |
SheilaSomerset | Report | 5 May 2005 12:50 |
Already done it! |
Researching: |
Unknown | Report | 5 May 2005 12:48 |
Going just before I pick the kids up from school. Did you know Paul the Isle of wight has the largest electorate in the country (according to sky news) |