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GR Relay Team. Looks if it is going to be possibl
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Glenys the Menace! | Report | 5 Apr 2005 23:08 |
Yes, you're mad alright! But it's a lovely idea. Just wondering about the practicalities. I'm going to bed soon, though, so if I don't reply, that's why. G.x |
Mommylonglegs | Report | 5 Apr 2005 23:06 |
Re my Furthest North to South Thread and Furthest East to West thread. I am wondering if we could have a GENES REUNITED RELAY. For charity. Not just GR members, but their family and friends also. Obviously a run or walk from town to town would be great. But it would probably have to entail cars or other methods of transport. I am mad or what? Jenny. *****Update.***** What started out as just an idea looks as if it could be feasable. I am all for one big relay. So to include all that want to join in. Where I think a trail run, such as East to West, then a North to South, then the Big one is a good idea, it means that such a lot of members would have to wait weeks possibly months before they could join in the fun. Summer holidays will soon be being booked if not already. Lets go the whole hog and do a one big one. I am going to get a huge map of Great Britian up on the wall. The Big Teddy Bear is a fantastic idea. Just a few questions first. Are we all agreeable on the Charity? Pink Diana's Fund? Do you think all participants should have to be sponsored? I don't think they should. Please let me have your views and ideas. Jenny. |