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Guinevere Report 21 Mar 2005 06:58

Hi Bob, Grocers' apostrophes drive me crazy. There was a thread on here a while back asking what irritated you and that's what I wrote about. I also wince when people say Haitch instead of Aitch. When I'm a batty old woman (not long to go now) I shall handbag any grocer, greengrocer or market stall holder who misuses the apostrophe. Gwynne (daughter of a former Head of the English Department in a Comprehensive School)


Bob Report 21 Mar 2005 06:49

Is there anyone else like me who winces when they see “Potatoe’s” and “Sprout’s” outside a greengrocer’s? I came across this example of how things can go wrong yesterday: A woman, without her man, is nothing. A woman: without her, man is nothing. So bring back grammar is what I say. Bob


Bob Report 21 Mar 2005 06:49

Does it matter any more?