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does anyone feel the same as me tonight?
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Sarah | Report | 16 Feb 2005 21:27 |
i think we'll have to go and get it to find out lynn lol |
lynnchalmers70 | Report | 16 Feb 2005 21:26 |
glenys that book sounds too good to be true. is it big enough to hit the kid's with? or does'nt it say in the index. |
Sarah | Report | 16 Feb 2005 21:24 |
thnx glenys i appreciate that, i'm always open to suggestions |
Sarah | Report | 16 Feb 2005 21:22 |
it's ok thnx lynn got plenty of spare pillows and there's always one with a pillow case on it just in case it's needed. it's great to have so many people out there who take a minute to listen to a grumble. appreciate all of you folks out there :) |
Magi | Report | 16 Feb 2005 21:22 |
Hopefully you can relax a little yourself now Sarah. Would you believe my hubby loves 'Bob the Builder'? Tells me its the kid in him Hmmm... OMG the girlfriend has forgiven him, amazing what effect a single red rose has on a girl - she'll Oh that made me smile Val, has she had them since? Magi |
Glenys the Menace! | Report | 16 Feb 2005 21:20 |
Sarah, have you heard of a book called '1-2-3 Magic'? It's described as 'Effective Discipline for Children 2-12'. We were recommended it, and it's really good. It's a way of restoring a calm atmosphere in the home - for the parents as well as the kids - and we really would recommend it. The author is Thomas W. Phelan. We still use it with our two, who are now 14 and 11. If you want to know more about it, email me and I'll tell you. Also, if anyone else out there is interested and feel they want to buy it, the ISBN is 0-9633861-9-0. And no, I'm not getting any commission out of this! Glenys x |
lynnchalmers70 | Report | 16 Feb 2005 21:18 |
well hello sarah, thought the kid's tied you up? we have been trying to keep your thread going for you, and had a few laughs in the process. i have a big pillow, would you like to borrow it? |
Val | Report | 16 Feb 2005 21:17 |
I know what you mean takes some who lives with it to understand but I do feel sorry for the teachers to as the boys play up big style even though they are on ritalin. I feel sorry for all you lot who can't get kids to sleep my John will be getting his sleep tablets soon as he doesn't sleep. Do you want any lol |
lynnchalmers70 | Report | 16 Feb 2005 21:15 |
no magi, the little man is still here, he must have an undercover misssion, locking little horrors in their room, as for bob the builder,, iv'e still to see a JCB that talks, other than the driver wolf whistling out of the cab. |
Val | Report | 16 Feb 2005 21:11 |
I kept telling my friends I will give you mine put you off kids for life my friend in Scotland thought I was joking when they first meet her they where so nice once she got to know them she said I don't know how you cope, it is hard came close to strangling them but I couldn't have to lock myself away when they get to bad |
Sarah | Report | 16 Feb 2005 21:10 |
thnx lynn they're settling down...except little one now coughing even tho she's asleep!! think i'd better go and give her an extra pillow |
Magi | Report | 16 Feb 2005 21:09 |
Did you get them settled Sarah? Val - NO! NO! NO! No six day weeks please! My teachers would all up and leave if I even suggested it! Kids, I love em all but only from Monday to We got new ADHD stuff through today (I'll mail it you if you like) - laughable - obviously these counsellors are not parents Action Man - thought he'd gone AWOL? Either that or he's moonlighting for Bob the builder Lynn. Magi |
lynnchalmers70 | Report | 16 Feb 2005 21:05 |
boy val i sympathise, i once knew a kid with that and he was a handful, but to have 2, i'd never manage. |
Val | Report | 16 Feb 2005 20:57 |
I know what you all mean my 2 eldest are a nightmare thought he would get better at 18yrs but no he is worse winding up the younger ones doesn't help with 2 eldest having ADHD and the 6yr old gets hurt all the time worse though boys on a weeks holiday. Ban holidays and 6 days a week at school lol |
lynnchalmers70 | Report | 16 Feb 2005 20:55 |
oh magi, you make me laugh, hate thomas tank twins are obsessed with him, been on the real thomas 2 years on the trott, videos, dvd's, tiny trains all over the place, can't wait for action man, at least he don't talk or does he? as for the charger forget that, just sneak the sim card next time they put it down. ahhhhhhhh hee hee |
Magi | Report | 16 Feb 2005 20:49 |
Isn't that bleeping just the worst sound ever Lynn? Now where can I hide the charger tonight????? Oh for the days when a Thomas the tank engine video kept him quiet for hours, only time he's quiet now is whe he's had a fall out iwth his girlfriend (guess whose son forgot Valentines day?) Look out Haslemere! Must be mad but I'm bringing my monsters to the UK in July. Will post bootcamp web-sites tomorrow (I have them all booked on my favorites at school Magi |
lynnchalmers70 | Report | 16 Feb 2005 20:47 |
sarah, have the kid's settled yet? did you give in? |
lynnchalmers70 | Report | 16 Feb 2005 20:38 |
i know the feeling maggie, my eldest daughter is up stairs right now, she and her friend are having a sleep over and that bleeping mobile phone keeps going, i often hear her talking after 11pm. i confinscate it then. i'm sure all the radio waves cause their attitude |
Magi | Report | 16 Feb 2005 20:30 |
OMG I remember it well... I thought they were bad when it was the terrible two's, the frightful three's etc; no-one warned me about the stroppy seventeen's! I teach 8th grade & high school then come home to my own 'stroppy 17 year old who is in a 'mega huff' (his words, not mine) as he's on a mobile phone ban! Hopefully that will teach hime his friends cant call at 02:30 just for a chat when we have to be up at 6! Love the helpline Linda |
Sarah | Report | 16 Feb 2005 20:30 |
i think i'll make myself a nice cup of coffee and park myself infront of the tv lol |