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does anyone feel the same as me tonight?

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Shelli4 Report 16 Feb 2005 19:44

nope felt like it all day cos my 4 are on half term and are deterimed to kill each other beofre the week is over!!!!!!


Sarah Report 16 Feb 2005 19:44

thnx for that lisa will do as soon as i've checked little one's not trying to demolish her room!!!

Malc /GG and Jackie

Malc /GG and Jackie Report 16 Feb 2005 19:44

Right thing to do . I would have had them Bathed and in bed before now.


Lisa Report 16 Feb 2005 19:43

sarah go onto my count to ten will feel much betterxxx(:


Sarah Report 16 Feb 2005 19:41

I've just put my youngest to bed for being naughty!!! Don't get me wrong - kids always have their moments, but today it's been right from getting in from the school run at 3.30pm. Little one started straight off, the other two eventually joined in. Got to boiling point, so much so they've all been told that they can explain to their dad why they've been so naughty. Does this sound unreasonable???