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Deanna | Report | 12 Feb 2005 19:38 |
That sounded wonderful CB. I'm so glad you all enjoyed it and that Gaynor had a wonderful day. You did'nt mention the flowers from her Canadian friends. I toasted her in sparkling water! Well nearly Champagne ! Deanna XX |
Jennifer | Report | 12 Feb 2005 19:39 |
Glad you all had a wondeful time, thinking of you all and raised my cup to Gaynor at 2pm. Love Jennifer. |
MaggyfromWestYorkshire | Report | 12 Feb 2005 19:42 |
Glad that you all had a good day, sorry that I couldn't be there with you. I did raise my glass at 2.00 and I did buy my yellow roses, and I was thinking about you all! Maggy |
Sue (Sylvia Z ) | Report | 12 Feb 2005 19:43 |
Hi CB, Great reporting. I think most of us were leaving around 6ish, so that left the hardened Gaynor's limo was amazing. Black and very shiny. The man who owns the car was driving and had specially put 'PINK'S CHARITY' in large pink letters on the side of the car. Understandably, those ordinary people not in the know were very curious as to who the 'celeb' was!! It was a lovely afternoon, thanks to all those who made it and gave generously, Diana's bucket had over £600 in it. Thanks to Steve the manager for his generosity, not forgetting Roberto (Lynda's Argentinian). Sue Sue |
Rupert | Report | 12 Feb 2005 19:48 |
Beautifully reported CB. Glad everyone had a good time and that Gaynor had a good day. I thought that the gifts of the management were a splendid touch. I would have loved to have been there but still we raised our glasses of red wine on the dot of 2pm. The boards did notice that a lot of scribes were absent and I suspect there will be a lot of little hammers going strong tomorrow morning on those who tippled too much. Any way thank you for your report, if my printer had turned up as it was supposed to have done on Thursday I could have taken a copy. Rupert. |
Unknown | Report | 12 Feb 2005 19:50 |
CB Thank you so much for your great report - it was the next best thing to being there. At least I did get to meet Gaynor at a previous 'do' and have also met others in Victoria before. Looking forward to the photos! nell |
Heather | Report | 12 Feb 2005 19:58 |
CB you are a great reporter, I can picture it so well! I'm glad to hear you all had such a great time and looking forward to seeing the photos. Heather |
Glenys the Menace! | Report | 12 Feb 2005 20:34 |
Thank you, our roving reporter - well reported! Glenys x |
Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 | Report | 12 Feb 2005 20:36 |
What a great time we had - haven't laughed so much for ages. And strippers too - fab!!! So funny when we were waving Gaynor off with our camcorders and cameras - we drew quite a crowd of passers-by all wanting to know who the celeb was!! When's the next one please!!! Maz. XX |
Jill | Report | 12 Feb 2005 20:55 |
Thanks CB for your very detailed account of a brilliant meet. Pleased that you all had a great time. Can't wait for the photos! Jill xx |
Mags | Report | 12 Feb 2005 20:56 |
Just arrived home in Bristol! - What a fantastic day!! (to say the least LOL) Met some lovely people for the first time and some old friends again too - and I have seen things that I never dreamed I would see at a meet! All credit to those that had the bottle (can't use the other word although appropriate!! LOL) to strip off and help swell the coffers! Well done Terry, Dean and John - not forgetting Jack of course! - you made our day! Thanks for a wonderful meet Steedie and Strump - it was brilliant - and I even got to talk some genealogy! lol Magsxxxxx |
Unknown | Report | 12 Feb 2005 21:03 |
Mags peed on the Bar!! |
Shelli4 | Report | 12 Feb 2005 21:06 |
Have got to admit to almost not going, have been feeling rough all week. Then had a major row witht th old man this morning and I thought I really can't face all this. BUT am so glad I did they say laughter is the best medicine and it certainly is!!!!!!! Not laughed so much in ages, what with Lynda and her Argie, Val grabbing his bum, the flowersw from Canda and the strippers Brill day!!!!!!! |
The Bag | Report | 12 Feb 2005 21:08 |
Just read thru all of these postings and sounds as though a wondeful day was had by one and all. CB report makes me feel as though i was there, which i was in spirit if not in body. Jess x Grandpa Jim....tell me more! |
~♥ Daisy ♥~ | Report | 12 Feb 2005 21:12 |
CB A great report, well done! Great to meet you all. Daisy |
Joy | Report | 12 Feb 2005 21:22 |
Thank you very much, CB. Was with you in spirit. :) Joy |
VIVinHERTS | Report | 12 Feb 2005 21:28 |
Although I didn't make it until 2.15, I had a great time. Met amazing people and had a great time. It was good to put faces to names (now I know what you all look like) and chat to people I've met before. I was very upset that Mags from Bristol pea'd on the bar (she tipped her dinner on it!). LOL Jan and I discovered the ladies loo's weren't haunted this time!!! Rick seems to think I'm mad. Wonder where he got that idea from!? A brilliant afternoon.....good reporting Camberwell, sorry we met as you left. Viv |
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Shelli4 | Report | 12 Feb 2005 21:28 |
hey Nell great to see you again PMSL!!!!!! sorry I meant Viv!!!!!!!! |
AnninGlos | Report | 12 Feb 2005 21:44 |
Thanks CB on behalf of all if us who couldn't make it you make us feel we were there. seen the photos, not sure who they all are, know a few and LOVE Gaynor's hair!!!! Ann Glos |
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VIVinHERTS | Report | 12 Feb 2005 22:02 |
Shelli, That was Maz's fault. She was so p***ed she couldn't see straight! LOL (not really) Was good to see you too. Viv (aka nell) |
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