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SueinKent | Report | 2 Nov 2004 20:21 |
Hi Jim, Here are my list of moans:- (1) The view my tree page I find confusing with this allow or remove business. (2) The tick box for viewing trees when sending e-mails should be removed or put in a more visable place. (3) Why are most of our e-mails ignored. Thanks Jim |
Debbie | Report | 2 Nov 2004 20:20 |
Move the message boards to the left so you can just click on which one you want. I am so fed up with getting the success board first If I wanted to read it then I would want that to be my own choice, and not forced upon me. I know you can get to the boards through the home page but I dont like it like that. |
Jim | Report | 2 Nov 2004 19:57 |
Hi all. Those of you who have read Steve's prompt reply to my letter of complaint, will know that I have offered to collate all legitimate complaints and lay them out for him should he come back to me as promised.............................................. This gives anyone who has a point they wish to be discussed the chance to get it put where it matters. So far, I am dissapointed that many more have not come forward and added their complaints as well. I have a short list already but if you wish to have these problems sorted let me have BRIEF details on this thread and I will take it up............................... All I ask is that there be as little duplication as possible, serious complaints have been made in the past so join with me and lets get it dealt with now....................................... I am due to have my head chopped off on the 13th so come on start a list while I've got the time pleaseand am still willing. Yours Jim. PS Please keep nudging this to the front or it will get LOST!!! Jim |