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Christian names - any really unusual ones?
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Michelle | Report | 20 Dec 2004 10:24 |
I found my great grandfather was Murdoch Kelly, sounds like he was related to our bushranger Ned *lol* I also have Quinton Farish on my list Joyclyn Sno Robins Most others I found are names that stayed in the family and always throughout |
Karen | Report | 20 Dec 2004 05:58 |
My grandfather was called granville rigby southern |
Sue | Report | 20 Dec 2004 01:45 |
My Aunts were called Octenia, Topsey and Viney. Thankfully Dad was called George! Octenia wasn't the eighth child as might be assumed, but the first! Suex |
Bec | Report | 19 Dec 2004 18:07 |
Hmmm... We have several Georges, Johns, Sidney, Charles.. nothing unusual... We do have a Florence (Florrie) that's as unusual as we get... |
Trouble | Report | 19 Dec 2004 18:04 |
I have these in my tree, all travellers in England Wisdom, Jabez, Sylvanus, Absalom, Kyia, Neptune, Nipton, Nepthali, Liberty, Job, Shadrack, Nehemiah Charity, Mercy, Patience, Freedom, Britainnia, Ocean, Fainette, Centabury, Binah, Sabina, Sanfoy, Cinderelle, Septura, Nahomri, Gildrida, Richenda, Eldria, They sound unique, but think of the fun I have had with the way they can be transcribed!!!! And I end up with Tracie!!! don't run into many of them now do you LOL! |
Unknown | Report | 19 Dec 2004 17:48 |
I have heard of a Senga and when she was asked how she got her name she explained that it was Agnes spelt backward |
Yvonne | Report | 19 Dec 2004 17:39 |
I have a chap called Experience, you should see how that gets spelt on the census returns! Also my GGrandmothers second name was Avarintha, I understand my mother narrowly escaped that one. |
PennyDainty | Report | 19 Dec 2004 17:30 |
My Mum's middle name was Philomena, Mum's cousin's name was Christopher and his cofirmation name...? yes Columbus! I have an Adorthy in my tree and a Baikie. I also have a neighbour who changed her name by deed pole to Dolphin! Christine |
Saints Alive | Report | 19 Dec 2004 17:25 |
My mum's was Christel Edeltrout but she was German |
Bluesavannah | Report | 19 Dec 2004 17:23 |
Got Comfort, Reuben, Fanny, Tabitha and Verdon. Claire xxx |
Maxine | Report | 19 Dec 2004 16:31 |
I have a hodson, and I kid you not, a cousin(she was a witness at her wedding) of my Grt Grt Grandmother was called Fanny Sellar not a name you could have today. Maxine |
Emma | Report | 19 Dec 2004 15:32 |
I have: Aballuise, Cara, Montague (Romeo and juliet)??? and Claybrook! xx |
syljo | Report | 10 Aug 2004 15:25 |
Strump, Well Fairy sounds kinder than witch. Fancy having the name of witch!! Sylvia |
Researching: |
maggiewinchester | Report | 10 Aug 2004 15:08 |
Amongst all the Marys and Josephs, I have a Wolfran Cattermole, Loveday Bridgman, Brighton Gay, and twins called Cain and Abel! My Gx4 grandfather was named Richard, but was known as Dirty. Oh and my grand daughter is called Blossom |
Researching: |
The Mad House | Report | 10 Aug 2004 14:12 |
my dad had a great gran called fanny her surname was funny to it was titinsaw(not sure about spelling) |
Sarah | Report | 7 Aug 2004 00:48 |
Afetr a bunch of Freds and Georges, I just found Hyppolite Arthur! Still trying to confirm the info, but it certainly looks like we got a hippo in the family...and its not my mum!! lol (sorry mum - jus' kidding :o)) |
Researching: |
Craftlady | Report | 19 Jul 2004 18:51 |
I have an Onesipherous, in one part of my family tree the first son of each generation was given this name, I'd be interested to know where it originated from. The family name is Warry and were from Dorset. Audrey. |
syljo | Report | 19 Jul 2004 15:43 |
Cornelia was my mother-in-law's name! |
Researching: |
Janet | Report | 19 Jul 2004 15:07 |
Just seeing Yvette putting Bertram in her list reminds me of childhood memory. My grandfathers name was Bertram, my father Albert and my fathers cousin Herbert. When they were all together it was very confusing as all three names had been shortened to Bert. I always got a good laugh at school when we used to compare parents names. Dad's name in full was Albert Bertram Percy Bone. As for unusal forenames in the tree if the above aren't bad enough how about Porter Hero. Janet |
Lynne | Report | 19 Jul 2004 14:05 |
I have a Barsabas whose surname was Smith. Maybe his parents thought he needed an unusual name to make it easy for me to trace his birth record!! |