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Christian names - any really unusual ones?
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Unknown | Report | 14 Jul 2004 22:58 |
My Norfolk grandfather was called Jeuel Jabez Gray. Jeuel means "snatched by God" and Jabez means "brought forth in sorrow". He had two brothers with biblical names - Lemuel and Samuel as well as a sister Ruth. I also had a great-grandfather called Emmets Matthews. I am very glad of this as it has enabled me to trace the Matthews' family to their roots in Warwickshire. I have yet to find out, but I imagine Emmets was his mother's maiden name. Helen |
Wendy | Report | 14 Jul 2004 22:57 |
My Grandmothers middle name was Tryphena, as a child I thought it was Trifle. |
Gypsy | Report | 14 Jul 2004 22:45 |
I had an uncle YOVON. But they called him Lowey? My aunt is Edith (not unusual i know), but she is known as Bowsy!! Worst of all My middle name rhymes with my surname! I don't know what my mother was thinking!! Pat |
John | Report | 14 Jul 2004 22:29 |
My great Granmas name was Abiah Smith!! i was at the P R O today looking for her birth and a chap said "what surname are you looking for?" "Smith" i replied "might as weel give up on that" he said I found her easily in the third book because of her unusual forename!! |
Sue | Report | 14 Jul 2004 17:59 |
Fairly normal girls names in my tree, but have lots of Gideons, Gustavuses, Harrys and Georges in every combination you can think of. Some of them have 2 of the names, some have 3 and one has all 4! Sue PS My G Grandfather on my father's side was George Washington Kilpatrick! |
syljo | Report | 14 Jul 2004 15:40 |
What about Hyacinth and Primose?? |
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syljo | Report | 14 Jul 2004 12:03 |
I know a girl who named her children Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I don't know whether she has had any more, but had the beginnings of a good football team. Sylvia |
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Jan | Report | 14 Jul 2004 09:03 |
Not in my tree but I have seen Deliverance and Thankful. I used to know a family in Leeds where they used names like Copernicus - can't remember the others although there was a daughter called Sarah! |
Claire in Lincs | Report | 14 Jul 2004 06:31 |
Iv got a couple of Shallett Lincoln's in my tree and my great grandmother was named Maria but it was pronounced as in 'black mariah' Also have a couple of Kezia's |
POSITIVE Pauline | Report | 14 Jul 2004 00:02 |
Asenath is the stangest one I've come across so far! Pauline |
Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 | Report | 13 Jul 2004 23:48 |
Northfield (mother's maiden name) my 3 x gt grandfather and Medora (from a poem by Lord Byron) my g grandfather's sister. Maz. XX |
Wee Scottish Lass | Report | 13 Jul 2004 22:03 |
Not unusual in there own right, but my dad had a funny sense of humour! Peter F. Sharp. The F. was for Fairlie. So when he had to pick a confirmation name, he picked Luke, and became........................Peter Luke Fairlie Sharp!!!! |
syljo | Report | 13 Jul 2004 21:53 |
Petronella, Margarita, Doris |
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chezzy | Report | 13 Jul 2004 21:30 |
hi.ive got Elfreda, Ardie, Royal, Sutcliffe,Badelia, Charlton(middle name Glazebrook(yuk) just to name a few. |
syljo | Report | 13 Jul 2004 21:17 |
Ann, Annette, Annabel, Agnes, Angel, Bella, Beryl Catherine, Caroline, Christine Deirdre, Daphne Evelyn Frances Georgina Henrietta Isabel Jennifer Karen Lily Margaret Nancy Olive Patricia Rita Sally, Sylvia T Ursula Valerie Winifred Y Z Sylvia |
Researching: |