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Mr & Mrs (just 4 fun)

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Elizabeth A

Elizabeth A Report 14 Nov 2003 16:51

Mr and Mrs Whack and their son Paddy


Heather Report 14 Nov 2003 15:14

Mr and Mrs Box and their daughter Jewel Mr and Mrs Paint and their son Matt Mr and Mrs Lee and their daughter Rosie Mr and Mrs Chain and their daughter Daisy


Janet Report 14 Nov 2003 14:33

Here's some especially for the contributors to this thread! Mr and Mrs. Bullchokes and their son Terry and Mr and Mrs Larfin and their son Adam !! Janet East Northamptonshire

Rosalind in Madeira

Rosalind in Madeira Report 14 Nov 2003 14:17

Some of our oriental cousins Mr and Mrs Flung-Dung and their twin sons, Hu and Fa.


Heather Report 14 Nov 2003 12:25

Mr and Mrs Trite and their son Con Mr and Mrs Lamp and their daughter Tilly Miss C Moore Mr F Ryan Mr and Mrs Vase and their daughter Crystal Mr and Mrs Ruff and their son Luke N Mr and Mrs Force and their daughter Gail Mr and Mrs Scope their son Perry

Ann L from Darlo

Ann L from Darlo Report 14 Nov 2003 12:11

Mr & Mrs C Lion address Flamingo Zoo Ann

Claire in Lincs

Claire in Lincs Report 14 Nov 2003 11:55

I used to work at a doctors surgery... we had a patient called Rose Bush,,a family of Bastards, some O'nions,,Carrot's and several Grococks


Dave Report 14 Nov 2003 11:55

Mr & Mrs Hart and the twins Alf & Wilf Mr & Mrs Farthing and daughter Penny Mr & Mrs Pitt and son Cess Mr & Mrs Band and daughter Alice Mr & Mrs Bell and twins Terry and Mandy Mr & Mrs Case and son Justin Mr & Mrs Poster and son Bill Asian family Mr & Mrs Otic and son Idi Mr & Mrs de Lion and son Dan Mr & Mrs O'Nella and son Sam Mr & Mrs Attow and son Tom Mr & Mrs Stowe and son Felix Mr & Mrs Keay and son Don Dave


Anna Report 14 Nov 2003 09:56

Mr & Mrs Cule & their daughter Molly...............didn't she write 'Splitting the Atom'?


Helene Report 14 Nov 2003 09:56

Mr & Mrs Bun and their daughter Chelsea.


Andy Report 14 Nov 2003 00:30

Mr & Mrs Swires, and their daughter, Lou Mr & Mrs Banks, and their son, Robin Mr & Mrs Cope, and their son, Horace Mr & Mrs King, and their son, Lee

Sue (Sylvia Z )

Sue (Sylvia Z ) Report 13 Nov 2003 23:57

Mr and Mrs Forecast and their daughter Autumn - this one is real!! Sue

}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){

}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){ Report 13 Nov 2003 23:51

Mr and Mrs Down and thier son Ben Mr and Mrs McCavity and their son Phil (Hope nobody remembers the joke to go with these!) And I used to have a teacher called Bob Downs. Jeanette

Bren from Oldham

Bren from Oldham Report 13 Nov 2003 23:43

Mr.& Mrs Seed and their daughter Poppy Mr Mrs Shore and their son C Bren


BrianW Report 13 Nov 2003 23:08

Mr & Mrs Ringhand and their daughter Wanda Mr & Mrs Vator and their daughter Ellie Mr & Mrs Tact and their daughter Con Mr & Mrs Pickable and their son Des Mr & Mrs Warning and their daughter Gail Mr & Mrs Thorne and their daughter Rose


Sue Report 13 Nov 2003 19:56

Another real one! Mr & Mrs Harder and their son Scott. My son-in-law has just told me that Minnie Driver's sister is called Laurie. Do I believe him? Sue

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 13 Nov 2003 19:10

Another real one Mr and Mrs Bucket and their daughter Ina Maz. XX


maggiewinchester Report 13 Nov 2003 19:02

These are real: Joe King (producer of gardener's question time)and Brighton Gay (Cornish Census)


Heather Report 13 Nov 2003 18:36

Mr and Mrs Class and their son Jim Mr and Mrs Pie and their daughters Cherry and Peach Mr and Mrs Pepper and their daughter Cayen


Michele Report 13 Nov 2003 17:44

Mrs & Mrs Cooper and their daughter Minnie