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Spiritualism and Christianity

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Running Bear

Running Bear Report 30 Jul 2007 12:58

Rose, that was nice to read, hold on to your beliefs they areso important.


Rambling Report 30 Jul 2007 12:58

Deuteronomy Concerning unsolved Murders ' Suppose someone is found murdered in a field in the land that your God is going to give you and you do not know who killed him. Your leaders and judges are to go out and measure the distance from the place where the body was found to each of the nearby towns. Then the leaders of the town nearest to where the body was found are to select a young cow that has never been used for work. They are to take it down to a spot near the stream that never runs dry.........and there they are to break its neck.' Now if anyone can tell me how that is relevant I would love to know! rosex


Sally Report 30 Jul 2007 13:02

Have enjoyed reading all the comments...if there were no sin in the world .... then God would have no need for judgement day... and what we mortals class as sin .... might be different to Gods.. after all He did give us free will.. Sallyx


Kris Report 30 Jul 2007 13:04

Thank you all for taking the time to comment - this is making very interesting reading . As for Harry Potter - I view it no differently from the Narnia stories ie the battle against good and evil. Apparently CS Lewis was a religious man and the stories are based on Christianity.


Leni Report 30 Jul 2007 13:04

Yes David I agree with you. Monty you are missing the point.Of course we have to have a legal system,but the point I am making is Jesus stopped that crowd from killing that woman in the way they would have understood. His way is forgivness and mercy. Gwyn


Rambling Report 30 Jul 2007 13:06

Thank you Monty,Diana and Kitty, my faith is based on just that....Faith in God (whatever you perceive him to be) ,my religion is theoretically C of E (largely school education) with Catholic input from my (lapsed) Catholic Mum, with a good smattering of Buddhism, Judaism etc etc etc! lol I told my son once that his grandmother saw all religions as being a route to God, his reply was that he thought there were brick walls seperating those religions, but as the people walking the road got closer to God, the walls got lower and lower until the seperating walls disappeared altogether........ Rosex


PinkDiana Report 30 Jul 2007 13:08

Forgive me if I sound flippant as I don't mean to but This sort of proves my point....... the bible says one thing and Jesus said another? In that case should people not do the things the bible says? Is it actually worthless ramblings?

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 30 Jul 2007 13:09

Rose.what a profound and wise son you have.

Running Bear

Running Bear Report 30 Jul 2007 13:10

we are talking English legal system, in Iran a woman still get stoned to death for playing around.


Rambling Report 30 Jul 2007 13:12

hello David, Kitty my son was about 9 when he said that! Deep thinkers in this family lol! Rosex


Rambling Report 30 Jul 2007 13:21

David ,how interesting that you mention St Paul..........! Have you ever read 'The Fool Hath Said' by Beverly Nichols?(it is basically an exploration of Christianity/Faith) if you do ever come across a copy he has some interesting views on St Paul. Rose


Rambling Report 30 Jul 2007 13:25

Lol David, what would life be without a pile of books to read?! Rosex


Dianne Report 30 Jul 2007 13:28

I am a Christian Spiritualist. I was married in the Christian Spiritualist Church and my child was baptised there on the same day. I must admit that my Catholic in laws were nervous to go there, because of preconceptions about the religion. I was even asked if they would see any ghosts. TRULY. After the services they said they hadn't realised, and hadn't been brought up to realise that Spiritualism is Christian. They were very surprised that the services followed the normal format. Just for the record, the church I got married in is run by a Catholic Nun, and it was she who officiated the services. I didn't realise this at the time, as she was not dressed as a nun, but it transpired that a couple of our guests knew her and told us. Yes, Christianity and Spiritualism are not only compatible, but I think in fact the same thing. Every Christian aspires to go to Heaven to live after their earthly death. Spiritualism seeks to prove that this is possible rather than just a theory and a hope. Dianne xx

Andy Hyslop

Andy Hyslop Report 30 Jul 2007 13:31

ok... Me and my friend Tom (a budddhist), walked our friend laura (a devot Christian) to one of her teen christ things in her local church... we were debating religion, was all fine, we got to her church, came in and were sat on the pews finishing our convo, as we traded hugs saying goodbye... This guy (the leader of this group) came over and told laura that it was starting, so we went to leave when laura suggested we stay and asked our questions to the group. this guy was like what questions?? Laura said oh, these guys arent christians and where asking q's about what we belive and stuff... Without warning this guy then totally flipped out and grabbed me by the neck and manhandled me out the church, telling me that i was an infidel and that i would burn in hell for 'consorting with the devil', shouting at laura how dare she bring unpure people into the house of christ, that sort of stuff., then he turned on my friend and told him that he would burn for following false gods. was rather scary to see, someone that devout flip out...


Kris Report 30 Jul 2007 13:33

Diane - I was going to say that if Christianity talks of eternal life and spiritualism proves that then where is the conflict ? - but I thought that it might sound too simplistic !

Ails from NI

Ails from NI Report 30 Jul 2007 13:34

Although our judicial system is largely based on the Ten Commandments which are taken from the Old Testament, I was under the impression that the New Testament largely over-ruled the OT in that God was not a God to be feared but a God to be loved. Ails x

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 30 Jul 2007 13:47

Andrew, that's awful.............maybe it says less about christianity and more about the man!! One of the nastiest men I have ever met claims to be a devout christian. I don't judge people by their religion or beliefs, but by their actions towards others.


Dianne Report 30 Jul 2007 13:50

Exactly Kris. We all hope for eternal life, after all there's not much point in 3 score and ten then just a wooden box at the end of it. Therefore all religions preach of the hereafter, in their own wording. The Spiritualist Church tends to be a very inter-denominational church, with all religions attending, and being totally accepted into the church. There is no requirement to be re-baptised into the church or anything. You are who you are and are respected for that. Some may wonder how I didn't know that the church I got married in was run by a catholic nun. The reason is that it is not the church I usually attended. We had to go to that one as it was the only one big enough to hold all our guests. The church I normally attended was run by a Jewish couple and their son and daughter in law, but it only seated about 50 and we had 106 guests. Another church in the area is run by a Methodist. She also had a couple of Indian Doctors in her congregation, so I don't know what their original religion would be. In my opinion we all strive for the same goal, to lead as good a life as we can, and therefore attain a place in Heaven, or whatever name any religion wants to give it. I can't see the point of wars, arguments, persecutions etc which go on in this world, when we are all of the same mind anyway. I wish life could be about peace love and respect for each other in this world. Unfortunately because we are all human I don't think this will ever be so. Dianne xx

Andy Hyslop

Andy Hyslop Report 30 Jul 2007 13:52

unfortunatly however the man also makes the religion yes? I have to ask, i have always wondered... Do christians believe in ghosts?? or zombies (as jesus rose from the dead, surely that would make him undead or zombie)?? i wonder how many wars have featured buddhists as protagonists??? And how can you call something 'dark magic' if you have no understanding of it??


PinkDiana Report 30 Jul 2007 13:53

Do ya know I may just have to go buy a bible now and read it! Its been along time since I opened one and maybe its time! xx