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SERIOUS subject ,...Zimbabwe is

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~Twiglet~ Report 17 Sep 2007 20:28

Why did we go into Iraq........ in MY OPINION because of the oil...... what has Zimbabwe got that we of the western world regard in high value and esteem???


~Twiglet~ Report 17 Sep 2007 20:24



~Twiglet~ Report 17 Sep 2007 20:19

Sorry to say this but Zimbabwe has been like that for a lot of years ...... only the western world refused to listen to cries of help......... why I dont know I am not political......... do I think something should be done.......... Yes like yesterday


Rambling Report 17 Sep 2007 20:16

sadly too true Mau, I do wonder why and how people turn out like this, what sort of family they had ,was it 'nature' or 'nurture' that made him what he is?



Mauatthecoast Report 17 Sep 2007 20:11

Trouble is Rose these tyrants will not recognise United Nations and all it stands for,they are a law unto themselves


Rambling Report 17 Sep 2007 19:37

Thinking as I type so might review it later,
but i think it will have to be an 'inside job' with financial promises to the Zimbabwean army that will ensure their 'continued wealth' if they allow Democratic elections.......buying
the people their freedom in essence.

After WW2 the idea was that tyranny of this sort would be dealt with by the UN
but it hasn't worked out that way.........also it is probably especially difficult in Africa because of the history of 'white intervention', (ie british empire).


♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 17 Sep 2007 19:36

Rose.......I mean that if he is assassinated then another from his followers will step in to take his place.......they all have too much at stake to risk giving up their positions.

Without a complete change to the corruption now in place, how will anything improve for the people living under these terrible conditions.


Mauatthecoast Report 17 Sep 2007 19:25

Well I'm not ashamed to say I do advocate assassination Lynda, He's the devil's own!

Unfortunately there will be others who would take his place who are like him .....greedy and ambitious. bullies!

The innocents there live in a corrupt world.


Jac Report 17 Sep 2007 19:23

What would you suggest then Lynda by way of ensuring he is deposed?

No good looking at his cohorts and Colonels in the Army - they are sitting pretty thank you!!

No good looking at the powers that be in neighbouring countries - they too are sitting pretty, and I believe take the view "there but for the grace of God go I"

The people have no say, no rights and no food.

The so called civilised world is not interested in small countries who add nothing to their exchequers by way of revenue, and will not send fire-power to depose him.

What's to be done then?


Cumbrian Caz~**~

Cumbrian Caz~**~ Report 17 Sep 2007 19:19

Yes, Rose, he needs to go,

His is a disgrace to man kind and makes me feel ill,

Caz xxx

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 17 Sep 2007 19:17

Not sure about an assassination, but he needs to go. What dreadful conditions these poor people live in, it's truly awful.


Jac Report 17 Sep 2007 19:09

I guess he's another dictactor the same as Amin, and will get his just desserts in time.

Unfortunately, in the interim the innocent suffer - same old story really..............but what can we, as ordinary folk do to alleviate the suffering?
Not much I fear, as corruption is rife in all lands (not least of all our own). We can pump money into the country via the various aide agencies, but this only serves to aid the corruption. We could put an embargo on trade, but I think this is already in being and only causing the starving further deprivation.

I notice that none of the neighbouring countries are providing much aid, or even stating a case for deposing him.
Pot, kettle and black come to mind in this regard I think.

Perhaps a pot-shot with a rifle might not come amiss after all?



Rambling Report 17 Sep 2007 19:02

Kitty, I am not normally one to advocate murder.....even of a tyrant of his ilk.....but don't see any way that he will allow any dissent,his thugs beat or imprison all opposition.........


Rambling Report 17 Sep 2007 19:00

gosh that got a quick response! only just had time to put pasta on.........

Watching on the news the grandmother who is trying to feed her nine orphaned grandchildren, she was showing the death certificates of her dead sons and wives, the neighbour was trying to help with feeding them......pitiful amount of food for so many.

But of course Mugabe and his cronies have luxury villas........

Yvonne I hope your uncle is ok , I imagine he will stay if he can to help, must be dreadful for you.



Mauatthecoast Report 17 Sep 2007 18:55

He's an evil monster and doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as his countrymen!
Another Amin!

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 17 Sep 2007 18:55

The conditions for the people living under the corrupt government are truly dreadful, but I don't know that assassinating Mugabe is the answer.

The whole political system there needs a severe shake-up, but it will take a very brave person to turn the country around.



Yvette Report 17 Sep 2007 18:54

Worries me silly the way Zimbabwe is going, i have an uncle who is a missionary out there and keeping in touch is getting harder by the week, i worry so much about him

not to mention the normal human reactions of horror at the way the local people are suffering so badly, that man is pure evil...and has been for many years


.•:*★jet★*:• Report 17 Sep 2007 18:54

he is the lowest of the low in my opinion, all he cares about is what he can get, while his own people are suffering at his hands DISGRACFUL....



Roxanne Report 17 Sep 2007 18:50

I can not understand why nothing has not been done about this MONSTER!!
Why!!Irag and Not Zimbabwe,Easy!!

One word OIL!
Its Heartbreaking to watch these people suffer!

Jude(sarf wales) 7602736

Jude(sarf wales) 7602736 Report 17 Sep 2007 18:44

Yes yes yes and l'd do it if l could!!!

PS have'nt seen the news yet, but will keepan eye open, saying that l saw something simular last week:o(((