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Birthday Girls card making group new year, closed

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AnninGlos Report 11 Feb 2008 17:25

Hi Sylvia,
No craft work for me today, been to Cheltenham for curtains for my nearly finished 'office'. Then been sorting out family history stuff. Still since I have been not able to get to my desktop pc I have made 12 cards and next months ATCs so feel quite virtuous.


Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 11 Feb 2008 18:07

Oh dear Sylvia my house always has a lick and a promise!!

Just to let you know I have heard from Patricia and Barbara but not Sheila.

Patricia is fine but still without her computer. She has another throat and ear infection and on antibiotics.

Barbara is still unable to craft as she still has the trapped nerves in her shoulders and neck. She is having physio and has one arm/shoulder strapped.

Wishing both ladies a speedy recovery and hope to see them both back soon.

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 12 Feb 2008 11:00

Good morning to you all, hope you are all keeping well.
Holiday and the skiing was great,lots of snow,good food and plenty to wash it down with. Did get a bit cold , minus 15 to 20 deg and on the last day minus 29 brrrrrr.
Enjoyed it so much that I have already started checking out next years trip to Banff.
Bought lots of lovely things, throws,jewellery but couldnt find any craft shops !! Did buy a very flash pair of ski googles set with crystals on the band (was nearly divorced over them)thought the stones will come in handy one day :)))))
Will get my spring ATCs done in the next few days and must get a Mothers card made as didnt know it was so early, not the same month as in France.

Must get on now and clear all the ironing and put all the ski stuff away. Have a good day

xx Jill


syljo Report 12 Feb 2008 15:06

Glad you are back in one piece Jill.
I should be ironing. I promised myself - good job nobody else - that when my help went I'd tackle the ironing. I daren't make anymore "wild" promises, but Johan is going to the hospital tomorrow morning, so could do it then.
My help has been running round in circles, cleaning windows and lamps which are so high that I cannot reach them. She makes me dizzy just looking at her. Oh well, I was young once too, but have almost forgotten that part of my life now.
See you all tomorrow.
Sylvia xxx


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 12 Feb 2008 15:30

Nice to see you back Jill, sounds like you had a lovely time.

Well I've got my moaning minnie head on today so I won't stop long, muscle aches in back, having painkillers but they make feel sick yuk!

Suns shining tho, so happier on the outside if not on the inside :))

Hope you are all enjoying the sun :))

Heather xx


AnninGlos Report 12 Feb 2008 16:56

Hi JoJo, glad you have heard from patricia and barbara, hope Sheila is OK. Sylvia, ironing ugh!!! Jill, glad you had a good time welcome back.

Heather, hop the pain gets better soon, I can sympathise with back muscle pain.

My 'office' is nearing completion. I can actually use my desk top pc again and have got most of my stuff back on the shelves. Thrown a lot of rubbish out but there still seems to be a lot of stuff without a home!! Wonder where it came from?

have to start sorting out what we are taking to the Lake District, we are up there next week. So prepare for a change in the weather!!!


Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 12 Feb 2008 23:26

Sheila is fine too, Ann she posted on FH saying that she has just been very busy with her sister and two friends in hospital.

Jill glad to see you back in one piece.

Heather sorry to hear you have a bad back, hope it clears up soon.

Sylvia, hope you managed to finish your ironing.

Ann I always find that with shopping trolleys, everything went in but when you pack it into bags it never seems to fit back in or is it just me!!!


syljo Report 13 Feb 2008 17:37

Hi all,
As I said Johan went to the hospital today and I didn't go with him. Well he's a big boy now and I wanted to finish my ironing, which I did, so feel as happy as a sandboy - or should that be sandgirl?
I hope your back is improving Sheila. Lots of warmth to help those poor old muscles.
Tomorrow Johan and I have to go to the hospital to take a sample of my urine in and afterwards we are going to a large supermarket in town. In this supermarket you can scan your goods and don't have to go through the cashier - suits Johan down to the ground!
When you enter the supermarket you put your card in a slot and get a scanner and you scan your goods as you put them in the trolley. Well it goes ok with me now, but the first time I kept putting things in the trolley and forgetting to scan them. A real little thief! It cost us more time to un-scan the items with the cashier than if we had gone through the cashier normally.
The weather is still dry but very dull today with a heavy mist.
It doesn't seem possible that Easter is so near.
Have a nice evening.
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 13 Feb 2008 19:37

Evening ladies, what a glorious day, didn't do anything, took 2 of the grandchildren to the park instead!!


syljo Report 14 Feb 2008 21:40

Valentines Day
Did anyone make a Valentines card? I didn't but just wondered if anybody else did.
How many of you received Valentine cards, or do you have a husband like mine who says "you don't feed a fish once you've caught it". Yes, and I've been married 52 years now!
We did go shopping today and Johan hates shopping, but this is just the necessary groceries. Inside the supermarket he says "I'm going for a walk". I had finished the shopping and was using the scan system so paid etc. at the end and no sign of Johan. I was just telling the girl that he would turn up when everything was paid for and packed in the shopping basket. I turned round and there he was. I know him to a tee now!
Tomorrow is going to be a glorious day, so the experts tell us, so will get out to the market. No don't really need anything, but must go because of the good weather.
See you tomorrow hopefully,
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 15 Feb 2008 11:43

Morning. Just got back from Gloucester, had to drive down first thing this morning to look at a job for OH as he was too busy, little traffic so did it in record time.
Off now to make daughters birthday card.
Wont be around over the weekend as 2 grandchildren coming to stay.Sylvia like you my OH never sends valentines or anything, never has!! He tells me he doesn't need a special day to show that he loves me! HA!!!!


syljo Report 15 Feb 2008 18:35

Hi all,
So we have another new member - Berniece. Welcome Berniece. How many are there of us now.? They come and they go so have lost count. Mind you the ones that have gone have only gone temporarily I think, due to sickness etc.
We have had gorgeous weather here today albeit a bitterly cold wind. I really didn't need anything at the market but went out for the fresh air.
Did some more cutting out for cards and have ordered a punch for cutting out various size circles. We're getting really professional now!!!!!!!!!!!
See you tomorrow
Sylvia xxx


syljo Report 16 Feb 2008 17:51

Hi all,
I say "all" but where are you all. Only a note from Ginnie. I sympathise with you Ginnie. Johan has never liked painting and decorating. In fact I cannot remember the last time he did some. I have had to call somebody in to do it for us. Before we came here I used to do it myself, sometimes with the help of my two daughters.
As my neighbour once said to me "Johan only does what he wants to do". Wouldn't we all like to do this in life?
Still lovely weather here albeit bitterly cold.
My house smells delicious as I have been baking bread and cakes.
Hope everybody is well as I am at the moment.
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 16 Feb 2008 22:22

Evening everyone, sorry not been around, have 2 of the grandchildren staying at the moment and the baby takes up all my time!
I have to do all the decorating as well Sylvia, my OH hates doing any and always makes a mess of it!! I think he does it on purpus so I wont ask him.
Sylvia sounds like you have had a lovely day baking, I used to make my own bread, but now I buy it all. Tomorrow making birthday cake with 4yr old granddaughter for my daughter her mummy, so that will be fun, well it will if the baby sleeps through it!

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 17 Feb 2008 10:20

Good morning to you all, hope everyones keeping well.
Managed to get my Spring ATCs done so will pop them in the post on Monday.
Going to try and give the craft room a tidy and sort out stuff I dont use as its all taking up so much space.
We seem to be so busy at the moment as our old stairs/ladder in the kitchen will be taken down and a new one installed. Means clearing and changing the utility room as need to move a freezer into the room to make way for the new stairs.We will then be able to plan our new kitchen, its a very large room which seems to make it harder to decide on the layout, as range will have to stay in the same place as there is a chimney.
Cannot find a kitchen I like in France ,so good excuse for a trip back to UK and a visit to see baby RĂ©mi :))))

xx Jill


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 17 Feb 2008 13:19

Afternoon girls from a very sunny Cheshire :))

Ann, hope you have a lovely time at the Lakes, your atc's arrived yesterday, thank you.

All's well here now, fingers crossed.Hubbys minor op went ok and he is up and about doing stuff he shouldn't.Son is still poorly, but ok.

(((HUGS))) to everyone enjoy the rest of the weekend xx


syljo Report 17 Feb 2008 18:46

Hi all,
Pleased that your husband's op went ok Heather and hope your son will soon be fit and well.
Jill, I don't envy you re-building your kitchen. I don't mind the designing of it but not the actual work.
You ought to try looking at the kitchens in Germany Jill. We bought ours in Germany and they installed it for us too. They are so efficient.
You can always go to England and see baby Remi with the excuse you are looking at kitchens. Or, would that be telling a little white lie? No, not really, you do it.
I've been doing a bit of everything today, I always get hooked on the Saturday crossword in the newspaper and Johan and I do it between us. I usually begin and let him fill some more in. I find quite a lot on the internet these days. I prepared the dinner and then "attacked" the ironing which I promised myself to do yesterday, but didn't. I don't want to get behind as have various doctors appointments this week. I then made a couple more cards. I found another nice craft site on the internet today and have put in a large order. Oh joy!
I hate these cold evenings, but of course that is being selfish because we are having fantastic weather really. I think it is because we lived in the tropics for 6 years and then spent 6 years of winters in Spain.
See you all tomorrow.
Sylvia xxx

Dizzy Lizzy 205090

Dizzy Lizzy 205090 Report 18 Feb 2008 08:37

Hi girls,

Hope everyone is well. I do so miss "chatting" with you all regularly, and I hope, later in the year, work will calm down a bit and I can join you all again more frequently.

My Mum has asked me to make a retirement card for a gentleman interested in trains/ the railways. I'm stuck at the mo - does anyone have a spare decoupage sheet or other sticker type thing on a train theme they would swap with me for something I have that they would like? I have searched my supplies and I cannot find a thing that would do. I do have a sheet of "Retirement" peel-offs. it's just the main focus of the card I am short of.

Love Liz xxx

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 18 Feb 2008 09:18

Good morning ladies :)))

Liz, have sent you an email with some vintage trains attached ,hope its OK.
Sylvia, I did have a German made kitchen about three houses ago and was very pleased with it. Will go online and see whats about.
The kitchen is 20x20 and has stairs in in corner plus its on two levels, so need to get in right.
In the middle of clearing my craft room and trying to get things put away that do not get used, a mammoth task.
Hope you all had a good weekend

xx Jill

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 18 Feb 2008 16:44

Afternoon everyone, weather here lovely and sunny here again today but so cold not above freezing all day.
Jill I loved it once my kitchen was finished, but the fortnight of them stripping out and refitting and moving all the electrics and plumbing was a nightmare, had to live on freezer/microwave food as cooker last piece to go in.
Had a good day making cards, just 2 left to make.