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I'm devastated....

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Mrs Presley

Mrs Presley Report 6 Jan 2008 00:23

Lots of sticky buns thenxx
I know what you are going through...thinking of youxxxxxxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 6 Jan 2008 00:38

Lou, my thoughts are with you, hope you manage to get some sleep tonight and feel strong enough tomorrow to do what has to be done, report these people who haven't the guts or common decency to let you know what happened to poor Marley.
Will be thinking of you and all the love you give to the animals who need help and the people too, life is so unfair.

Rosi Glow

Rosi Glow Report 6 Jan 2008 00:52

Im so sorry Lou, you must be heartbroken.

Im so mad at how it has happened though, please report these owners before anyone else gets hurt. I know you will do the right thing and do something about them and their dog.....Cant say no more Im ****** fumeing...


Toothfairy Report 6 Jan 2008 15:11

My poor Marls was 'disposed of ' in a neighbours bin.

Collection was yesterday am and she is long gone..

I am more upset than words can explain..I can't eat, sleep and feel sick to the core.

I am sick of being nice, i am sick of people, i am sick of crappy laws...

Thankyou for visiting my site Joy - I tried to type on there but can't face putting her loss on....

I won't be around for a few days while i sort my head out - things like this really knock me for six and it takes a lot for me to bounce back when i could so easily fall off the tracks.
(those who know a little of my past will understand...)

Thankyou all for your kind words..

LOU XXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxx


MarionfromScotland Report 6 Jan 2008 15:21

Aww Lou, so sorry.

I know it wont bring her back but I hope you have reported it.

Thinking of you.
take care.

(giving you loads of sticky buns)

Marion :))


Lancsmade Report 6 Jan 2008 15:27


I'm so sorry about the loss of Marley. It's bad enough when they die through illness or old age, but to have them snatched away from you in that way is heartbreaking.

The pitbull is not safe, it's had the taste of blood now and it could be a child next.

I'm NOT saying that Marley's life is worth nothing, I love my little one she's like a child to me and I would be desolate if anything hapened to her.
Please report this to the authorities or the rspca this animal should be taken away so it cannot do anymore damage
it's owners are not responsable people or it wouldn't have happened. They don't deserve to own an animal.

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.



Joy Report 6 Jan 2008 15:36

Lou, that is disgusting. You know where to report it - when you feel able to do so. Have just rung you and left a message, hope I got through to the right number, and sent a PM yesterday.


Toothfairy Report 6 Jan 2008 15:37

I have contacted my friend at the RSPCA and she will be taking appropriate steps to remove the dog.

I also intend to have them evicted from their home.
I don't want people like that living within spitting distance of me.

I may not always do things the 'right' way - but i do things for a reason..I will make them suffer as they did to my Marls - and when they've felt her pain i'll feel better..
I know it's not the Lou many of you think you know - but it's the only way i know - and probably the only way i can make that scum over the road understand.


Ps. Sorry Joy - i can't speak, all you'd get is me crying down the phone at you....Will pm you in a bit.. xxx

Jude(sarf wales) 7602736

Jude(sarf wales) 7602736 Report 6 Jan 2008 15:48

Take care Lou and remember you have to be there for your other animals!!!
Thinking of you.
jude xx


Deanna Report 6 Jan 2008 15:54

Bless you LOU,

It is just awful losing a beloved pet.
The worst thing is that some people don't think you have the right to grieve.

You cry all you want....

Deanna X

Catherine from Manchester

Catherine from Manchester Report 6 Jan 2008 16:11

awww only just seen this
so sorry Lou to hear you lost your friend-
I'd be devestated if out happened to my girl.

sending you a big (((((((((((hug))))))))))


Glenys the Menace!

Glenys the Menace! Report 6 Jan 2008 16:51

Ooer, I did a reply Lou, but it hasn't appeared on the thread! Strange. :-(
Anyway, I know exactly what you're going through, apart from the breed of dog - in our case, a weimeraner. However, our neighbours were distraught when he caught two of our cats, killing one outright and fatally injuring another. They happened months apart, in 1997, and we still feel guilty that we weren't there to save either of them. At least the neighbour took the injured one to the vets, where sadly they had to put Lulu out of her misery as she had internal injuries.

I know you won't feel like any sticky buns at the moment, so I'm afraid you'll have to settle for a (((HUG))) from me!

It does get easier in time, but I can imagine how devastated you must feel, besides very angry towards those morons.

Ladylol Pusser Cat

Ladylol Pusser Cat Report 6 Jan 2008 16:55

lou let us know how you get on and good luck xx


Joy Report 6 Jan 2008 17:00

Lou, I'd have been crying, too.


Maddiecow Report 7 Jan 2008 19:10

Ooooh Lou I am so sorry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

It hurts so much so loose one. To me they are family xxxxx



Toothfairy Report 7 Jan 2008 19:20

The dog (a banned breed) was removed today. Another innocent animal thats lost it's life due to bad ownership.

After many hours (with thanks to my coach) Kickboxing i feel a little less aggressive, although i still intend to have the residents removed (they are on a three stike thing with the council)

I am still very tearful and find myself looking for her out of the windows, and when i drive down the street....Little Jess has realsised she's not comming back and is gutted, she said a beautiful prayer last night to ask God to look after her as she only had one eye and might find it hard to find the rainbow bridge - You can imagine how many tears were shed.

Thankyou all for your kind words and understanding, it ment a lot.

I have just recieved a Pm from another member who has lost her babe also - so my thoughts are also with you Carol. God bless little Ben, he will be well looked after at the bridge by my lot...

LOU XXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxx


JustKaz Report 7 Jan 2008 19:35

i'm so sorry xxxxxx((((hugs)))))
i'm glad you found the strenth to get the dog taken and hopefully remove these people too.
mines 17, i'm dreading loosing her....
take care


♥**♥Straykitten♥**♥ Report 7 Jan 2008 19:38

still sending u love and hugs lou
time eases a broken heart hun


Glenys the Menace!

Glenys the Menace! Report 7 Jan 2008 19:41

As you say Lou, another life has been lost due to bad ownership; I wish owners of these dogs were answerable, but they don't seem deterred, do they.

God bless little Marley, and Carol's baby too. I'll bet my Lulu's up there welcoming them!


AnninGlos Report 7 Jan 2008 21:57

Lou, little Jess's prayer brought tears to my eyes what a caring young lady she is going to be. still thinking of you and sad for you. Why do these people have to keep banned breeds is it a macho thing? And the poor dog didn't ask to be born and obviously had not been trained at all> These people make me sick.
