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BrendafromWales Report 19 Jan 2008 22:36

I notice someone mentioned Derbac.Is this a soap as it used to be? It was a black bar of soap.
I remember getting nits after I'd been in hospital in the 1940's,and my mum swore by Derbac soap,and I had very long hair,but would sit on a stool at my mother's knee while she brushed it with a wire brush,and once a week with a fine tooth comb.The school nurse commented on the shine on my hair,and said that she was wise to use Derbac as a regular shampoo.
It is my belief that today's shampoos are glorified detergents,and a chemist once told me that the soft green soap that you buy in a jar at the chemist's doesn't take away the natural oils,and is much better for your hair.
It seems that tea tree oil is the more natural option though than using chemicals.
Good luck girls.Glad I don't have the worry of that these days,but do feel for you in your war against nits!!


KempinaPartyhat Report 19 Jan 2008 22:41

any shampoo and tea tree oil ...everyday for a week AND conditioner and wash that out and comb..........just keep going

My son had them bad and I put tea tree oil on cotton wool and rubbed his head ...left over night and washed out

remember to test on skin first .........behind ear for a couple of hours

♥~Muffy! ~♥

♥~Muffy! ~♥ Report 19 Jan 2008 22:43

Derbac is a lotion same as all the others.

It's the first time I've used it but it was on the recommendation of a nurse so I'm giving it a whirl xx


Abigail Report 19 Jan 2008 22:45

I wouldn't mind but it really is a case of keep going!

My little girl comes home with adult lice every day.

and I was spending two hours combing through her thick bottom length hair.

It drove her, and me, daft.

But the only option - as the trollope responsible will not treat her own child - was to cut it and spend four minutes a day combing it.

I cannot cuddle her until after I have got her home and combed it. Otherwise I will get them again - and i have already had to cancel two hairdressers appointments!

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸ Report 19 Jan 2008 22:47

Derbac caused my daughter to get eczema......shes still suffering from it and that was about 4yrs ago.

I use Hedrin now and find it works for us but whatever you use you must repeat it seven days later incase you miss any eggs and then they would hatch and start the cycle again,



KempinaPartyhat Report 19 Jan 2008 22:47

we were told that .....
to brush their hair when they got home coz it breaks the headlices legs so they cant move around!!!......laying eggs


Abigail Report 19 Jan 2008 22:49

Nah! but I do enjoy hearing them pop and seeing the blood on a white piece of paper.

the headmaster is a bit squeamish and i thought I might give it to him as a little illustration of our problems!


BrendafromWales Report 19 Jan 2008 23:02

I suppose the Derbac today may be different from all those years ago,and have chemicals in.It certainly smelled of antiseptic,and would not have had the irritants in it,or the chemicals used today.


Abigail Report 19 Jan 2008 23:04

By the way, I made a lavender essential oil spray by diluting with water and I make a habit of spraying her as she gets ready for school.

Stops her hair looking so mad in the morning - she has Harry Potter hair but blonde.

And also cuts down the number of lice she brings home in the afternoon by about half.

This is consistent after I started using it so I am assuming it is the spray and not that the trollop has begun combing half her child's lice out!


Abigail Report 19 Jan 2008 23:05

Oh, and it makes her much quieter and calm as she sets off to school.

My two ping off the ceiling in a morning, you see!

♥~Muffy! ~♥

♥~Muffy! ~♥ Report 19 Jan 2008 23:05

Actually it smells ok. don't know how effective it is but it's far from the worst smelling one I've come across lol xx


Sarahh Report 19 Jan 2008 23:59

Tea tree was good for killing them in my sisters hair and the conditioner and the comb, but there were that many as we were tirelessly trying to get rid of them they just seemed to be more coming every time we combed her hair when she came back from school that I think in the end Derbac was the only one to get rid of my sisters infestation and that was only about 3 years ago.

We had tried all the ones mentioned here (Hedrin moose or shampoo versions had absolutley no effect on the lice in her hair they just would not shift) and used ones from the GP, all the ones the nurses and the school had recommended and none of them got rid of them they just seemed to irritate them even more than get rid until the pharmasist recommended Derbac.


eRRolSheep Report 20 Jan 2008 00:49

Well I always thought four pints of fine ale was a great remedy but my wife still won't believe me.


Maria Report 20 Jan 2008 01:29

we my kids were in little school every week i had to comb through my girls hair .I offered the headmistress that i would come in once a week and check all the kids hair..SHE HAD TO TURN ME DOWN AS THE LAW WAS MYSELF AND THE SCHOOL COULD BE DONE FOR ASSAULT IF WE TOUCHED A CHILLD WITH OUT PARENTAL CONSENT,the teachers are only allowed to touch a child on the elbow.human rights, where are mine???

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o°

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o° Report 20 Jan 2008 01:36

Work with kids, ideal job, 13 weeks a year holiday.

Down side
9 weeks a year unpaid
Money is rubbish
Nits are our monthly bonus

& would I change it? Not for a minute, unless someone can come up with a nit free world!

Kaz in a Tizz

Kaz in a Tizz Report 20 Jan 2008 01:40

I know it's boring but once a week with conditioner and nit comb worked for me wiv my lovable trio!
Once they had been cleared obviously.

Kaz x

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 20 Jan 2008 01:44

Claire I worked for 10 years in schools....only left coz I got fed up with the holidays...

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o°

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o° Report 20 Jan 2008 01:47

Hayley it's awful, I've got to work 4 weeks without a holiday


Maria Report 20 Jan 2008 01:50

Im not knocking teachers or teachers aids you all do a fantastic job i would not or couldnt do it ,what makes me cross is that when parents offer a little help and the silly laws of the land stop us using common sense.we could soon deal with problems like nits very quickly if the laws allowed.xx


eRRolSheep Report 20 Jan 2008 01:53

I think the problem here is that because of the litigation mad society we live in, certain parents may not like a complete stranger with no qualifications checking their child.
It is a very complex issue and one I have discussed at length at more than one governors' meeting.