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Abigail Report 22 Jan 2008 16:13

Yes I know but I had her hair in french plaits and tried a hair spray called cement!

I also tried wax - or rather she did - it took me 12 washes to get rid of the wax but the lice didn't seem to mind it I think that they were eating it.

As for clean/dirty she comes home with adult lice everyday regardless.

The solution is for every mother to comb their children's hair in synch, but that is not going to happen yet is it?

Oh well, good job I enjoy hearing the pop when I squash them!


TOR Report 22 Jan 2008 15:04

Not sure if this has been mentioned but my sister used to wash nieces hair on a Friday night ONLY during term time.

Niece never got nits - explanation behind this is nits like clean hair so your child is more likely to get them if you wash their hair the night before school.

T.O.R. ;o))


Donna Report 22 Jan 2008 14:58

Once you get rid of them all and send your child back to school spray their clean hair with Hair spray or coat it in hair gell. This seems to work at keeping them at bay. They can't run riot through the hair.

Yes its really annoying.

♥~Muffy! ~♥

♥~Muffy! ~♥ Report 20 Jan 2008 19:56

That's a brilliant plan of action. I will ask about tomorrow and see if any other parent is with me on this...... I'm sure they will be.

As for the the little girl......... I quite agree..... I have friends who would cherish her that can't have children of their is very cruel sometimes xx


Abigail Report 20 Jan 2008 19:52

I am now going to give all the other mum's a copy of the school nurses number so that we can all phone to strongly complain this week.

Then they will have to be seen to do something as it will have been logged.

I think it would be lovely to comb through only twice a week but as she comes home with somebody else's adult lice every day I have to comb everyday to protect the rest of us in this house.

Can you imagine your GP catching lice off his daughter and bringing them into the surgery the day after?!!

What we are hoping to do is have three bug busting days, where we all get together at school and comb our children's hair. Those who cannot make it will have offers from us, that we will comb their children's hair for them.

Seven days later we will do it again and then seven days after that so that the full cycle is broken.

The school nurse will then be able to identify any at risk child and contact social services.

The heartbreaking thing is that there is one and she is the most gorgeous little fairy. Her mother doesn't deserve her and yet ...

Well my friend would have given her eye teeth for a baby and she will never be able to have one.

It is so unfair, the little one that they are all whispering about deserves better than she has got but that can be said about so many children today can't it?

I wonder if it did used to be any different?

♥~Muffy! ~♥

♥~Muffy! ~♥ Report 20 Jan 2008 10:09

Just read through all the responses. Thanks so much everyone. I'm so glad it's not just me !!!

I've just made a lavender/water spray to spritz them with in the mornings and I have a leave in conditioner lined up for them once I've washed this gunk off their hair. Fingers crossed it may deter the little beggars from jumping back on!

I also would be happy to go into the school and treat kids hair and I find it frustrating that I'm not allowed to do anything constructive to help this situation.xx


T J Report 20 Jan 2008 10:03

I know this sounds sick - but I heard that Flea Shampoo might work -

Just being very careful not to get it in the little ones eyes .........

Little Lost

Little Lost Report 20 Jan 2008 09:56

the robi comb was the only thing I found effective. Exterminate the little so and so's

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 20 Jan 2008 08:55

Having had 3 daughters, all adults now, go through school and having no nits...........and a 9 year old now who gets them regularly no matter what I do......I say bring back the nit nurse!!

Sending infected children home and not allowing them back until they are clear is the only answer...................big fat lice get onto a childs hair and lay eggs in a very short time, so the cycle can't be broken all the time a few parents refuse to treat their childrens hair.

I have seen children scratching away day after day with eggs and empty egg cases down the whole length of their hair, so know they have been untreated for months...............grrrrrr!!!



Jan Report 20 Jan 2008 08:49

my youngest was always getting them at the primary school, it doesnt help that her hair is down to her butt!
Every other night we went through the performance of combing it all out for months. The school then rang me one day and asked if I would like to borrow a video they had for getting rid of lice as it had been noted she had them again. You can imagine the air was pretty blue.


Tracey Report 20 Jan 2008 07:53

I used the lotions and stuff when my daughter was younger but for me they never did any good. I ended up buying one of the electronic zappers and religiously went through her hair with it every night until they were gone and then every 2nd or 3rd night after that to keep on top of it.

I've seen kids before now literally crawling with em and as you say it makes you really angry that other parents don't do anything about it, even when they are so blatently there!!
(off for a scratch now!! lol)


Maria Report 20 Jan 2008 02:12

Its so wrong when my kids were of school age{they are now very nearly 18} i was lucky enough not to have to go to work so i could offer my services to the school free of charge.I had had police checks done{when they were at playgroup}the head said she would love more parent input but the law stopped her
using us because she could be sued.what is wrong with us we allow these rules to become laws.i wish i could understand.xx

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o°

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o° Report 20 Jan 2008 02:04

Hayley I have one of the best jobs in the world, I just have to time my hairdresser appointments with a great deal of skill!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 20 Jan 2008 01:59

Can I just point I didnt come in to much contact with the children but still had to CRB checked we was paid pro rata and was on £9.00 an hour and was paid 5 weeks a year holidays but I got fed up with taking my holidays out of term time...

and I didnt teach them

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o°

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o° Report 20 Jan 2008 01:54

Newbe we could not agree more. I have to attack my hair with a fine tooth comb at least twice a week, spend a fortune on lotions & potions & there is nothing I can do about it.
One of our ladies picked up a nit comb a few weeks ago & I had to remind her that she was walking a very fine wire despite the fact she'd picked out 10 from the child's head with her fingers!


eRRolSheep Report 20 Jan 2008 01:53

I think the problem here is that because of the litigation mad society we live in, certain parents may not like a complete stranger with no qualifications checking their child.
It is a very complex issue and one I have discussed at length at more than one governors' meeting.


Maria Report 20 Jan 2008 01:50

Im not knocking teachers or teachers aids you all do a fantastic job i would not or couldnt do it ,what makes me cross is that when parents offer a little help and the silly laws of the land stop us using common sense.we could soon deal with problems like nits very quickly if the laws allowed.xx

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o°

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o° Report 20 Jan 2008 01:47

Hayley it's awful, I've got to work 4 weeks without a holiday

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 20 Jan 2008 01:44

Claire I worked for 10 years in schools....only left coz I got fed up with the holidays...

Kaz in a Tizz

Kaz in a Tizz Report 20 Jan 2008 01:40

I know it's boring but once a week with conditioner and nit comb worked for me wiv my lovable trio!
Once they had been cleared obviously.

Kaz x