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Rosalind in Madeira

Rosalind in Madeira Report 19 Jan 2008 21:51

Think the alcohol breaks down any waxy coating on the nits, and then allows the other treatments to work.

It is pretty horrifying to think that even grandparents and aunts aren't treating themselves. I have never had them and neither have my sister's children.

Hope you get them sorted soon.



Pam59 Report 19 Jan 2008 21:50

The thing is, even if you gave the parents the lotion at your own expense, would they be bothered to use it. It might just be to much like hard work for them. It might take them away from the telly or something really important!!


Jax in Wales

Jax in Wales Report 19 Jan 2008 21:47

I know how you feel i couldnt let my kids walk round knowing they had them thats why i check us all every night but seems some have much more important things to do makes me mad. If i see nits in any of my kids friends hair i will tell their mother myself if they dont like it tough they should think enough of their kids to look after them properly.

I can only ever remember having nits once as a child but my mum used to go through our hair everynight to make sure.

♥~Muffy! ~♥

♥~Muffy! ~♥ Report 19 Jan 2008 21:45

I agree Mandy.

I'd name and shame them personally in the school newsletter or at least provide them with the lotions at my own expense........ but these people just don't do shame xx

Mandy in Wiltshire

Mandy in Wiltshire Report 19 Jan 2008 21:43

Besides being a Mum, I also worked as a School Administrator so I know how frustrating this problem is for the majority of parents.

We could name the child from each class whose parent would never treat their headlice. We organised information days, stickers, free combs, anything you can think of but there were still the few who couldn't be bothered and therefore passed them round the class time after time after time.

I think it would be brilliant if someone in school was allowed to treat the headlice of the few whose parents didn't do it, but of course nobody is allowed to lay a finger on their nitty darlings for fear of repercussions!

Mandy :)

♥~Muffy! ~♥

♥~Muffy! ~♥ Report 19 Jan 2008 21:39

Thing is Jax even if I do get it free from the doctors.......... the parents that aren't bothering are draining the NHS even more than necessary. It is disgraceful. I would be mortified if my child were over run with them and infecting other kids.

It's about time parents were made to take responsibility for this........ this was never such a problem when I was a kid. If a child had nits they were sent home til they were gone. End of. Now everyone is so scared of upsetting people that they are scared to address the issue. I don't recall any child being stigmatised at school for being sent home with nits.

If anything we were all dead jealous !!!!!!! xx


Pam59 Report 19 Jan 2008 21:37

I know the feeling. Every time my 18month old grandaughter goes to her other nans or her dads sister she comes back full of them. My daughters mil has even sat in my house scratching permanently. Her son my sil has spoken to them about it on more than one occasion, but they refuse to even check their hair! It's irresponsible people like them that make it hard for all of us others.
I now use the hair conditioner and nit comb. It seems to work well at the moment. Wish someone could cokme up with a complete cure or an anti nit spray that repels them permanently.


*Helen S

*Helen S Report 19 Jan 2008 21:37

Ta Mousy


♥**♥Straykitten♥**♥ Report 19 Jan 2008 21:33

i havent had this porblem for a long time but

every other wash i use a anti headlice shampoo it does have tee tree in it i got mine from homebargains

its only bought a £1

dont no if this works of just the fact i tigh the girls hair up in plaits n buns lol

*Helen S

*Helen S Report 19 Jan 2008 21:31

Do you have the website to hand Mousy?
I was told that the (traditional) comb breaks their legs even if you don't get them out. So they die of starvation since they can't cling on near the scalp. nice.

Jax in Wales

Jax in Wales Report 19 Jan 2008 21:29

In some areas you can get the lotion from the doctors Muffy id give it a try the worse thing they can say is no.

I cant use it on Boo because it makes her eczema worse so have to use conditioner on her hair and comb through it for hours till shes clear, i go through her hair everynight so i can nip it in the bud if she has caught them. I have found though she catches them less since i have been using a leave in conditioner on her hair though.

Cumbrian Caz~**~

Cumbrian Caz~**~ Report 19 Jan 2008 21:29



Cazzles xxxxx

OOps for caps lock

♥~Muffy! ~♥

♥~Muffy! ~♥ Report 19 Jan 2008 21:28

Was it Hedrin Ann........ Cos that was the last one I tried.

Helen lol I wish I could just ignore it and get bladdered on the vodka but me and vodka aren't good friends. lol

Colin I'll go to the herbalists on monday, we have one in town. xx

*Helen S

*Helen S Report 19 Jan 2008 21:28

I did get the electronic comb, which emits a harmless current? According to my kids it's not harmless, I got OH to use it on me and it does hurt a bit. £20 wasted.

~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 19 Jan 2008 21:28

The teatree conditioner worked for me, if you use it everytime you wash the kids and yours hair it should keep them in check. Or buy a zapper for £15 and do it everyday when they come in from work.

Don't forget that nits can hide on clothes, seat backs (including the car) and pillows.

Colin from Hampshire

Colin from Hampshire Report 19 Jan 2008 21:28

lol :)

*Helen S

*Helen S Report 19 Jan 2008 21:26

Muffy, just drink the vodka then you won't care...
Perhaps tht's what the other parents are doing come to think of it!

Colin from Hampshire

Colin from Hampshire Report 19 Jan 2008 21:26

Muffy :)

I hope you find the solution we used, one thing we were warned though was not to let the spirit used anywhere near a naked flame when being used until washed out , obvious reasons Hopefully a local herbalist will be able to help you.


AnninGlos Report 19 Jan 2008 21:26

I read an article recently that said they were immune to most treatment these days. it quoted the one treatment that still worked. Can't remember what it was but it began with H. also mentioned Tea Tree as being effective still.


♥~Muffy! ~♥

♥~Muffy! ~♥ Report 19 Jan 2008 21:26


Is it the one with the wavy teeth....... costs about a tenner? I have that. That's how I found the little blighter earlier.

I HATE the idea of my kids having crawly stuff in their hair. I can't believe other parents are so blase about it xx