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im totally gob smacked updated

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SIR  Andy of the garter

SIR Andy of the garter Report 25 Jan 2008 21:08



AnnCardiff Report 25 Jan 2008 21:10

I'm a thwarted journalist Colin!!! Just love getting my teeth into a good letter or article. I'm very hopeful that my local paper will print my letter re the Greek Tragedy - Mental Illness thread - hopefully tomorrow or maybe Monday - will keep you posted. Never been successful with the nationals but there again have only written two to the Daily Mail. I was a runner up in a national letter writing competition years ago with the Good Housekeeping magazine and received a stack of stationery and a briefcase! That's my only piece of journalistic fame sadly but there's still time

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 25 Jan 2008 21:20

Pm'd you as I share your views so much

Selena in South East London

Selena in South East London Report 25 Jan 2008 21:23

Kirsten, what a horrible experience for you and your friend. I probably would be shaking with fright if it happened to me.

It's certainly something to tell the grandchildren when you are older :)

Please let us know if you get any response from your letters. Fingers crossed for a good response.



kirstendeanne Report 25 Jan 2008 21:29

andy i have no reason to change my bank i may have been publicly humilitated but i havent done anything wrong so when i do finally go back in there it will be with my head held high

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 26 Jan 2008 05:21

I think it is disgraceful!! Hope you get an apology etc.
My son was on the phone to me and said he could see lots of police, they had stopped a girl in a car and arrested her, and were searching her car really well. She was just on her way down to Sainsbury's the only road down there and he can see it from his kitchen window.
Wonder what she had done, at least it was dark and not many people about.

Ann you and I are so alike, I was always writing letters to papers and magazines, had several small prizes at times, and also had lots of penfriends years ago.



Huia Report 26 Jan 2008 09:29

A couple of years ago I got 2 identical letters from the police claiming that my vehicle had been seen in a certain street at a certain time and date and that it had collided with another vehicle and absconded without giving particulars. I was gobsmacked as I hadnt been in any accident and hadnt been in the street. When I looked at the calendar I found I would have been driving down the main road (the street goes off it) at about that time. Then I remembered I would have had a passenger, so asked her if we had collided with anybody. She confirmed we hadnt. I think the driver of the other car had backed into something and as I passed along the main road just then she noted my details to put in a claim for insurance. I just hope she gets her come-uppance some time.


AnnCardiff Report 26 Jan 2008 09:32

That makes three of us then Liz cos Staffordshire Colin does the same as us!! He's actually had a letter printed in the Daily Telegraph no less!!!

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 27 Jan 2008 04:54

Really? Well done Colin. Many many years ago I had a letter published in something like the Daily Mirror or the Sun, in response to a letter from a mother of a young man who reckoned us young girls were all temptresses and tarts to lead her sons astray! I wrote back saying what a load of rubbish it was and that some of us were virgins etc (stop laughing you lot) and the letter was published. Then I received a big brown envelope from the newspaper, full of letters from young men wanting to meet me lol
I did make contact with a few but nothing came of the meetings, they were all geeks!

I probably still have the letters somewhere - I kept them to read and make me laugh.


AnnCardiff Report 27 Jan 2008 09:43

pass those letters on to me Liz - feeling a bit lonely!!

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 28 Jan 2008 02:23

Would if I could find them, Ann the chaps would all be about 60 ish now lol I could do with a few names and addresses too, defo time for a change, and my little black book is very thin lol



kirstendeanne Report 28 Jan 2008 14:11

went into woolworths today spoke to the manager he apologized to me and my friend and also has said next time i shop in there he is going to knock money off my bill
all my waiting for now is a letter back from the police


AnnCardiff Report 28 Jan 2008 14:18

well that's a good outcome then Kirsten!


kirstendeanne Report 28 Jan 2008 14:22

that letter you wrote me to woolworths i emailed it to their customers service team that day lets say their reply was blunt and rude
so thats why i went in there today i didnt want to let it lie
im happy now i have an apology


AnnCardiff Report 28 Jan 2008 14:34

good for you, but I would have expected better of them - still they did apologise in the end - perhaps they'll think twice before they allow something like to happen again


kirstendeanne Report 28 Jan 2008 14:49

funny thing was the manager knew nothing about the incident when i spoke to him


AnnCardiff Report 28 Jan 2008 14:55

how strange! wonder who sent the reply then

Bren from Oldham

Bren from Oldham Report 28 Jan 2008 15:08

I have only just read your thread and I know how devastated you must have felt when you were suspected of being a thief
A few months ago my daughter and 19yr old grandson went into a shop she made some purchases the manager appeared shouting out that my grandson was a thief and was wanted by the police and had phoned them
He was taken to the police station protesting his innocence it took 2 hours to confirm that he was not the lad they were looking for although there were some similarties
My daughter went back to the shop to demand an apology from the manager which he refused to give so she contacted his head office about the incident
The result was the manager got moved to another store because there had been complaints about hime before



Laura Report 28 Jan 2008 15:26

God, how utterly humiliating for you both.
You deserve an explanation from the police as to why you were searched in public, they have blackened your good name!! it's not on. I hope you get some compensation, even if it's in the form of a 'public' apology.
Laura xxx


kirstendeanne Report 28 Jan 2008 15:44

ann of green gables the email was sent to woolworths customer relations office not the branch itsself and the day the incident happened the crawley branch manager was not there and he wasnt informed when he came back to work on what had happened so he is looking into it so basically the whole thing was cock up from begining to end!!!!!