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im totally gob smacked updated

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AnnCardiff Report 28 Jan 2008 15:46

well let's hope some heads roll!


Lyndi Report 28 Jan 2008 16:33

Apart from the public humiliation of two innocent people, the worst part about all this is the fact that we now have police officers in this country who are prepared to treat you as if you are guilty and believe you are guilty of an offence with absolutely no proof at all.

The whole ethos of British justice - innocent until proven guilty - has been cast aside, and will continue to be so in the future, by the very people who are in the front line of supposedly trying to uphold justice in this country - our police force.


AnnCardiff Report 28 Jan 2008 16:38

well said Lynda - this is not supposed to be a police state but I feel it's moving towards one

*ღ*Dee in Bexleyheath*ღ*

*ღ*Dee in Bexleyheath*ღ* Report 28 Jan 2008 16:51

I think we have to remember that the law gives the police the right to stop and search anybody (under certain conditions)...see here:-

I've never been the subject of a stop and search, and fully understand how humiliating and embarrasing it must be....BUT...when MY handbag and purse were stolen last summer, I wish the police had turned up and searched everyone in the vicinity!



kirstendeanne Report 28 Jan 2008 17:48

i had no problem being searched it was just the way it was done and where
its an awful feeling having your purse stolen mine was taken last year out of my bag when i was down my local shops never did get it back all i really wanted back was the picture of my mum and kids which was in the purse